13 Aug 2010
 | 13 Aug 2010
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Impact of seasonal oxygen deficiency on the phosphorous geochemistry of surface sediments along the Western Continental Shelf of India

Josia Jacob, Prosenjit Ghosh, K. K. Balchandran, and Rejomon George

Abstract. The intensification of the natural coastal hypoxic zone over the western Indian shelf in the recent years and its impact on the biogeochemistry and marine life is a matter of concern. This study examines the influence of the seasonal oxygen deficiency on the phosphorus geochemistry of the surface sediments along the western continental shelf of India (WCSI). Speciation of phosphorus along with the geochemical characteristics (total organic carbon – TOC, total nitrogen – TN, and total phosphorus – TP) of the surface sediments and the hydrography of the western continental shelf of India (WCSI) were studied, during late summer monsoon (LSM) and spring intermonsoon (SIM). The hydrography of the WCSI revealed upwelling and associated seasonal oxygen deficiency with denitrifying suboxic conditions along the inner shelf and hypoxic conditions along the outer shelf. High concentrations of dissolved phosphate (PO4) and dissolved Iron (Fe) were also observed in the subsurface water of the inner shelf during LSM. The shelf water of the WCSI was oligotrophic and oxygen rich during SIM. A latitudinal enrichment of TOC, TN and TP in the surface sediments was observed at 13–17° N, along the WCSI during LSM, where seasonal suboxia was intense. Authigenic apatite bound phosphorus (Paut) was the major phosphorus species along the WCSI during LSM whereas detrital flourapatite bound phosphorus (Pdet) was the major species during SIM. Substantial depletion of reactive iron(III)-bound phosphorus (ΔPFe) was observed in the surface sediments of the WCSI during LSM which showed significant correlation with the enrichment of PO4 (ΔPO4) in the overlying water during LSM compared to SIM. PO4 diffusing into the water column from the sediments by reductive dissolution of PPFe probably leads to high dissolved PO4 along the inner shelf water during LSM which agrees with the existing hypothesis. Hence, phosphorus geochemistry of the surface sediments plays a major role in the biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus during periods of seasonal oxygen deficiency along the WCSI. Similar studies carried out along the eastern continental shelf of India (ECSI), where any kind of seasonal oxygen deficiency has not been reported yet, showed an abundance of Pdet (~50% of TP) and Porg (~32% of TP) in the surface sediments. The characteristic hydrographical features of the region such as high terrigeneous input, low production in the surface euphotic layers and greater preservation of labile organic matter in the sediments is also reflected in the phosphorus geochemistry of the surface sediments along ECSI.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Josia Jacob, Prosenjit Ghosh, K. K. Balchandran, and Rejomon George

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Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Josia Jacob, Prosenjit Ghosh, K. K. Balchandran, and Rejomon George
Josia Jacob, Prosenjit Ghosh, K. K. Balchandran, and Rejomon George


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