Articles | Volume 21, issue 10
Research article
22 May 2024
Research article |  | 22 May 2024

Hydrodynamic and biochemical impacts on the development of hypoxia in the Louisiana–Texas shelf – Part 1: roles of nutrient limitation and plankton community

Yanda Ou and Z. George Xue

Data sets

Supported codes and data for ``Hydrodynamic and biochemical impacts on the development of hypoxia in the Louisiana--Texas shelf Part 1: roles of nutrient limitation and plankton community'' Y. Ou

Model code and software

Supported codes and data for ``Hydrodynamic and biochemical impacts on the development of hypoxia in the Louisiana--Texas shelf Part 1: roles of nutrient limitation and plankton community'' Y. Ou

Short summary
Developed for the Gulf of Mexico (2006–2020), a 3D hydrodynamic–biogeochemical model validated against in situ data reveals the impact of nutrients and plankton diversity on dissolved oxygen dynamics. It highlights the role of physical processes, sediment oxygen consumption, and nutrient distribution in shaping bottom oxygen levels and hypoxia. The model underscores the importance of complex plankton interactions for understanding primary production and hypoxia evolution.
Final-revised paper