Articles | Volume 20, issue 23
Research article
07 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 07 Dec 2023

Dune belt restoration effectiveness assessed by UAV topographic surveys (northern Adriatic coast, Italy)

Regine Anne Faelga, Luigi Cantelli, Sonia Silvestri, and Beatrice Maria Sole Giambastiani

Data sets

Dataset for the study 'Dune belt restoration effectiveness assessed by UAV topographic surveys (northern Adriatic coast, Italy) R. A. Faelga, L. Cantelli, S. Silvestri, B. M. S. Giambastiani

Model code and software

Dataset for the study 'Dune belt restoration effectiveness assessed by UAV topographic surveys (northern Adriatic coast, Italy) R. A. Faelga, L. Cantelli, S. Silvestri, and B. M. S. Giambastiani

Geomorphic Change Detection Software, Riverscapes Consortium P. Bailey, J. Wheaton, M. Reimer, and J. Brasington

Short summary
A dune restoration project on the northern Adriatic coast (Ravenna, Italy) was assessed using UAV monitoring. Structure-from-motion photogrammetry, elevation differencing, and statistical analysis were used to quantify dune development in terms of sand volume and vegetation cover change. Results show that the installed fence has been effective as there was significant sand accumulation, embryo dune development, and a decrease in blowout features due to increased vegetation colonization.
Final-revised paper