Articles | Volume 21, issue 21
Research article
01 Nov 2024
Research article |  | 01 Nov 2024

Bias in calculating gross nitrification rates in forested catchments using the triple oxygen isotopic composition (Δ17O) of stream nitrate

Weitian Ding, Urumu Tsunogai, and Fumiko Nakagawa

A novel method has been proposed and applied in recent studies to quantify gross nitrification rate (GNR) in forested catchments using the triple oxygen isotopic composition (Δ17O) of stream nitrate. However, the equations used in these calculations assume that the Δ17O value of nitrate consumed through assimilation or denitrification in forest soils is equal to the Δ17O value of stream nitrate. The GNR estimated from the Δ17O value of stream nitrate was significantly higher than the GNRs in our simulated calculations for a forested catchment where the soil nitrate had Δ17O values higher than those the stream nitrate. Given that most reported soil nitrate in forested catchments showed Δ17O values higher than those of the stream nitrate, we concluded that the GNR estimated from the Δ17O value of stream nitrate was, to an extent, an overestimate of the actual GNR.

1 Introduction

Nitrate (NO3-) is an important nitrogen nutrient for primary production in soils. Nitrification is the microbial process that produces NO3- in forested ecosystems. Thus, quantifying the nitrification rate can assist in the evaluation of the present and future states of forested ecosystems. The net nitrification rate can be estimated from an increase in NO3- concentration during a certain period. However, the gross nitrification rate (GNR), which includes the net nitrification rate plus the consumption rate of NO3- (e.g., through plant assimilation or denitrification), reflects the internal N cycling better than the net nitrification rate (Bengtsson et al., 2003), especially in forested ecosystems. Although the net nitrification rate is often negligible (Stark and Hart, 1997), the consumption rate is significant in forested ecosystems, such that the GNR often exceeds the net nitrification rate by several orders of magnitude (Verchot et al., 2001).

Recent studies have successfully estimated the GNR in aquatic environments, such as lakes, using the Δ17O values of NO3- as a conservative tracer to determine the mixing ratio between atmospheric nitrate (NO3-atm) and biologically produced nitrate (NO3-bio) (Tsunogai et al., 2011, 2018). The NO3-atm is deposited in the water environment, while NO3-bio is produced through nitrification. The NO3-bio always shows a Δ17O value close to 0 ‰ because its oxygen atoms are derived from either terrestrial O2 or H2O through nitrification. Contrarily, the NO3-atm always displays an anomalous enrichment in 17O with Δ17O value being approximately +26±3 ‰ in Japan (Tsunogai et al., 2010, 2016; Ding et al., 2022, 2023) because of oxygen transfers from atmospheric ozone (Michalski et al., 2003; Nelson et al., 2018). Additionally, Δ17O is almost stable during “mass-dependent” isotope fractionation processes (Michalski et al., 2004; Tsunogai et al., 2016). This is because possible variations in the δ17O and δ18O values during the processes of biogeochemical isotope fractionation follow the relation of δ17O  0.5 δ18O, which cancels out the variations in the Δ17O value. Thus, regardless of the partial consumption through denitrification or assimilation after deposition in a water column, the Δ17O can be used as a conservative tracer of NO3-atm to calculate the mixing ratio of NO3-atm to total NO3- (NO3-atm/NO3-total) in a water column using the following equation:

(1) [ NO 3 - atm ] / [ NO 3 - total ] = [ NO 3 - atm ] / ( [ NO 3 - bio ] + [ NO 3 - atm ] ) = Δ 17 O / Δ 17 O atm ,

where the Δ17Oatm and Δ17O denote the Δ17O values of NO3-atm and NO3- dissolved in the water environment, respectively. Using the NO3-atm/NO3-total ratio estimated from the Δ17O value of NO3- in a lake water column and the deposition rate of NO3-atm into the lake, the GNR (i.e., production rate of NO3-bio) can be successfully estimated. This approach works because the NO3-atm/NO3-total ratios are homogeneous in the water column due to the active vertical mixing; thus, we can constrain the NO3-atm/NO3-total ratios of NO3- consumed in the lake water column (Tsunogai et al., 2011, 2018).

In addition to applications in water environments, the Δ17O method has been applied to forested catchments to determine GNR (Fang et al., 2015; Hattori et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2020). Using the deposition flux of NO3-atm into the catchment and the leaching flux of unprocessed NO3-atm and NO3-bio via streams, the GNR in a forested catchment was estimated similarly to the estimation for water environments (Fang et al., 2015). However, unlike in water environments, where the NO3-atm/NO3-total ratio of nitrate consumed in the water column can be easily measured, it is often difficult to determine the NO3-atm/NO3-total ratio of NO3- consumed in soil layers. Consequently, past studies have approximated these values as equal to those of stream NO3- leached from forested catchments without actual observation (Fang et al., 2015; Hattori et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2020). Such an approximation should be used with extreme caution, as the NO3-atm/NO3-total ratios (Δ17O values) of soil NO3- are not always equal to those of stream NO3- (Hattori et al., 2019; Rose, 2014; Nakagawa et al., 2018). To clarify the details of the approximation and its impact on the final estimated GNR, we present an accurate relationship between the Δ17O of soil NO3- and the GNR using basic isotope mass balance equations. Thereafter, we present a possible range of variation in the GNRs estimated for a forested catchment, using parameters such as Δ17O values of stream NO3- reported in a past study. Finally, we compared the GNRs estimated in this study with those obtained from the Δ17O values of stream NO3-.

2 Calculation

The total mass balance equation of NO3- including the GNR in catchments can be expressed as follows:

(2) NO 3 - deposition + GNR = NO 3 - leaching + NO 3 - uptake + GDR ,

where NO3-deposition, GNR, NO3-leaching, NO3-uptake, and GDR denote the deposition flux of NO3- into the catchment, GNR in the catchment, leaching flux of NO3- from the catchment, uptake rate of NO3- in the catchment, and gross denitrification rate in the catchment, respectively.

The isotope mass balance for each Δ17O value of NO3- in the catchment can be expressed using a similar equation:

(3) NO 3 - deposition × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) atm + GNR × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) nitrification = NO 3 - leaching × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) stream + NO 3 - uptake × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) uptake + GDR × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) denitrification ,

where Δ17O(NO3-)atm, Δ17O(NO3-)nitrification, Δ17O(NO3-)stream, Δ17O(NO3-)uptake, and Δ17O(NO3-)denitrification denote the Δ17O value of NO3-atm deposited into the catchment, that of the NO3-bio produced through nitrification, that of the NO3- leached from the catchment, that of the NO3- assimilated by plants and other organisms in the catchment, and that of the NO3- decomposed through denitrification in the catchment, respectively.

If the Δ17O values of the NO3- in the forested soil layers, where the NO3- was consumed through assimilation or denitrification, are equal to the Δ17O value of NO3- in the stream, we could obtain Eq. (4):

(4) Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) uptake = Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) denitrification = Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) stream .

Consequently, by combining Eqs. (3) and (4), we could obtain Eq. (5):

(5) NO 3 - deposition × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) atm + GNR × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) nitrification = ( NO 3 - leaching + NO 3 - uptake + GDR ) × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) stream .

We could estimate the GNR using Eq. (6) obtained from Eqs. (2) and (5) because we can approximate the Δ17O values of NO3-bio produced through nitrification (Δ17O(NO3-)nitrification) to 0 (Michalski et al., 2003; Tsunogai et al., 2010):

(6) GNR = NO 3 - deposition × ( Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) atm - Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) stream ) / Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) stream .

Equation (6) corresponds to the equations used in previous studies to quantify the GNR in the forested catchments (Eq. 4 in Fang et al., 2015; Eq. 8 in Hattori et al., 2019; Eq. 4 in Huang et al., 2020).

Figure 1Distribution of NO3-atm in the simulated forested soil with heterogeneous distribution of Δ17O values of NO3- (a). Vertical distribution of the following parameters in the forested soil: assumed Δ17O values of NO3- (b), assumed leaching flux of NO3- (c), estimated NO3- consumption rate (GDR + uptake) (d), and estimated GNR (e).


3 Results and discussion

The Δ17O values of NO3- in forested soil layers should be equal to those of stream NO3- in Eq. (6), as presented in Eq. (4) to obtain Eq. (6). While the number of simultaneous observations of the oxygen isotopes of NO3- in soil and stream in a given forested catchment is limited (Hattori et al., 2019; Osaka et al., 2010; Rose, 2014; Nakagawa et al., 2018), the observations showed that the oxygen isotopic ratios of soil NO3- are often heterogeneous. In addition, the oxygen isotopic ratios of soil NO3- mostly exceeded those of stream NO3-. Different from water environments, vertical mixing of water and soil is limited in forested soil, so the Δ17O values of soil NO3- are often heterogeneous. For example, Hattori et al. (2019) found a decreasing Δ17O trend in soil NO3- with depth, ranging from over +20 ‰ at the surface to less than +3 ‰ at depths of 25–90 cm. Additionally, more than 60 % of the soil samples exhibited Δ17O values significantly higher than those of stream NO3- determined simultaneously (Δ17O(NO3-)stream+ 1 to +3 ‰). A similar trend in the vertical distribution was observed in the δ18O values of NO3- in another forested catchment, from above +35 ‰ at the surface soil to less than +10 ‰ at depths of 30–50 cm from the soil surface (Osaka et al., 2010). In addition, most of the soil NO3- also exhibited δ18O values higher than those of the stream NO3- (Osaka et al., 2010). Rose (2014) monitored the horizontal distribution of the Δ17O of soil NO3- by randomly setting 15 tension-free lysimeters at depths of 0–10 cm in a 39 ha forested catchment. They reported significantly higher Δ17O values in soil NO3- (+9.1± 5.8 ‰ on average) than those of stream NO3- (+0.5 ‰ on average) leached from the forested catchment. As most fine roots and root biomass are concentrated in the top 10 cm of the soil in forested catchments (Jackson et al., 1996; Li et al., 2020), most assimilation (uptake reactions) of NO3- should occur in that top 10 cm of soil. Consequently, the significant difference in the Δ17O values between soil NO3- and stream NO3-, particularly in surface soil layers, implies that the estimated GNRs in forested catchments obtained from Eq. (6) were inaccurate.

Figure 2Distribution of NO3-atm in the simulated forested soil with homogeneous distribution of Δ17O values of NO3- (a). Vertical distribution of the following parameters in the forested soil: assumed Δ17O values of NO3- (b), assumed leaching flux of NO3- (c), estimated NO3- consumption rate (GDR + uptake) (d), and estimated GNR (e).


To demonstrate the impact of this approximation on GNR estimation, we simulated GNR for two different forest soils within the same catchment. In the first scenario, soil NO3- exhibited a Δ17O value close to that of Δ17O(NO3-)atm at the surface, which decreased to the Δ17O of stream NO3- at depth (heterogeneous soil) (Fig. 1a and b). In the second scenario, soil NO3- had Δ17O values equal to those of stream NO3- throughout the soil profile (homogeneous soil) (Fig. 2a and b).

To simulate the forested catchment studied by Hattori et al. (2019), we used the same parameter values for the current calculation, including 7.0 kgNha-1yr-1 for NO3-deposition, 2.6 kgNha-1yr-1 for NO3-leaching, +28.0 ‰ for Δ17O(NO3-)atm, and +2.2 ‰ for Δ17O(NO3-)stream. All symbols (e.g., GNR) are consistent with those used by Hattori et al. (2019).

To estimate GNR in each forest soil type, we divided the soils into 10 vertical layers (i.e., 10 steps). In the heterogeneous soil, the Δ17O values of NO3- gradually decreased with depth, from +28.0 ‰ to +2.2 ‰, at a rate of 2.58 ‰ per step (Fig. 1b). In the homogeneous soil, Δ17O values of NO3- were constant at +2.2 ‰ across all layers (Fig. 2b). Note that the y axes in the models were layers, not depths (Tables S1–S3 in the Supplement). While the Δ17O values of soil NO3- always showed decreasing trends with depth irrespective of the season, Δ17O values of soil NO3- showed significant temporal variation at each depth (Hattori et al., 2019). This was the reason why the layers were adopted for the y axes in our models instead of depths. As a result, the specific depth of each layer varies over time. In addition, the relation between depth and layer is not always linear. The temporal variation found in the vertical distributions of Δ17O values in the forested catchment (Hattori et al., 2019) can be explained by our model as well without contradiction because the Δ17O values of soil NO3-, while showing large temporal variation at each depth, always showed decreasing trend with depth throughout their observation (Hattori et al., 2019).

To estimate GNR in each layer, both the Δ17O value and the NO3-leaching flux in soil are required. While Hattori et al. (2019) reported soil NO3- concentrations for each layer, indicating little vertical variation within the forested catchment, they did not measure the catchment water flux. Consequently, it is difficult to constrain the NO3-leaching flux for each layer of forest soil. Nevertheless, NO3-deposition was 7.0 kgNha-1yr-1 and NO3-leaching was 2.6 kgNha-1yr-1 in the catchment (Hattori et al., 2019). Additionally, because water fluxes decrease gradually with depth in various forest settings (e.g., Christiansen et al., 2006), we assumed a gradual decrease in NO3-leaching flux from 7.0 to 2.6 kgNha-1yr-1 at a rate of 0.44 kgNha-1yr-1 per layer (Figs. 1c and 2c). Similar trends in the NO3-leaching flux of soil have been observed in other forested catchments (Callesen et al., 1999; Inoue et al., 2021).

Applying the total mass balance and isotope mass balance equations (Eqs. 2 and 3) to each layer, we estimated GNR (Figs. 1e and 2e) and the total consumption rate of NO3- (GDR + uptake) (Figs. 1d and 2d) in each layer. In this calculation, we made the following assumptions: (1) Δ17O values of NO3- were constant in each layer, (2) vertical flow of NO3- in soil layers proceeds downward from the surface to the final layer (no. 10), and (3) GNR and the NO3- consumption rate (GDR + uptake) are 0 in layers beyond the final layer. By summing the GNR determined for each layer, we estimated the total GNR in the forested catchment.

The total GNR estimated for the catchment with the homogeneous Δ17O values in soil NO3- (homogeneous soil) was 83.6 kg of Nha-1yr-1 (Fig. 2e), exactly equal to that estimated by Hattori et al. (2019) using Eq. (6). This result allows us to further verify that past studies estimating GNR using Eq. (6) implicitly approximated that Δ17O values of soil NO3- consumed in forested catchments were homogeneous and always equal to those of stream NO3-. However, the total GNR estimated for the catchment with heterogeneous Δ17O values in soil NO3- (heterogeneous soil) was considerably lower (13.0 kg of Nha-1yr-1; Fig. 1e), while the same parameters were used for NO3-deposition, NO3-leaching, Δ17O(NO3-)atm, and Δ17O(NO3-)stream.

As we increased the number of layers in the forest soils to 20, 30, 50, 100, and 1000, the estimated GNR for the heterogeneous soil decreased to 11.4, 11.0, 10.5, 10.3, and 10.1 kgNha-1yr-1, respectively. Moreover, when we changed the calculation method from stepwise summation to integration, the estimated GNR was 11.2 kgNha-1yr-1. Furthermore, even if we assumed nonlinear variation for the leaching flux of soil NO3-, in which the leaching flux of soil NO3- increased with soil depth from layers 1 to 5 with an increasing rate of 0.44 kgNha-1yr-1 per layer, while the leaching flux decreased with soil depth from layers 6 to 10 with a decreasing rate of 1.32 kgNha-1yr-1 per layer (Table S3), the newly estimated total GNR (19.1 kgNha-1yr-1) was still comparable with that estimated for the forested catchment with the heterogeneous soil shown by Fig. 1 (13.0 kgNha-1yr-1). As a result, we concluded that the differences in the Δ17O values of the soil NO3- consumed in a forested catchment from that of stream NO3- resulted in a significant deviation in the GNR estimated using Eq. (6) from the actual GNR. In addition, the most important parameter to determine GNR was the Δ17O values of NO3- consumed in soil layers. That is, the other parameters, such as the number of layers and the vertical changes in the leaching flux of soil NO3-, had little impact on total GNR.

By combining the total mass balance and isotope mass balance shown in Eqs. (2) and (3), Eq. (7) was obtained to accurately estimate the total GNR:

(7) GNR = NO 3 - leaching - NO 3 - deposition + ( NO 3 - deposition × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) atm - NO 3 - leaching × Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) stream ) / Δ 17 O ( NO 3 - ) soil ,

where Δ17O(NO3-)soil denotes the “average” Δ17O of NO3- consumed through assimilation or denitrification in the forested catchment. Most of the soil NO3- measured to date exhibited Δ17O values higher than those of stream NO3- leached from the catchments (Hattori et al., 2019; Rose, 2014). Consequently, the total GNR estimated from stream NO3- using Eq. (6) exceeded the total GNR estimated from soil NO3- using Eq. (7) to an extent. Therefore, the total GNR estimated from Eq. (6) was overestimated to an extent.

If we can estimate the downward water flux at each soil layer, along with the NO3- concentration and Δ17O value of NO3- in each soil layer, using, e.g., a tension-free lysimeter (Inoue et al., 2021), we could estimate the vertical change in the NO3-leaching flux for each soil layer, along with the Δ17O values of soil NO3-. Thereafter, applying Eq. (6) to each layer, we can more accurately estimate the total GNR for the forested catchment by integrating the GNR estimated for each soil layer together with the NO3- consumption rate in the forested catchment.

4 Conclusion

Past studies have proposed the Δ17O method for determining the GNR in forested catchments. The equations used in the calculation implicitly assumed that the Δ17O values of NO3- consumed in forested soils are homogeneous and equal to those of the stream NO3-. However, the values are often heterogeneous and do not always equal those of the stream in forested soils. It is essential to clarify and verify the Δ17O values of NO3- in forested soils and streams before applying the Δ17O values of stream NO3- to estimate the total GNR.

Data availability

All data are presented in the Supplement.


The supplement related to this article is available online at:

Author contributions

WD, UT, and FN designed the study. WD and UT performed data analysis and wrote the paper.

Competing interests

The contact author has declared that none of the authors has any competing interests.


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We thank Joel Bostic, Lucy Rose and the three anonymous referees for their valuable remarks on an earlier version of this paper. We are grateful to the members of the Biogeochemistry Group, Nagoya University, for their valuable support throughout this study.

Financial support

This research has been supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (grant nos. 22H00561, 17H00780, and 22K19846); the Grant-in-Aid for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellows (grant no. 23KJ1088); the Yanmar Environmental Sustainability Support Association; the River Fund of the River Foundation, Japan; the Reiwa Environmental Foundation; and Nagoya University and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (grant no. JPMJFS2120).

Review statement

This paper was edited by Frank Hagedorn and reviewed by three anonymous referees.


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Short summary
Past studies have used the Δ17O of stream nitrate to estimate the gross nitrification rates (GNRs) in each forested catchment by approximating the Δ17O value of soil nitrate to be equal to that of stream nitrate. Based on inference and calculation of measured data, we found that this approximation resulted in an overestimated GNR. Therefore, it is essential to clarify and verify the Δ17O NO3 values in forested soils and streams before applying the Δ17O values of stream NO3 to GNR estimation.
Final-revised paper