Articles | Volume 21, issue 16
Research article
22 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 22 Aug 2024

High-frequency continuous measurements reveal strong diel and seasonal cycling of pCO2 and CO2 flux in a mesohaline reach of the Chesapeake Bay

A. Whitman Miller, Jim R. Muirhead, Amanda C. Reynolds, Mark S. Minton, and Karl J. Klug

Data sets

Dataset: High frequency, continuous measurements reveal strong diel and seasonal cycling of pCO2 and CO2 flux in a mesohaline reach of the Chesapeake Bay A. W. Miller et al.

Short summary

High frequency pCO2 measurements reveal net neutral CO2 flux in a mesohaline reach of the Chesapeake Bay. Net off-gassing to the atmosphere begins in June when water temperatures rise above ~26ºC, continuing through November when temperatures fall below ~10ºC. Dissolved CO2 concentrations follow day–night cycles and are especially pronounced in warm waters. From December through May, the river is largely an uninterrupted sink for CO2 (i.e. CO2 is drawn out of the atmosphere into the river).

Final-revised paper