Articles | Volume 21, issue 12
Technical note
25 Jun 2024
Technical note |  | 25 Jun 2024

Technical note: An open-source, low-cost system for continuous monitoring of low nitrate concentrations in soil and open water

Sahiti Bulusu, Cristina Prieto García, Helen E. Dahlke, and Elad Levintal

Data sets

An open-source, low-cost system for continuous monitoring of low nitrate concentrations in soil and open water Sahiti Bulusu and Elad Levintal

Short summary
Do-it-yourself hardware is a new way to improve measurement resolution. We present a low-cost, automated system for field measurements of low nitrate concentrations in soil porewater and open water bodies. All data hardware components cost USD 1100, which is much cheaper than other available commercial solutions. We provide the complete building guide to reduce technical barriers, which we hope will allow easier reproducibility and set up new soil and environmental monitoring applications.
Final-revised paper