Articles | Volume 4, issue 4
© Author(s) 2007. This work is licensed under
the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.Special issue:
Assessing the ability of three land ecosystem models to simulate gross carbon uptake of forests from boreal to Mediterranean climate in Europe
Cited articles
Luyssaert, S., Inglima, I., Jung, M., Reichstein, M., Papale, D., Piao, S., Schulze, E.-D., Wingate, L., Matteucci, G., Aubinet, M., Beer, C., Bernhofer, C., Black, K. G., Bonal, D., Chambers, J., Ciais, P., Davis, K. J., Delucia, E. H., Dolman, A., Don, A., Gielen, B., Grace, J., Granier, A., Grelle, A., Griffis, T., Grünwald, T., Guidolotti, G., Hanson, P., Harding, R., Hollinger, D., Kolari, P., Kruijt, B., Kutsch, W., Lagergren, F., Laurila, T., Law, B., Le Maire, G., Lindroth, A., Magnani, F., Marek, M., Mateus, J., Migliavacca, M., Misson, L., Montagnani, L., Moncrieff, J., Moors, E., Munger, J. W., Nikinmaa, E., Loustau, D., Pita, G., Rebmann, C., Richardson, A. D., Roupsard, O., Saigusa, N., Sanz, M., Seufert, G., Soerensen, L., Tang, J., Valentini, R., Vesala, T., and Janssens, I. A.: The CO2-balance of boreal, temperate and tropical forests derived from a global database, Global Change Biol., accepted, 2007.