Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
© Author(s) 2010. This work is distributed under
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© Author(s) 2010. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Effect of carbonate ion concentration and irradiance on calcification in planktonic foraminifera
F. Lombard
LSCE/IPSL, laboratoire CEA/CNRS/UVSQ, LSCE-Vallée, Bât. 12, avenue de la Terrasse, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX, France
currently at: DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark, Kavalergården 6, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark
R. E. da Rocha
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany
J. Bijma
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany
J.-P. Gattuso
UPMC University of Paris 06, Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-mer, 06230 Villefranche-sur-mer, France
INSU-CNRS, Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche-sur-mer, B.P. 28, 06234 Villefranche-sur-mer Cedex, France
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63 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Untangling the biotic stress in the late Maastrichtian Deccan-benchmark interval of Bidart (France) S. Patra et al. 10.1016/j.jop.2024.02.003
- The Influence of Plankton Community Structure on Sinking Velocity and Remineralization Rate of Marine Aggregates L. Bach et al. 10.1029/2019GB006256
- 南大洋南极带现代浮游有孔虫<bold><italic>Neogloboquadrinapachyderma</italic></bold><bold> (sinistral)</bold>钙化作用受控于海水温度而非海洋酸化 茜. 宋 et al. 10.1360/SSTe-2021-0283
- Response of Pelagic Calcifiers (Foraminifera, Thecosomata) to Ocean Acidification During Oligotrophic and Simulated Up-Welling Conditions in the Subtropical North Atlantic Off Gran Canaria S. Lischka et al. 10.3389/fmars.2018.00379
- Salinity Effect on Trace Element Incorporation in Cultured Shells of the Large Benthic Foraminifer Operculinaammonoides H. Hauzer et al. 10.1029/2021PA004218
- Proximity to Undersaturation and the Influences on G. bulloides Area‐Density in Southern Indian Ocean Marine Sediments N. Umling et al. 10.1029/2021PA004249
- Non-lethal effects of ocean acidification on the symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifer Amphistegina gibbosa A. McIntyre-Wressnig et al. 10.3354/meps09918
- Size-dependent response of foraminiferal calcification to seawater carbonate chemistry M. Henehan et al. 10.5194/bg-14-3287-2017
- Enhanced Carbonate Dissolution Associated With Deglacial Dysoxic Events in the Subpolar North Pacific C. Payne & C. Belanger 10.1029/2020PA004206
- The effects of changing climate on microzooplankton grazing and community structure: drivers, predictions and knowledge gaps D. Caron & D. Hutchins 10.1093/plankt/fbs091
- Ocean acidification and warming alter photosynthesis and calcification of the symbiont-bearing foraminifera Marginopora vertebralis S. Sinutok et al. 10.1007/s00227-014-2494-7
- The last two millennia: climate, ocean circulation and palaeoproductivity inferred from planktic foraminifera, south-western Svalbard margin K. Zamelczyk et al. 10.33265/polar.v39.3715
- Controls on Alkenone Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the Modern Ocean S. Phelps et al. 10.1029/2021GC009658
- Living planktonic foraminifera in the Fram Strait (Arctic): absence of diel vertical migration during the midnight sun C. Manno & A. Pavlov 10.1007/s10750-013-1669-4
- Simulated CO2-induced ocean acidification for ocean in the East China: historical conditions since preindustrial time and future scenarios H. Zhang & K. Wang 10.1038/s41598-019-54861-0
- Diversification patterns of planktic foraminifera in the fossil record P. Cermeño et al. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2013.09.003
- Exploring the impact of climate change on the global distribution of non‐spinose planktonic foraminifera using a trait‐based ecosystem model M. Grigoratou et al. 10.1111/gcb.15964
- A proxy modelling approach to assess the potential of extracting ENSO signal from tropical Pacific planktonic foraminifera B. Metcalfe et al. 10.5194/cp-16-885-2020
- Evidence of a South Asian Proto‐Monsoon During the Oligocene‐Miocene Transition C. Beasley et al. 10.1029/2021PA004278
- Pleistocene surface-ocean changes across the Southern subtropical front recorded by cryptic species of Orbulina universa B. Nirmal et al. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2021.102056
- Sensitivity of pelagic calcification to ocean acidification R. Gangstø et al. 10.5194/bg-8-433-2011
- Plankton food web structure and productivity under ocean alkalinity enhancement N. Sánchez et al. 10.1126/sciadv.ado0264
- Calcification intensity in planktonic Foraminifera reflects ambient conditions irrespective of environmental stress M. Weinkauf et al. 10.5194/bg-10-6639-2013
- The Sensitivity of the Phanerozoic Inorganic Carbon System to the Onset of Pelagic Sedimentation R. Arvidson et al. 10.1007/s10498-013-9224-5
- The Effect of Ocean Acidification on Calcifying Organisms in Marine Ecosystems: An Organism-to-Ecosystem Perspective G. Hofmann et al. 10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.110308.120227
- Environmental Controls of Size Distribution of Modern Planktonic Foraminifera in the Tropical Indian Ocean M. Adebayo et al. 10.1029/2022GC010586
- Calcification response of planktic foraminifera to environmental change in the western Mediterranean Sea during the industrial era T. Béjard et al. 10.5194/bg-20-1505-2023
- Alpha and beta diversity of encrusting foraminifera that recruit to long-term experiments along a carbonate platform-to-slope gradient: Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental implications S. Walker et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.04.028
- Implications of elevated CO2 on pelagic carbon fluxes in an Arctic mesocosm study – an elemental mass balance approach J. Czerny et al. 10.5194/bg-10-3109-2013
- Deepwater carbonate ion concentrations in the western tropical Pacific since 250 ka: Evidence for oceanic carbon storage and global climate influence B. Qin et al. 10.1002/2016PA003039
- Calcification of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides and carbonate ion concentration: Results from the Santa Barbara Basin E. Osborne et al. 10.1002/2016PA002933
- Effect of ocean acidification on the benthic foraminifera Ammonia sp. is caused by a decrease in carbonate ion concentration N. Keul et al. 10.5194/bg-10-6185-2013
- Seagrass Posidonia oceanica diel pH fluctuations reduce the mortality of epiphytic forams under experimental ocean acidification L. Ramajo et al. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.06.011
- Projected impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the global biogeography of planktonic Foraminifera T. Roy et al. 10.5194/bg-12-2873-2015
- Constraining the Role of Shell Porosity in the Regulation of Shell Calcification Intensity in the Modern Planktonic Foraminifer Orbulina Universa d'Orbigny M. Weinkauf et al. 10.2113/gsjfr.50.2.195
- Trace element composition of modern planktic foraminifera from an oxygen minimum zone: Potential proxies for an enigmatic environment C. Davis et al. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1145756
- Seasonal Variation in Shell Calcification of Planktonic Foraminifera in the NE Atlantic Reveals Species-Specific Response to Temperature, Productivity, and Optimum Growth Conditions M. Weinkauf et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0148363
- Determinants of Planktonic Foraminifera Calcite Flux: Implications for the Prediction of Intra‐ and Inter‐Annual Pelagic Carbonate Budgets P. Kiss et al. 10.1029/2020GB006748
- Biological Response of Planktic Foraminifera to Decline in Seawater pH S. Dong et al. 10.3390/biology11010098
- Modelling planktic foraminifer growth and distribution using an ecophysiological multi-species approach F. Lombard et al. 10.5194/bg-8-853-2011
- Increased Biogenic Calcification and Burial Under Elevated pCO2 During the Miocene: A Model‐Data Comparison W. Si et al. 10.1029/2022GB007541
- Calcification and ecological depth preferences of the planktonic foraminifer Trilobatus trilobus in the central Atlantic S. Zarkogiannis 10.1098/rsos.240179
- Effects of ocean acidification on calcification of symbiont-bearing reef foraminifers K. Fujita et al. 10.5194/bg-8-2089-2011
- Benthic foraminiferal shell weight: Deglacial species-specific responses from the Santa Barbara Basin C. Davis et al. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2016.02.002
- Calcification in the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides linked to phosphate concentrations in surface waters of the North Atlantic Ocean D. Aldridge et al. 10.5194/bg-9-1725-2012
- Perspective on the response of marine calcifiers to global warming and ocean acidification—Behavior of corals and foraminifera in a high CO2 world “hot house” H. Kawahata et al. 10.1186/s40645-018-0239-9
- Foraminiferal proxy response to ocean temperature variability and acidification over the last 150 years in the Santa Barbara Basin (California) D. Pak et al. 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.07.049
- Effect of ocean acidification and temperature increase on the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) C. Manno et al. 10.1007/s00300-012-1174-7
- Planktic Foraminiferal Test Size and Weight Response to the Late Pliocene Environment C. Todd et al. 10.1029/2019PA003738
- Calcification and photobiology in symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera and responses to a high CO2 environment N. Vogel & S. Uthicke 10.1016/j.jembe.2012.05.008
- Coccolithophore populations and their contribution to carbonate export during an annual cycle in the Australian sector of the Antarctic zone A. Rigual Hernández et al. 10.5194/bg-15-1843-2018
- Morphometric and stable isotopic differentiation of Orbulina universa morphotypes from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela B. Marshall et al. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2015.08.001
- Simulated effect of calcification feedback on atmospheric CO2 and ocean acidification H. Zhang & L. Cao 10.1038/srep20284
- Calcification of planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) controlled by seawater temperature rather than ocean acidification in the Antarctic Zone of modern Sothern Ocean Q. Song et al. 10.1007/s11430-021-9924-7
- What controls planktic foraminiferal calcification? R. Barrett et al. 10.5194/bg-22-791-2025
- Productivity gains do not compensate for reduced calcification under near‐future ocean acidification in the photosynthetic benthic foraminifer species Marginopora vertebralis S. Uthicke & K. Fabricius 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02715.x
- The chimerical and multifaceted marine acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis: from photosymbiosis to brain regeneration X. Bailly et al. 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00498
- Effect of salinity induced pH/alkalinity changes on benthic foraminifera: A laboratory culture experiment R. Saraswat et al. 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.12.005
- Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Tests of Large Benthic Foraminifers: Implications for Biomineralization A. Maeda et al. 10.1029/2019GC008314
- Reproduction dynamics of planktonic microbial eukaryotes in the open ocean M. Weinkauf et al. 10.1098/rsif.2021.0860
- Calcification of planktonic foraminifer Pulleniatina obliquiloculata controlled by seawater temperature rather than ocean acidification B. Qin et al. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103256
- Simulated Variation Characteristics of Oceanic CO2 Uptake, Surface Temperature, and Acidification in Zhejiang Province, China K. Wang et al. 10.3389/fphy.2021.718968
- Estimates of Pliocene Tropical Pacific Temperature Sensitivity to Radiative Greenhouse Gas Forcing H. Ford & A. Ravelo 10.1029/2018PA003461
62 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Untangling the biotic stress in the late Maastrichtian Deccan-benchmark interval of Bidart (France) S. Patra et al. 10.1016/j.jop.2024.02.003
- The Influence of Plankton Community Structure on Sinking Velocity and Remineralization Rate of Marine Aggregates L. Bach et al. 10.1029/2019GB006256
- 南大洋南极带现代浮游有孔虫<bold><italic>Neogloboquadrinapachyderma</italic></bold><bold> (sinistral)</bold>钙化作用受控于海水温度而非海洋酸化 茜. 宋 et al. 10.1360/SSTe-2021-0283
- Response of Pelagic Calcifiers (Foraminifera, Thecosomata) to Ocean Acidification During Oligotrophic and Simulated Up-Welling Conditions in the Subtropical North Atlantic Off Gran Canaria S. Lischka et al. 10.3389/fmars.2018.00379
- Salinity Effect on Trace Element Incorporation in Cultured Shells of the Large Benthic Foraminifer Operculinaammonoides H. Hauzer et al. 10.1029/2021PA004218
- Proximity to Undersaturation and the Influences on G. bulloides Area‐Density in Southern Indian Ocean Marine Sediments N. Umling et al. 10.1029/2021PA004249
- Non-lethal effects of ocean acidification on the symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifer Amphistegina gibbosa A. McIntyre-Wressnig et al. 10.3354/meps09918
- Size-dependent response of foraminiferal calcification to seawater carbonate chemistry M. Henehan et al. 10.5194/bg-14-3287-2017
- Enhanced Carbonate Dissolution Associated With Deglacial Dysoxic Events in the Subpolar North Pacific C. Payne & C. Belanger 10.1029/2020PA004206
- The effects of changing climate on microzooplankton grazing and community structure: drivers, predictions and knowledge gaps D. Caron & D. Hutchins 10.1093/plankt/fbs091
- Ocean acidification and warming alter photosynthesis and calcification of the symbiont-bearing foraminifera Marginopora vertebralis S. Sinutok et al. 10.1007/s00227-014-2494-7
- The last two millennia: climate, ocean circulation and palaeoproductivity inferred from planktic foraminifera, south-western Svalbard margin K. Zamelczyk et al. 10.33265/polar.v39.3715
- Controls on Alkenone Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the Modern Ocean S. Phelps et al. 10.1029/2021GC009658
- Living planktonic foraminifera in the Fram Strait (Arctic): absence of diel vertical migration during the midnight sun C. Manno & A. Pavlov 10.1007/s10750-013-1669-4
- Simulated CO2-induced ocean acidification for ocean in the East China: historical conditions since preindustrial time and future scenarios H. Zhang & K. Wang 10.1038/s41598-019-54861-0
- Diversification patterns of planktic foraminifera in the fossil record P. Cermeño et al. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2013.09.003
- Exploring the impact of climate change on the global distribution of non‐spinose planktonic foraminifera using a trait‐based ecosystem model M. Grigoratou et al. 10.1111/gcb.15964
- A proxy modelling approach to assess the potential of extracting ENSO signal from tropical Pacific planktonic foraminifera B. Metcalfe et al. 10.5194/cp-16-885-2020
- Evidence of a South Asian Proto‐Monsoon During the Oligocene‐Miocene Transition C. Beasley et al. 10.1029/2021PA004278
- Pleistocene surface-ocean changes across the Southern subtropical front recorded by cryptic species of Orbulina universa B. Nirmal et al. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2021.102056
- Sensitivity of pelagic calcification to ocean acidification R. Gangstø et al. 10.5194/bg-8-433-2011
- Plankton food web structure and productivity under ocean alkalinity enhancement N. Sánchez et al. 10.1126/sciadv.ado0264
- Calcification intensity in planktonic Foraminifera reflects ambient conditions irrespective of environmental stress M. Weinkauf et al. 10.5194/bg-10-6639-2013
- The Sensitivity of the Phanerozoic Inorganic Carbon System to the Onset of Pelagic Sedimentation R. Arvidson et al. 10.1007/s10498-013-9224-5
- The Effect of Ocean Acidification on Calcifying Organisms in Marine Ecosystems: An Organism-to-Ecosystem Perspective G. Hofmann et al. 10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.110308.120227
- Environmental Controls of Size Distribution of Modern Planktonic Foraminifera in the Tropical Indian Ocean M. Adebayo et al. 10.1029/2022GC010586
- Calcification response of planktic foraminifera to environmental change in the western Mediterranean Sea during the industrial era T. Béjard et al. 10.5194/bg-20-1505-2023
- Alpha and beta diversity of encrusting foraminifera that recruit to long-term experiments along a carbonate platform-to-slope gradient: Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental implications S. Walker et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.04.028
- Implications of elevated CO2 on pelagic carbon fluxes in an Arctic mesocosm study – an elemental mass balance approach J. Czerny et al. 10.5194/bg-10-3109-2013
- Deepwater carbonate ion concentrations in the western tropical Pacific since 250 ka: Evidence for oceanic carbon storage and global climate influence B. Qin et al. 10.1002/2016PA003039
- Calcification of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides and carbonate ion concentration: Results from the Santa Barbara Basin E. Osborne et al. 10.1002/2016PA002933
- Effect of ocean acidification on the benthic foraminifera Ammonia sp. is caused by a decrease in carbonate ion concentration N. Keul et al. 10.5194/bg-10-6185-2013
- Seagrass Posidonia oceanica diel pH fluctuations reduce the mortality of epiphytic forams under experimental ocean acidification L. Ramajo et al. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.06.011
- Projected impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the global biogeography of planktonic Foraminifera T. Roy et al. 10.5194/bg-12-2873-2015
- Constraining the Role of Shell Porosity in the Regulation of Shell Calcification Intensity in the Modern Planktonic Foraminifer Orbulina Universa d'Orbigny M. Weinkauf et al. 10.2113/gsjfr.50.2.195
- Trace element composition of modern planktic foraminifera from an oxygen minimum zone: Potential proxies for an enigmatic environment C. Davis et al. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1145756
- Seasonal Variation in Shell Calcification of Planktonic Foraminifera in the NE Atlantic Reveals Species-Specific Response to Temperature, Productivity, and Optimum Growth Conditions M. Weinkauf et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0148363
- Determinants of Planktonic Foraminifera Calcite Flux: Implications for the Prediction of Intra‐ and Inter‐Annual Pelagic Carbonate Budgets P. Kiss et al. 10.1029/2020GB006748
- Biological Response of Planktic Foraminifera to Decline in Seawater pH S. Dong et al. 10.3390/biology11010098
- Modelling planktic foraminifer growth and distribution using an ecophysiological multi-species approach F. Lombard et al. 10.5194/bg-8-853-2011
- Increased Biogenic Calcification and Burial Under Elevated pCO2 During the Miocene: A Model‐Data Comparison W. Si et al. 10.1029/2022GB007541
- Calcification and ecological depth preferences of the planktonic foraminifer Trilobatus trilobus in the central Atlantic S. Zarkogiannis 10.1098/rsos.240179
- Effects of ocean acidification on calcification of symbiont-bearing reef foraminifers K. Fujita et al. 10.5194/bg-8-2089-2011
- Benthic foraminiferal shell weight: Deglacial species-specific responses from the Santa Barbara Basin C. Davis et al. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2016.02.002
- Calcification in the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides linked to phosphate concentrations in surface waters of the North Atlantic Ocean D. Aldridge et al. 10.5194/bg-9-1725-2012
- Perspective on the response of marine calcifiers to global warming and ocean acidification—Behavior of corals and foraminifera in a high CO2 world “hot house” H. Kawahata et al. 10.1186/s40645-018-0239-9
- Foraminiferal proxy response to ocean temperature variability and acidification over the last 150 years in the Santa Barbara Basin (California) D. Pak et al. 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.07.049
- Effect of ocean acidification and temperature increase on the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) C. Manno et al. 10.1007/s00300-012-1174-7
- Planktic Foraminiferal Test Size and Weight Response to the Late Pliocene Environment C. Todd et al. 10.1029/2019PA003738
- Calcification and photobiology in symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera and responses to a high CO2 environment N. Vogel & S. Uthicke 10.1016/j.jembe.2012.05.008
- Coccolithophore populations and their contribution to carbonate export during an annual cycle in the Australian sector of the Antarctic zone A. Rigual Hernández et al. 10.5194/bg-15-1843-2018
- Morphometric and stable isotopic differentiation of Orbulina universa morphotypes from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela B. Marshall et al. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2015.08.001
- Simulated effect of calcification feedback on atmospheric CO2 and ocean acidification H. Zhang & L. Cao 10.1038/srep20284
- Calcification of planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) controlled by seawater temperature rather than ocean acidification in the Antarctic Zone of modern Sothern Ocean Q. Song et al. 10.1007/s11430-021-9924-7
- What controls planktic foraminiferal calcification? R. Barrett et al. 10.5194/bg-22-791-2025
- Productivity gains do not compensate for reduced calcification under near‐future ocean acidification in the photosynthetic benthic foraminifer species Marginopora vertebralis S. Uthicke & K. Fabricius 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02715.x
- The chimerical and multifaceted marine acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis: from photosymbiosis to brain regeneration X. Bailly et al. 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00498
- Effect of salinity induced pH/alkalinity changes on benthic foraminifera: A laboratory culture experiment R. Saraswat et al. 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.12.005
- Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Tests of Large Benthic Foraminifers: Implications for Biomineralization A. Maeda et al. 10.1029/2019GC008314
- Reproduction dynamics of planktonic microbial eukaryotes in the open ocean M. Weinkauf et al. 10.1098/rsif.2021.0860
- Calcification of planktonic foraminifer Pulleniatina obliquiloculata controlled by seawater temperature rather than ocean acidification B. Qin et al. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103256
- Simulated Variation Characteristics of Oceanic CO2 Uptake, Surface Temperature, and Acidification in Zhejiang Province, China K. Wang et al. 10.3389/fphy.2021.718968
1 citations as recorded by crossref.
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