Articles | Volume 20, issue 21
Research article
08 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 08 Nov 2023

Sap flow and leaf gas exchange response to a drought and heatwave in urban green spaces in a Nordic city

Joyson Ahongshangbam, Liisa Kulmala, Jesse Soininen, Yasmin Frühauf, Esko Karvinen, Yann Salmon, Anna Lintunen, Anni Karvonen, and Leena Järvi

Data sets

Datasets of sap flow, meteorological, leaf gas measurements in urban green areas in Helsinki Joyson Ahongshangbam, Liisa Kulmala, and Leena Järvi

Short summary
Urban vegetation is important for removing urban CO2 emissions and cooling. We studied the response of urban trees' functions (photosynthesis and transpiration) to a heatwave and drought at four urban green areas in the city of Helsinki. We found that tree water use was increased during heatwave and drought periods, but there was no change in the photosynthesis rates. The heat and drought conditions were severe at the local scale but were not excessive enough to restrict urban trees' functions.
Final-revised paper