Articles | Volume 20, issue 24
Research article
19 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 19 Dec 2023

Revisiting the applicability and constraints of molybdenum- and uranium-based paleo redox proxies: comparing two contrasting sill fjords

K. Mareike Paul, Martijn Hermans, Sami A. Jokinen, Inda Brinkmann, Helena L. Filipsson, and Tom Jilbert


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Short summary
Seawater naturally contains trace metals such as Mo and U, which accumulate under low oxygen conditions on the seafloor. Previous studies have used sediment Mo and U contents as an archive of changing oxygen concentrations in coastal waters. Here we show that in fjords the use of Mo and U for this purpose may be impaired by additional processes. Our findings have implications for the reliable use of Mo and U to reconstruct oxygen changes in fjords.
Final-revised paper