Articles | Volume 20, issue 20
Research article
19 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 19 Oct 2023

Spatial and temporal variability of methane emissions and environmental conditions in a hyper-eutrophic fishpond

Petr Znachor, Jiří Nedoma, Vojtech Kolar, and Anna Matoušů

Data sets

Matousu/Znachor-at-al.-2023: v1.0.0 (v1.0) A. Matousu

Short summary
We conducted intensive spatial sampling of the hypertrophic fishpond to better understand the spatial dynamics of methane fluxes and environmental heterogeneity in fishponds. The diffusive fluxes of methane accounted for only a minor fraction of the total fluxes and both varied pronouncedly within the pond and over the studied summer season. This could be explained only by the water depth. Wind substantially affected temperature, oxygen and chlorophyll a distribution in the pond.
Final-revised paper