Articles | Volume 20, issue 24
Research article
21 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 21 Dec 2023

Impact of seawater sulfate concentration on sulfur concentration and isotopic composition in calcite of two cultured benthic foraminifera

Caroline Thaler, Guillaume Paris, Marc Dellinger, Delphine Dissard, Sophie Berland, Arul Marie, Amandine Labat, and Annachiara Bartolini

Model code and software

Thermodynamic and mathematical concepts of CHESS, Technical Report Nr. LHM/RD/98/39 CIG – Ecole des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France J. van der Lee

Short summary
Our study focuses on one of the most used microfossils in paleoenvironmental reconstructions: foraminifera. We set up a novel approach of long-term cultures under variable and controlled conditions. Our results highlight that foraminiferal tests can be used as a unique record of both SO42−/CaCO3 and δ34S seawater variation. This establishes geological formations composed of biogenic carbonates as a potential repository of paleoenvironmental seawater sulfate chemical and geochemical variation.
Final-revised paper