Articles | Volume 20, issue 20
Research article
25 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 25 Oct 2023

Conceptual models of dissolved carbon fluxes in a two-layer stratified lake: interannual typhoon responses under extreme climates

Hao-Chi Lin, Keisuke Nakayama, Jeng-Wei Tsai, and Chih-Yu Chiu

Data sets

JGR2020BGS (v1.0) K. Nakayama

Short summary
We successfully developed conceptual models to examine how dissolved carbon distributions change with climate within a small subtropical lake, considering both physical and biochemical processes. Typhoons controlled the seasonal and interannual variation in C fluxes due to large amounts of carbon loading and rapid mixing within the whole lake, resulting in the net primary production being 3.14 times higher in typhoon years than in non-typhoon years in Yuan‒Yang Lake.
Final-revised paper