Articles | Volume 21, issue 12
Research article
20 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 20 Jun 2024

Integration of tree hydraulic processes and functional impairment to capture the drought resilience of a semiarid pine forest

Daniel Nadal-Sala, Rüdiger Grote, David Kraus, Uri Hochberg, Tamir Klein, Yael Wagner, Fedor Tatarinov, Dan Yakir, and Nadine K. Ruehr

Model code and software

LandscapeDNDC (v1.30.4) Klaus Butterbach-Bahl et al.

Short summary
A hydraulic model approach is presented that can be added to any physiologically based ecosystem model. Simulated plant water potential triggers stomatal closure, photosynthesis decline, root–soil resistance increases, and sapwood and foliage senescence. The model has been evaluated at an extremely dry site stocked with Aleppo pine and was able to represent gas exchange, soil water content, and plant water potential. The model also responded realistically regarding leaf senescence.
Final-revised paper