Articles | Volume 22, issue 1
Research article
03 Jan 2025
Research article |  | 03 Jan 2025

No increase is detected and modeled for the seasonal cycle amplitude of δ13C of atmospheric carbon dioxide

Fortunat Joos, Sebastian Lienert, and Sönke Zaehle

Data sets

No increase is detected and modelled for the seasonal cycle amplitude of δ13C of atmospheric carbon dioxide: scripts and data to prepare figures Fortunat Joos et al.

Short summary
How plants regulate their exchange of CO2 and water with the atmosphere under global warming is critical for their carbon uptake and their cooling influence. We analyze the isotope ratio of atmospheric CO2 and detect no significant decadal trends in the seasonal cycle amplitude. The data are consistent with the regulation towards leaf CO2 and intrinsic water use efficiency growing proportionally to atmospheric CO2, in contrast to recent suggestions of downregulation of CO2 and water fluxes.
Final-revised paper