Articles | Volume 21, issue 7
Research article
08 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 08 Apr 2024

The calcitic test growth rate of Spirillina vivipara (Foraminifera)

Yukiko Nagai, Katsuyuki Uematsu, Briony Mamo, and Takashi Toyofuku

Video supplement

Supplementary Movie 1: S. vivipara forming a test within 20 minutes observed from the dorsal side Yukiko Nagai and Takashi Toyofuku

Supplementary Movie 2: S. vivipara forming a test within 20 minutes observed from the ventral side Yukiko Nagai and Takashi Toyofuku

Short summary
This research highlights Spirillina vivipara's calcification strategy, highlighting variability in foraminiferal test formation. By examining its rapid growth and high calcification rate, we explain ecological strategies correlating with its broad coastal distribution. These insights amplify our understanding of foraminiferal ecology and underscore their impact on marine carbon cycling and paleoclimate studies, advocating for a species-specific approach in future research.
Final-revised paper