The following lists only preprints without a corresponding final revised paper.
21 Mar 2025
Water Column Respiration in the Yakima River Basin is Explained by Temperature, Nutrients and Suspended Solids
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
20 Mar 2025
Strong relation between atmospheric CO2 growth rate and terrestrial water storage in tropical forests on interannual timescales
External preprint server,
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
20 Mar 2025
Geographic patterns of upward shifts in treeline vegetation across western North America, 1984–2017
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
20 Mar 2025
Organic soil carbon balance in drained and undrained hemiboreal forests
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
20 Mar 2025
Machine learning for estimating phytoplankton size structure from satellite ocean color imagery in optically complex Pacific Arctic waters
External preprint server,
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
20 Mar 2025
Comparative analysis of nutrient concentrations in generalist and specialist tree species on clay and sandy soils in the Central Amazon
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
19 Mar 2025
Carbon soil stock change in an intensive crop field near Paris reveals significant carbon losses
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
18 Mar 2025
Variability in oxygen isotopic fractionation of enzymatic O2 consumption
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
18 Mar 2025
Influence of Carbon Source and Iron Oxide Minerals on Methane Production and Magnetic Mineral Formation in Salt Marsh Sediments
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
17 Mar 2025
Surface area and Ω-aragonite oversaturation as controls of the runaway precipitation process in ocean alkalinity enhancement
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
14 Mar 2025
A niche for diverse cable bacteria in continental margin sediments overlain by oxygen-deficient waters
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
14 Mar 2025
The incubation history of soil samples strongly affects the occlusion of particulate organic matter
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
14 Mar 2025
20th-century ecological disasters in central European monoculture pine plantations led to critical transitions in peatlands
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
14 Mar 2025
How does nitrogen control soil organic matter turnover and composition? – Theory and model
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
14 Mar 2025
On the Challenges of Retrieving Phytoplankton Properties from Remote-Sensing Observations
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
14 Mar 2025
Seasonality of the North Pacific Ocean Desert area in the past two decades and a modelling perspective for the 21st century
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
14 Mar 2025
Mineral Formation during Shipboard Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Experiments in the North Atlantic
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
13 Mar 2025
Phytoplankton community succession and biogeochemistry in a bloom simulation experiment at an estuary-ocean interface
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
13 Mar 2025
Tree Growth and Water-Use Efficiency at the Himalayan Fir Treeline and lower altitudes: Roles of Climate Warming and CO2 Fertilization
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
13 Mar 2025
Terrestrial browning from Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) changes the seasonal phenology of the coastal Arctic carbon cycle
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
13 Mar 2025
Assessing terrestrial carbon fluxes and stocks in South America and its major biomes using CMIP6 Earth System Models
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
12 Mar 2025
Sedimentary organic carbon dynamics in a glaciated Arctic fjord: tracing contributions of terrestrial and marine sources in the context of Atlantification over recent centuries
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
12 Mar 2025
Long-term ecosystem dynamics of an ice-poor permafrost peatland in eastern Eurasia: paleoecological insights into climate sensitivity
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
11 Mar 2025
Does increased spatial replication above heterogeneous agroforestry improve the representativeness of eddy covariance measurements?
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
11 Mar 2025
Benthic ostracod diversity and biogeography in an urban semi–enclosed eutrophic riverine bay
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
10 Mar 2025
Drone-based multispectral differentiation of subalpine vegetation at the treeline in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
07 Mar 2025
Preservation and degradation of ancient organic matter in mid-Miocene Antarctic permafrost
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
07 Mar 2025
Extreme carbon fluxes may result from autochthonous particulate organic carbon regulated by the interactions between picophytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria in river-reservoir systems
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
07 Mar 2025
Improving Marine Sediment Carbon Stock Estimates: The Role of Dry Bulk Density and Predictor Adjustments
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
06 Mar 2025
Tracing the contribution of dust sources on deposition and phytoplankton carbon uptake in global oceans
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
05 Mar 2025
Global patterns and drivers of climate-driven fires in a warming world
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
04 Mar 2025
Assessing Carbon Flux Variability in an Alpine Steppe: Insights from Dual-Height Measurements
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
04 Mar 2025
Physiological responses to ultra-high CO2 levels in an evergreen tree species
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
04 Mar 2025
Part 2: Quantitative contributions of cyanobacterial alkaline phosphatases to biogeochemical rates in the subtropical North Atlantic
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
28 Feb 2025
Air-sea gas exchange measurements helped derive in-situ organic and inorganic carbon fixation in response to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement in a temperate plankton community
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
28 Feb 2025
Ideas and Perspectives: Potentially Large but Highly Uncertain Greenhouse Gas Emissions Resulting from Peat Erosion
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
28 Feb 2025
Utilizing Probability Estimates from Machine Learning and Pollen to Understand the Depositional Influences on Branched GDGT in Wetlands, Peatlands, and Lakes
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
25 Feb 2025
Technical note: Measurements of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) in seawater (Filter blanks, pore sizes, and storage)
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
25 Feb 2025
Enhanced isotopic approach combined with microbiological analyses for more precise distinction of various N-transformation processes in contaminated aquifer – a groundwater incubation study
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
25 Feb 2025
Impact of wheat cultivar development on biomass production and carbon input in tillage-eroded soils
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
24 Feb 2025
From Ground Photos to Aerial Insights: Automating Citizen Science Labeling for Tree Species Segmentation in UAV Images
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
21 Feb 2025
Technical note: Acidification methodology impacts sediment decarbonation as revealed by bulk and serial oxidation measurements
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
18 Feb 2025
Lake anoxia, primary production and algal community shifts in response to rapid climate changes during the Late-Glacial
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
14 Feb 2025
Can atmospheric chemistry deposition schemes reliably simulate stomatal ozone flux across global land covers and climates?
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
13 Feb 2025
Toward a typology of river functioning: a comprehensive study of POM composition at multi-rivers scale
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
13 Feb 2025
Reviews and syntheses: Potential and limitations of oceanic carbon dioxide storage via reactor-based accelerated weathering of limestone
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
13 Feb 2025
Accelerated export of terrestrial organic carbon to the Chukchi Sea since pre-industrial times
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
13 Feb 2025
A fresh look at the pre-industrial air-sea carbon flux using the alkalinity budget
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
12 Feb 2025
Distribution of alkylamines in surface waters around the Antarctic Peninsula and Weddell Sea
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
11 Feb 2025
Methanogenesis by CO2 reduction dominates lake sediments with different organic matter compositions
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
11 Feb 2025
A Novel Approach to Estimate Carbon and Nitrogen Flux from In Situ Optics: Application to Cyclonic Eddies off the Cape Verde Islands
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
11 Feb 2025
Influences on Chemical Distribution Patterns across the west Greenland Shelf: The Roles of Ocean Currents, Sea Ice Melt, and Freshwater Runoff
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
10 Feb 2025
Process-based modelling of multi-decade carbon dynamics of a cool temperate swamp
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
10 Feb 2025
Isotope discrimination of carbonyl sulfide (34S) and carbon dioxide (13C, 18O) during plant uptake in flow-through chamber experiments
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
07 Feb 2025
Groundwater-CO2 Emissions Relationship in Dutch Peatlands Derived by Machine Learning Using Airborne and Ground-Based Eddy Covariance Data
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
07 Feb 2025
Soils signal key mechanisms driving greater protection of organic carbon under aspen compared to spruce forests in a North American montane ecosystem
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
06 Feb 2025
Technical Note: Pondi – a low-cost logger for long-term monitoring of methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide in aquatic and terrestrial systems
External preprint server,
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
06 Feb 2025
Pathways of CH4 formation and emission in the subsaline reed wetland of Lake Neusiedl
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
06 Feb 2025
Adaptation of methane oxidising bacteria to environmental changes: implications for coastal methane dynamics
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
06 Feb 2025
Forestation tends to create favourable conditions for convective precipitation in the Mediterranean Basin
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
05 Feb 2025
Plant community composition controls spatial variation in year-round methane fluxes in a boreal rich fen
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
05 Feb 2025
Part 1: Zonal gradients in phosphorus and nitrogen acquisition and stress revealed by metaproteomes of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
04 Feb 2025
Treeline species Betula ermanii are more adaptable to alpine environments than non-treeline species Picea jezoensis: evidence from leaf functional traits
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
04 Feb 2025
The primacy of dissolved organic matter to aquatic light variability
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
04 Feb 2025
Optimisation of the World Ocean Model of Biogeochemistry and Trophic-dynamics (WOMBAT) using surrogate machine learning methods
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
03 Feb 2025
Modeling the impact of drainage on peatland CO2 and CH4 fluxes and its underlying drivers
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
03 Feb 2025
Anaerobic biodegradation of Miocene lignites from an opencast mine by autochthonous microorganisms stimulated under laboratory conditions
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
31 Jan 2025
Orbital-scale variability in the contribution of foraminifera and coccolithophores to pelagic carbonate production
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
30 Jan 2025
Aquatic metabolism influences temporal variations of water carbon and atmospheric carbon dioxide fluxes in a temperate salt marsh
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 3 comments)
30 Jan 2025
Bioconcentration as a key driver of Hg bioaccumulation in high trophic level fish
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
30 Jan 2025
Previous integrated or organic farming affects productivity and ecosystem N balance rather than fertilizer 15N allocation to plants and soil, leaching, or gaseous emissions (NH3, N2O, and N2)
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
30 Jan 2025
Environmental drivers constraining the seasonal variability of satellite-observed methane at Northern high latitudes
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
30 Jan 2025
Plant phenology evaluation of CRESCENDO land surface models. Part II: Trough, peak, and amplitude of growing season
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
29 Jan 2025
Estimation of Metabolic Dynamics of Restored Seagrass Meadows in a Southeast Asia Islet: Insights from Ex Situ Benthic Incubation
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
29 Jan 2025
Grassland yield estimations – potentials and limitations of remote sensing, process-based modelling and field measurements
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
29 Jan 2025
Meta-metabolome ecology reveals that geochemistry and microbial functional potential are linked to organic matter development across seven rivers
External preprint server,
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
29 Jan 2025
Burn severity and vegetation type control phosphorus concentration, molecular composition, and mobilization
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
29 Jan 2025
Water chemistry and greenhouse gas concentrations in waterbodies of a thawing permafrost peatland complex in northern Norway
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
29 Jan 2025
Evaluating ocean alkalinity enhancement as a carbon dioxide removal strategy in the North Sea
2025Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
27 Jan 2025
Timberline formation and relationship with climatic variables of Indian central Himalaya: role of topography
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
23 Jan 2025
Litter biomass as a driver of soil VOC fluxes in a Mediterranean forest
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
23 Jan 2025
Radial growth of Picea abies is controlled by joint effects of temperature and nutrient availability at the lower part of treeline ecotone
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
23 Jan 2025
Pelagic ecosystem responses to changes in seawater conditions during the Middle Pleistocene Transition in the Eastern Mediterranean
External preprint server,
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
23 Jan 2025
Active microbial sulfur cycling across a 13,500-year-old lake sediment record
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
22 Jan 2025
Quantifying the agricultural footprint on the silicon cycle: Insights from silicon isotopes and Ge/Si ratios
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
21 Jan 2025
The response of small boreal catchments to extreme weather event: Hurricane Larry
2025Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
17 Jan 2025
Savanna ecosystem structure and productivity along a rainfall gradient: the role of competition and stress tolerance mediated by plant functional traits
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
17 Jan 2025
Transporter gene family evolution in ectomycorrhizal fungi in relation to mineral weathering capabilities
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
16 Jan 2025
The effect of a short oxygen exposure period on algal biomass degradation and methane release from eutrophic and oligotrophic lake sediments
2025Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
16 Jan 2025
Fertilization turns a rubber plantation from sink to methane source
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
16 Jan 2025
Southern Hemisphere tree-rings as proxies to reconstruct Southern Ocean upwelling
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 3 comments)
16 Jan 2025
Assessing the effect of forest management on above-ground carbon stock by remote sensing
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
15 Jan 2025
Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Subsoils After 20 years of Added Precipitation in a Mediterranean Grassland
2025Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
15 Jan 2025
Long-term forest-line dynamics in the French Pyrenees: an accelerating upward shift related to forest context, global warming and pastoral abandonment
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
14 Jan 2025
Transformation Processes in the Oder Lagoon as seen from a Model Perspective
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
14 Jan 2025
The significant role of snow in shaping alpine treeline responses in modelled boreal forests
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 5 comments)
13 Jan 2025
Oceanic enrichment of ammonium and its impacts on phytoplankton community composition under a high-emissions scenario
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
10 Jan 2025
Assessing the impact of landwater on the Northwest Pacific using normalized Total Alkalinity
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
09 Jan 2025
Human Activities Caused Hypoxia Expansion in a Large Eutrophic Estuary: Non-negligible Role of Riverine Suspended Sediments
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
09 Jan 2025
Inferring methane emissions from African livestock by fusing drone, tower, and satellite data
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
08 Jan 2025
Future Forests: estimating biogenic emissions from net-zero aligned afforestation pathways in the UK
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
07 Jan 2025
Characteristics of ecosystems under various anthropogenic impacts in a tropical forest region of Southeast Asia
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
06 Jan 2025
Photosynthetic electron, carbon and oxygen fluxes within a mosaic of Fe limitation in the California Current Upwelling System
2025Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
19 Dec 2024
Marine heatwaves deeply alter marine food web structure and function
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
17 Dec 2024
Review and Synthesis: Peatland and Wetland Models Simulating CH4 Production, CH4 Oxidation and CH4 Transport Pathways
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
17 Dec 2024
Reduced microbial respiration sensitivity to soil moisture following long-term N fertilization enhances soil C retention in a boreal Scots pine forest
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
17 Dec 2024
Controls on Palaeogene deep-sea diatom-bearing sediment deposition and comparison with shallow marine environments
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
16 Dec 2024
Subsurface CO2 dynamics in a temperate karst system reveal complex seasonal and spatial variations
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
16 Dec 2024
Drivers of soil organic carbon from temperate to alpine forests: a model-based analysis of the Swiss forest soil inventory with Yasso20
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
16 Dec 2024
Ozone causes substantial reductions in the carbon sequestration of managed European forests
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 3 comments)
16 Dec 2024
Characterisation of uncertainties in an ocean radiative transfer model for the Black Sea through ensemble simulations
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
13 Dec 2024
Nitrogen Fixation in Arctic Coastal Waters (Qeqertarsuaq, West Greenland): Influence of Glacial Melt on Diazotrophs, Nutrient Availability, and Seasonal Blooms
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
12 Dec 2024
Quantifying the soil sink of atmospheric Hydrogen: a full year of field measurements from grassland and forest soils in the UK
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
11 Dec 2024
Impact of clouds on vegetation albedo quantified by coupling an atmosphere and a vegetation radiative transfer model
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
09 Dec 2024
Projections of coral reef carbonate production from a global climate-coral reef coupled model
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
09 Dec 2024
Nitrate reduction in groundwater as an overlooked source of agricultural CO2 emissions
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
09 Dec 2024
Faithful transfer of radiolarian silicon isotope signatures from water column to sediments in the South China Sea
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 5 comments)
09 Dec 2024
The fungal collaboration gradient drives root trait distribution and ecosystem processes in a tropical montane forest
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 11 comments)
06 Dec 2024
Very-high resolution aerial imagery and deep learning uncover the fine-scale spatial patterns of elevational treelines
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
06 Dec 2024
Organic Carbon, Mercury, and Sediment Characteristics along a land – shore transect in Arctic Alaska
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
06 Dec 2024
Sea ice and mixed layer depth influence on nitrate depletion and associated isotopic effects in the Drake Passage – Weddell Sea region, Southern Ocean
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
05 Dec 2024
Estimating the variability of deep ocean particle flux collected by sediment traps using satellite data and machine learning
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
05 Dec 2024
Decreasing foraminiferal flux in response to ongoing climate change in the Santa Barbara Basin, California
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
04 Dec 2024
Particulate inorganic carbon quotas by coccolithophores in low oxygen/low pH waters off the Southeast Pacific margin
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
04 Dec 2024
A statistical global burned area model for seamless integration into Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
02 Dec 2024
Physicochemical and urban land-use characteristics associated with resistance to precipitation in estuaries vary across scales
External preprint server,
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
02 Dec 2024
Refining Marine Net Primary Production Estimates: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification through Probability Prediction Models
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
02 Dec 2024
Reviews and Syntheses: Trait-based approach to constrain controls on planktic foraminiferal ecology: key trade-offs and current knowledge gaps
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
29 Nov 2024
Reviews and syntheses: Contribution of sulfate to methane oxidation in upland soils: a mini-review
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 8 comments)
29 Nov 2024
Role of air-soil temperature on the LAI course and role of height-DBH on the maximum LAI during foliation of Platanus orientalis L. along an urban-rural greenway system
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
29 Nov 2024
Measuring and modeling waterlogging tolerance to predict the future for threatened lowland ash forests
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
29 Nov 2024
Simulating vertical phytoplankton dynamics in a stratified ocean using a two-layered ecosystem model
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
27 Nov 2024
Aquatic and Soil CO2 Emissions from forested wetlands of Congo's Cuvette Centrale
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
26 Nov 2024
Assimilating Multi-site Eddy-Covariance Data to Calibrate the CH4 Wetland Emission Module in a Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
25 Nov 2024
Estimation of particulate organic carbon export to the ocean from lateral degradations of tropical peatland coasts
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
21 Nov 2024
Pelagic coccolithophore production and dissolution and their impacts on particulate inorganic carbon cycling in the western North Pacific
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
21 Nov 2024
Terrestrial and marine plastic pollution outlook in the Mediterranean region: a box-model approach based on OECD policy scenarios
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
20 Nov 2024
Promoted phosphorus transformation by increasing soil microbial diversity and network complexity – A case of long-term mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus with N-fixing tree species
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
20 Nov 2024
Variable organic matter stoichiometry enhances the biological drawdown of CO2 in the Northwest European shelf seas
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
19 Nov 2024
Evaluating the consistency of forest disturbance datasets in continental USA
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
19 Nov 2024
Assessing evapotranspiration dynamics across central Europe in the context of land-atmosphere drivers
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 2 comments)
15 Nov 2024
Ozone pollution may limit the benefits of irrigation to wheat productivity in India
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 3 comments)
13 Nov 2024
Acidification and nutrient management are projected to cause reductions in shell and tissue weights of oysters in a coastal plain estuary
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
13 Nov 2024
Old Carbon, New Insights: Thermal Reactivity and Bioavailability of Saltmarsh Soils
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 3 comments)
12 Nov 2024
Thermokarst lake change and lake hydrochemistry: A snapshot from the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
11 Nov 2024
Two different phytoplankton blooming mechanisms over the East China Sea during El-Niño decaying summers
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 8 comments)
08 Nov 2024
Phylogeochemistry: exploring evolutionary constraints on belemnite rostrum element composition
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
07 Nov 2024
Marine snow morphology drives sinking and attenuation in the ocean interior
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 5 comments)
06 Nov 2024
Marine snow surface production and bathypelagic export at the Equatorial Atlantic from an imaging float
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
06 Nov 2024
Uncertainties in carbon emissions from land use and land cover change in Indonesia
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
06 Nov 2024
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations: the overlooked factor promoting SW Iberian Forest development across the LGM and the last deglaciation?
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 7 comments)
04 Nov 2024
Validating laboratory insights into the drivers of soil rewetting respiration pulses with field measurements
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 8 comments)
04 Nov 2024
Relationships between phytoplankton pigments and DNA- or RNA-based abundances support ecological applications
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
04 Nov 2024
Fungi present distinguishable isotopic signals when grown on glycolytic versus tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
30 Oct 2024
Variability of CO2 and CH4 in a coastal peatland rewetted with brackish water from the Baltic Sea derived from autonomous high-resolution measurements
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
30 Oct 2024
Winds with destructive potential across a topographic and seasonal gradient in a Central Amazon forest
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
30 Oct 2024
From small scale variability to mesoscale stability in surface ocean pH: implications for air-sea CO2 equilibration
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 3 comments)
29 Oct 2024
Saturating response of photosynthesis to increasing leaf area index allows selective harvest of trees without affecting forest productivity
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
29 Oct 2024
Temporal and Spatial Influences of Environmental Factors on the Distribution of Mesopelagic organism in the North Atlantic Ocean
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
24 Oct 2024
Perturbation increases source-dependent organic matter degradation rates in estuarine sediments
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
23 Oct 2024
Intertidal Regions Regulate Seasonal Coastal Carbonate System Dynamics in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
23 Oct 2024
Ideas and perspectives: How sediment archives can improve model projections of marine ecosystem change
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
23 Oct 2024
Extraordinary bloom of toxin-producing phytoplankton enhanced by strong retention in offshore continental shelf waters
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
22 Oct 2024
Sea ice-associated algae and zooplankton fecal pellets fuel organic particle export in the seasonally ice-covered northwest Labrador Sea
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
18 Oct 2024
Peltigera lichen thalli produce highly efficient ice nucleating agents
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
17 Oct 2024
Altered Seasonal Sensitivity of Net Ecosystem Exchange to Controls Driven by Nutrient Balances in a Semi-arid Savanna
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
17 Oct 2024
Microbial communities inhabiting 600-year-old sediments in the Inka-Coya Lake located in the Atacama Desert
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
16 Oct 2024
Duration of vegetation green-up response to snowmelt on the Tibetan Plateau
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
15 Oct 2024
Dynamic island mass effect from space. Part I: detecting the extent
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
15 Oct 2024
Reconstructing Central African hydro-climate over the past century using freshwater bivalve shell geochemistry
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
11 Oct 2024
Technical note: Investigating saline water uptake by roots using spectral induced polarization
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
11 Oct 2024
Fate of dissolved organic matter across the permafrost–nearshore water continuum: role of the intertidal sediments
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
10 Oct 2024
Rising Arctic Seas and Thawing Permafrost: Uncovering the Carbon Cycle Impact in a Thermokarst Lagoon System in the outer Mackenzie Delta, Canada
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
10 Oct 2024
On the added value of sequential deep learning for upscaling evapotranspiration
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
09 Oct 2024
Evaluation of long-term carbon dynamics in afforested drained peatlands: Insights from using the ForSAFE-Peat Model
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 8 comments)
09 Oct 2024
Effects of basalt, concrete fines, and steel slag on maize growth and heavy metal accumulation in an enhanced weathering experiment
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
09 Oct 2024
Low sensitivity of a heavily-calcified coccolithophore under increasing CO2: the case study of Helicosphaera carteri
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
09 Oct 2024
Variation of the interspecific forest mass-density relationship along gradients of leaf area and global radiation
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
07 Oct 2024
Sedimentary ancient DNA insights into foraminiferal diversity near the grounding line in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 5 comments)
07 Oct 2024
Spatio-temporal variations in surface Marine Carbonate System properties across the Western Mediterranean Sea using Volunteer Observing Ship data
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
07 Oct 2024
Effects of Submarine Groundwater on Nutrient Concentration and Primary Production in a Deep Bay of the Japan Sea
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
02 Oct 2024
Assessing the lifetime of anthropogenic CO2 and its sensitivity to different carbon cycle processes
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 8 comments)
02 Oct 2024
Hydrothermal inputs drive dynamic shifts in microbial communities in Lake Magadi, Kenya Rift Valley
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
02 Oct 2024
Cold-water coral mounds are effective carbon sinks in the western Mediterranean Sea
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
27 Sep 2024
Modelling decadal trends and the impact of extreme events on carbon fluxes in a deciduous temperate forest using the QUINCY model
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
23 Sep 2024
Three-Compartment, Two Parameter, Concentration-Driven Model for Uptake of Excess Atmospheric CO2 by the Global Ocean
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 12 comments)
23 Sep 2024
Depth Effects of Long-term Organic Residue Application on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Central Kenya
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
20 Sep 2024
Soil and Biomass Carbon Storage is Much Higher in Central American than Andean Montane Forests
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
20 Sep 2024
Occupancy history influences extinction risk of fossil marine microplankton groups
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
19 Sep 2024
Foliar nutrient uptake from dust sustains plant nutrition
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
18 Sep 2024
Riverine dissolved organic matter responds to alterations differently in two distinct hydrological regimes from Northern Spain
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
18 Sep 2024
Anomalous Summertime CO2 sink in the subpolar Southern Ocean promoted by early 2021 sea ice retreat
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
18 Sep 2024
Bio-climatic factors drive spectral vegetation changes in Greenland
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
12 Sep 2024
Study on the Biological Communities and Bioweathering of Marble Surfaces at Temple of Heaven Park, Beijing, China
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 5 comments)
12 Sep 2024
Pathways for avoiding ocean biogeochemical damage: Mitigation limits, mitigation options, and projections
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
12 Sep 2024
Optimal set of leaf and whole-tree elements for predicting forest functioning
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 5 comments)
10 Sep 2024
Distinct changes in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling in the litter layer across two contrasting forest-tundra ecotones
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
09 Sep 2024
Impulse response functions as a framework for quantifying ocean-based carbon dioxide removal
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 9 comments)
05 Sep 2024
Annual net CO2 fluxes from drained organic soils used for agriculture in the hemiboreal region of Europe
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
04 Sep 2024
Intercomparison of biogenic CO2 flux models in four urban parks in the city of Zurich
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
29 Aug 2024
Spring-neap tidal cycles modulate the strength of the carbon source at the estuary-coast interface
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
22 Aug 2024
Surface CO2 Gradients Challenge Conventional CO2 Emission Quantification in Lentic Water Bodies under Calm Conditions
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
20 Aug 2024
An upper mesopelagic zone carbon budget for the subarctic North Pacific
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
19 Aug 2024
Variations in vegetation evapotranspiration affect water yield in high-altitude areas
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
19 Aug 2024
The Impact of Scoria-Filled Aeration Trenches on the N-cycle and Greenhouse Gases Emissions from a Clayey Soil
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
16 Aug 2024
Inadequacies in the representation of sub-seasonal phytoplankton dynamics in Earth system models
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
15 Aug 2024
Reviews and syntheses: Current perspectives on biosphere research – 2024
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
15 Aug 2024
Detection of Fast-Changing Intra-seasonal Vegetation Dynamics of Drylands Using Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF)
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
13 Aug 2024
Snow thermal conductivity controls future winter carbon emissions in shrub-tundra
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 1 comment)
12 Aug 2024
Magnesium (Mg/Ca, δ26Mg), boron (B/Ca, δ11B), and calcium ([Ca2+]) geochemistry of Arctica islandica and Crassostrea virginica extrapallial fluid and shell under ocean acidification
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
12 Aug 2024
Diatom shifts and limnological changes in a Siberian boreal lake: impacts of climate warming and anthropogenic pollution
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
12 Aug 2024
Precipitation-fire-functional interactions control biomass stocks and carbon exchanges across the world’s largest savanna
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
06 Aug 2024
Covariation of redox potential profiles and water table level in peatland sites representing different drainage regimes: implications for ecological modelling
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
05 Aug 2024
Technical Note: A modified formulation of dynamic energy budget theory for faster computation of biological growth
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
01 Aug 2024
Biogeochemical functioning of Lake Alaotra (Madagascar): a reset of aquatic carbon sources along the land-ocean gradient
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
01 Aug 2024
Sensitivity of tropical woodland savannas to El Niño droughts
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
31 Jul 2024
Effects of photosymbiosis and related processes on planktic foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotopes in South Atlantic sediments
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
31 Jul 2024
Modeling the contribution of micronekton diel vertical migrations to carbon export in the mesopelagic zone
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
30 Jul 2024
Differential responses of soil microbiomes to ureolytic biostimulation across depths in Aridisols
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 2 comments)
26 Jul 2024
Ecosystem leaf area, gross primary production, and evapotranspiration responses to wildfire in the Columbia River Basin
External preprint server,
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
26 Jul 2024
Potential of carbon uptake and local aerosol production in boreal and hemi-boreal ecosystems across Finland and in Estonia
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
24 Jul 2024
Mire edge is not a marginal thing: Assessing the factors behind the formation, vegetation succession, and carbon balance of a subarctic fen margin
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
24 Jul 2024
Hybrid model estimate of the ocean carbon sink from 1959 to 2022
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
23 Jul 2024
Relationships between the concentration of particulate organic nitrogen and the inherent optical properties of seawater in oceanic surface waters
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 5 comments)
22 Jul 2024
The bacteria-protist link as a main route of dissolved organic matter across contrasting productivity areas in the Patagonian Shelf
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 7 comments)
18 Jul 2024
Technical note: New approach for the determination of N2 fixation rates by coupling a membrane equilibrator to a mass spectrometer on voluntary observing ships
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
18 Jul 2024
Ancient clays support contemporary biogeochemical activity in the Critical Zone
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
17 Jul 2024
Stable iron isotope signals indicate a “pseudo-abiotic" process driving deep iron release in methanic sediments
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
15 Jul 2024
The Effectiveness of Agricultural Carbon Dioxide Removal using the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
01 Jul 2024
CO2 flux characteristics of the grassland ecosystem and its response to environmental factors in the dry-hot valley of Jinsha River, China
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
28 Jun 2024
Multispecies expression of coccolithophore vital effects with changing CO2 concentrations and pH in the laboratory with insights for reconstructing CO2 levels in geological history
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
28 Jun 2024
Depositional controls and budget of organic carbon burial in fine-grained sediments of the North Sea – the Helgoland Mud Area as a test field
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
27 Jun 2024
Exploring effects of variation in plant root traits on carbon emissions from estuarine marshes
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: open, 4 comments)
26 Jun 2024
Temporal dynamics and environmental controls of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes measured by the eddy covariance method over a boreal river
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
20 Jun 2024
Evaluating state-of-the-art process-based and data-driven models in simulating CO2 fluxes and their relationship with climate in western European temperate forests
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 7 comments)
19 Jun 2024
Improved understanding of eutrophication trends, indicators and problem areas using machine learning
External preprint server,
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
13 Jun 2024
Amplified bottom water acidification rates on the Bering Sea shelf from 1970–2022
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
12 Jun 2024
A time series analysis of transparent exopolymer particle distributions and C:N stoichiometry in the subtropical North Pacific: a key process in net community production and preformed nitrate anomalies?
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
12 Jun 2024
Dissolved organic matter fosters core mercury-methylating microbiome for methylmercury production in paddy soils
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 7 comments)
06 Jun 2024
Solubility characteristics of soil humic substances as a function of pH
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 7 comments)
05 Jun 2024
Evolution of biogeochemical Properties Inside Poleward Undercurrent Eddies in the Southeast Pacific Ocean
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 7 comments)
30 May 2024
Elephant megacarcasses increase local nutrient pools in African savanna soils and plants
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 7 comments)
29 May 2024
The energy-efficient reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle drives carbon uptake and transfer to higher trophic levels within the Kueishantao shallow-water hydrothermal system
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
27 May 2024
European forest cover during the Holocene reconstructed from pollen records
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 8 comments)
23 May 2024
Observations of methane net sinks in the Arctic tundra
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
14 May 2024
Methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions from two clear-water and two turbid-water urban ponds in Brussels (Belgium)
2024Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
14 May 2024
Exploring micro-scale heterogeneity as a driver of biogeochemical transformations and gas transport in peat
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
13 May 2024
From the Top: Surface-derived Carbon Fuels Greenhouse Gas Production at Depth in a Neotropical Peatland
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
06 May 2024
Reviews and synthesis: increasing hypoxia in eastern boundary upwelling systems: a major stressor for zooplankton
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
02 May 2024
Technical note: Flow cytometry assays for the detection, counting and cell-sorting of polyphosphate-accumulating bacteria
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
26 Apr 2024
The distribution and abundance of planktonic foraminifera under summer sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
26 Apr 2024
Disentangling future effects of climate change and forest disturbance on vegetation composition and land-surface properties of the boreal forest
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
15 Apr 2024
Synchrony of African rainforest solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence and environmental factors
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
04 Apr 2024
Afforestation induced shift in the microbial community explains enhanced decomposition of subsoil organic matter
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 7 comments)
04 Apr 2024
Biological response of eelgrass epifauna, Taylor’s sea hare (Phyllaplysia taylori) and eelgrass isopod (Idotea resecata), to elevated ocean alkalinity
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
02 Apr 2024
Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) does not cause cellular stress in a phytoplankton community of the sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
25 Mar 2024
Uncertainty in Amazon vegetation productivity in CMIP6 projections driven by surface energy fluxes
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
07 Mar 2024
The 16S rDNA microbiome of the Arctic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma is comprised of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and a diatom chloroplast store
2024Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
04 Mar 2024
Ocean alkalinity enhancement in an open ocean ecosystem: Biogeochemical responses and carbon storage durability
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
29 Jan 2024
Drought counteracts soil warming more strongly in the subsoil than in the topsoil according to a vertical microbial SOC model
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
25 Jan 2024
Predicting dominant terrestrial biomes at a global scale using machine learning algorithms, climate variable indices, and extreme climate indices
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2024Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
03 Jan 2024
Cenozoic pelagic accumulation rates and biased sampling of the deep sea record
2024Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
20 Dec 2023
Pacific Southern Ocean coccolithophore-derived particulate inorganic carbon (PIC): A novel comparative analysis of in-situ and satellite-derived measurements
2023Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
18 Dec 2023
Similar importance of inter-tree and intra-tree variations in wood density observations in Central Europe
2023Preprint under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
23 Oct 2023
Determination of appropriate land use/cover pattern based on the hydroclimatic regime to support regional ecological management in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northwest China
2023Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
11 Oct 2023
Disentangling the effects of vegetation and water on the satellite observations of soil organic carbon stocks in western European topsoils
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
10 Oct 2023
Reviews and syntheses: Abrupt ocean biogeochemical change under human-made climatic forcing – warming, acidification, and deoxygenation
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript under review for BG (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
05 Oct 2023
Impacts of passive experimental warming on daytime and night-time respiration in a semi-natural grassland
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
29 Sep 2023
Crystalline Iron Oxides Stimulate Methanogenesis Under Sulfate Reducing Conditions in the Terrestrial Subsurface
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
26 Sep 2023
Carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions from rice based agricultural systems calculated with a co-designed carbon footprint calculation tool
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
22 Sep 2023
The marine methane cycle in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago during summer
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
21 Sep 2023
Ocean models as shallow sea oxygen deficiency assessment tools: from research to practical application
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
13 Sep 2023
Representing socio-economic factors in the INFERNO global fire model using the Human Development Index
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
04 Sep 2023
Environmental and vegetation control on active layer and soil temperature in an Arctic tundra ecosystem in Alaska
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
17 Aug 2023
Quantification of allochthonous and autochthonous organic carbon in large and shallow Lake Wuliangsu based on distribution patterns and δ13C signatures of n-alkanes
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
15 Aug 2023
Long-term reduction in CO2 emissions from the Elbe River due to water quality improvement
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
19 Jul 2023
Water usage of old growth oak at elevated CO2 in the FACE of climate change
2023Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
13 Apr 2023
Down in the dungeons: microbial redox reactions and geochemical transformations define the biogeochemistry of an estuarine sediment column
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 Mar 2023
Nitrogen limitation information retrieved from data assimilation
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
27 Feb 2023
What is eating my rocks? A possible novel biological niche in limestone
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 Feb 2023
Human activities determine vegetation water use in the middle and lower reaches of arid areas
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Feb 2023
Evidence of deep subsurface sulfur cycle in a sediment core from eastern Arabian Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
23 Jan 2023
Biogeochemistry of climate driven shifts in Southern Ocean primary producers
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Jan 2023
Ideas and perspectives: Errors associated with the gross nitrification rates in forested catchments calculated from the triple oxygen isotopic composition (Δ17O) of stream nitrate
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
05 Jan 2023
Ideas and perspectives: soil cracking should be given great attention in the collapse of Kobresia ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 0 comments)
03 Jan 2023
Modelling the interactive effects of viral presence and global warming on Baltic Sea ecosystem dynamics
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
03 Jan 2023
Ideas and perspectives: The benthic iron flux from sandy advective bioturbated sediments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2023Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
20 Dec 2022
Multi-site evaluation of modelled methane emissions over northern wetlands by the JULES land surface model coupled with the HIMMELI peatland methane emission model
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
28 Nov 2022
Dissolved organic matter composition regulates microbial degradation and carbon dioxide production in pristine subarctic rivers
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Nov 2022
Process Rate Estimator: A novel model to predict total denitrification using natural abundance stable isotopes of N2O
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
14 Oct 2022
Reviews and Syntheses: Carbon biogeochemistry of Indian estuaries
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Oct 2022
Spatio-temporal changes in cryoconite community, isotopic, and elemental composition over the ablation season of an alpine glacier
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
02 Sep 2022
Technical note: Photosynthetic capacity estimation is dependent on model assumptions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
19 Aug 2022
Variations of carbon flux at different time scales in a semi-fixed sandy land ecosystem in Horqin Sandy Land, China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
12 Aug 2022
Diel variations in planktonic ciliate community structure in the northern South China Sea and tropical Western Pacific
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
27 Jul 2022
Physical parameters beneficial for grouping of western barbastelle bats into clusters during hibernation
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
25 Jul 2022
Impact of sky conditions on net ecosystem productivity of a “floating blanket” wetland in southwest China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Jun 2022
Variations in land types detected using methane retrieved from space-borne sensor
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 May 2022
Effects of seasonal and diel variations in thermal stratification on phytoplankton in a regulated river
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Apr 2022
Modelling the impact of wood density dependent tree mortality on the spatial distribution of Amazonian vegetation carbon
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
10 Mar 2022
Large-diameter trees control forest structure and function in successional temperate forests
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
07 Mar 2022
Roots induce hydraulic redistribution to promote nutrient uptake and nutrient cycling in nutrient-rich but dry near-surface layers
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Mar 2022
The importance of spatial resolution in the modelling of methane emissions from natural wetlands
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
21 Feb 2022
Recent significant decline of strong carbon peat accumulation rates in tropical Andes related to climate change and glacier retreat
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
10 Feb 2022
High-resolution modelling of long-term trends in the oxygen and carbon cycles of the Benguela upwelling system
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Feb 2022
Assessing the effects of no-till on SOC dynamics throughout the soil profile after grassland renovation and conversion to silage maize
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
24 Jan 2022
Reviews and syntheses: Assessment of Biogeochemical Models in the Marine Environment
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Jan 2022
Pronounced seasonal and spatial variability in determinants of phytoplankton biomass dynamics along a near–offshore gradient in the southern North Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
13 Jan 2022
Observing intermittent biological productivity and vertical carbon transports during the spring transition with BGC Argo floats in the western North Pacific
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Jan 2022
Genetic functional potential displays minor importance in explaining spatial variability of methane fluxes within a Eriophorum vaginatum dominated Swedish peatland
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Jan 2022
Significant methane undersaturation during austral summer in the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2022Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Dec 2021
Biological response to hydrodynamic factors in estuarine-coastal systems: a numerical analysis in a micro-tidal bay
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
08 Dec 2021
Effects of tropical rainforest conversion to rubber plantation on soil quality in Hainan Island, China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Dec 2021
Improving the stomatal resistance, photosynthesis and two big leaf algorithms for grass in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
29 Nov 2021
Linking sediment biodegradability with its origin in shallow coastal environments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
11 Nov 2021
Variations in and environmental controls of primary productivity in the Amundsen Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Nov 2021
Sensitivity of plankton assemblages to hydroclimate variability in the Barents Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
29 Oct 2021
Pameterization of the responses of subarctic European vegetation to key environmental variables for ozone risk assessment
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
18 Oct 2021
Modeling of the large-scale nutrient biogeochemical cycles in Lake Onego
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
29 Sep 2021
Methane accumulation affected by particulate organic carbon in upper Yangtze deep valley dammed cascade reservoirs, China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
10 Sep 2021
Large Herbivores Affecting Permafrost – Impacts of Grazing on Permafrost Soil Carbon Storage in Northeastern Siberia
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Sep 2021
Effect of vegetation distribution driven by hydrological fluctuation on sedimental stoichiometry regulating N2O emissions in freshwater wetland
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Aug 2021
Dissolved organic carbon vertical movement and carbon accumulation in West Siberian peatlands
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Jul 2021
The impacts of model structure, parameter uncertainty and experimental design on Earth system model simulations of litter bag decomposition experiments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Jul 2021
Biomarker characterization of the North Water Polynya, Baffin Bay: Implications for local sea ice and temperature proxies
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Jul 2021
Manifestations and environmental implications of microbially-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) by the cyanobacterium Dolichospermum flosaquae
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
24 Jun 2021
Biological response to wind and terrestrial nitrate in the western and southern continental shelves of the Gulf of Mexico
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
19 May 2021
Geophysical and biogeochemical observations using BGC Argo floats in the western North Pacific during late winter and early spring, Part 2: Biological processes during restratification periods in the euphotic and twilight layers
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 May 2021
Ozone-induced gross primary productivity reductions over European forests inferred from satellite observations
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
05 May 2021
Fluorescent double labelling of F-actin in Foraminifera: evaluation of granular pattern F-actin organisation in reticulopodia
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
23 Apr 2021
Insights into nitrogen fixation below the euphotic zone: trials in an oligotrophic marginal sea and global compilation
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
23 Apr 2021
Unravelling Light and Microbial Activity as Drivers of Organic Matter Transformations in Tropical Headwater Rivers
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Apr 2021
Reviews and syntheses: Enhancing research and monitoring of land-to-atmosphere greenhouse gases exchange in developing countries
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Apr 2021
Cells of matter and life – towards understanding the internal structure and spatial patchiness of particles and plankton distribution in the Arctic fjords
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
31 Mar 2021
Evolution of the long-term and estuary-scale phytoplankton patterns in the Scheldt estuary: the disappearance of net growth in the brackish region
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
09 Mar 2021
Sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane in sediments of
the South-Western Barents Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
03 Mar 2021
High greenhouse gas fluxes from peatlands under various
disturbances in the Peruvian Amazon
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
23 Feb 2021
Tritium activity concentration and behaviour in coastal
regions of Fukushima in 2014
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
23 Feb 2021
Influence of land use and occupation on the water quality of a
microbasin in the southwestern Amazon
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Feb 2021
Weekly reconstruction of pH and total alkalinity in an upwelling-dominated coastal ecosystem through neural networks (ATpH-NN): The case of Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)
between 1992 and 2019
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
08 Feb 2021
Impact of typhoons on particulate and dissolved 137Cs activities in seawater off the Fukushima Prefecture: results from the SOSO 5 Rivers cruise (October 2014)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Jan 2021
Radiative transfer modeling with BGC-Argo float data in the
Mediterranean Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2021Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
04 Dec 2020
Air–sea carbon flux from high-temporal-resolution data of in situ CO2 measurements in the southern North Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Dec 2020
Multi-year CO2 budgets in South African semi-arid Karoo ecosystems
under different grazing intensities
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
24 Nov 2020
Do marine benthos breathe what they eat?
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
23 Nov 2020
Contribution of the nongrowing season to annual N2O emissions from the
continuous permafrost region in Northeast China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
21 Nov 2020
Cambial-age related correlations of stable isotopes and tree-ring
widths in wood samples of tree-line conifers
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Nov 2020
Drivers of the variability of the isotopic composition of water vapor
in the surface boundary layer
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
13 Nov 2020
Manifestations and environmental implications of microbially-induced calcium
carbonate precipitation (MICP) by the cyanobacterium Dolichospermum
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
19 Oct 2020
Latitudinal patterns in the concentrations of biologically utilised
elements in the surface ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Oct 2020
Warmer winters causes an increase of chlorophyll-a concentration in
deeper layers: the opposite role of convection and self-shading on the
example of the Black Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
08 Oct 2020
Intersecting Methane Production and Oxidation Zones in Freshwater Sediments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Sep 2020
The effect of organic matter (OM) quality on the redox stability of OM-Fe association in freshwater sediments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
11 Sep 2020
Extraterrestrial dust as a source of bioavailable Fe for the ocean productivity
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
31 Aug 2020
Rapid abiotic transformation of marine dissolved organic material to particulate organic material in surface and deep waters
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
19 Aug 2020
Effects of land use and water quality on greenhouse gas emissions from an urban river system
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Aug 2020
Importance of succession in estimating biomass loss: Combining remote sensing and individual-based forest models
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Aug 2020
Human-induced influence on eggs and larval fish transport in a subtropical estuary
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
31 Jul 2020
Influence of microorganisms on initial soil formation along a
glacier forefield on King George Island, maritime Antarctica
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Jul 2020
Temporal and spatial mediated changes in subsurface microbial
community assemblages and functions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
03 Jul 2020
Photodegradation and biodegradation of dissolved organic
matter on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
01 Jul 2020
Diel and seasonal variability of methane emissions from a shallow and eutrophic pond
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
29 Jun 2020
Seed traits and phylogeny explain plant distribution at large
geographic scale
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
25 Jun 2020
Thermocline depth and euphotic zone thickness regulate the abundance of diazotrophic cyanobacteria in Lake Tanganyika
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Jun 2020
Warmer winter causes deepening and intensification of summer
subsurface bloom in the Black Sea: the role of convection and self-shading
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
11 Jun 2020
Cereal-legume mixtures increase net CO2 uptake in a forage system of the Eastern Pyrenees
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Jun 2020
An interrupting mechanism to prevent the formation of coastal hypoxiaby winds
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Jun 2020
Climate data induced uncertainties in simulated carbon fluxes under corn and soybean systems
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Jun 2020
Sample preservation and pre-treatment in stable isotope analysis: Implications for the study of aquatic food webs
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
20 May 2020
New insights into mechanisms of sunlight-mediated high-temperature accelerated diurnal production-degradation of fluorescent DOM in lake waters
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
14 May 2020
A comparison of bacterial communities from OMZ sediments in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal reveals major differences in nitrogen turnover and carbon recycling potential
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Apr 2020
Differential effects of redox conditions on the decomposition of litter and soil organic matter
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Apr 2020
Alternation of heterotrophic bacterial and archaeal production along nitrogen and salinity gradients in coastal wetlands
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
01 Apr 2020
Effects of environmental and management factors on worldwide maize and soybean yields over the 20th and 21st centuries
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
27 Mar 2020
Improved parameterization of the weathering kinetics module in the PROFILE and ForSAFE models
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 Mar 2020
Contrasting juxtaposition of two paradigms for diazotrophy in an Earth System Model of intermediate complexity
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
20 Mar 2020
Interpretation of kinetic isotope fractionation between aqueous Fe(II)
and ferrihydrite under a high degree of microbial reduction
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Mar 2020
Spring distribution of shelled pteropods across the Mediterranean Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
03 Mar 2020
Modelled potential forest area in the forest-steppe of central Mongolia is about three times of actual forest area
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
28 Feb 2020
On evapotranspiration and eddy covariance measurements corrections
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 0 comments)
25 Feb 2020
Improving maps of forest aboveground biomass: A combined approach using machine learning with a spatial statistical model
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
19 Feb 2020
A zooplankton diel vertical migration parameterization for coastal marine ecosystem modeling
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
14 Feb 2020
Comment on Ideas and perspectives: is shale gas a major driver of recent increase in global atmospheric methane?by Robert W. Howarth (2019)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Feb 2020
Combining hyperspectral remote sensing and eddy covariance data streams for estimation of vegetation functional traits
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
05 Feb 2020
Emissions of monoterpenes from new Scots pine foliage: dependency on season, stand age and location and importance for models
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
31 Jan 2020
Oxygen and light determine the pathways of nitrate reduction in a highly saline lake
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
30 Jan 2020
Climate reconstructions based on GDGTs and pollen surface datasets from Mongolia and Siberia: Calibrations and applicability to extremely dry and cold environments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
02 Jan 2020
Estimation of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in China using WRF–CLM–MEGAN coupled model
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2020Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
16 Dec 2019
Calcite and vaterite biosynthesis by nitrate dissimilating bacteria in carbonatogenesis process under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
16 Dec 2019
Acidification-vulnerable carbonate system of the East Sea (Japan Sea)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
10 Dec 2019
Distinct microbial composition and functions in an underground high-temperature hot spring at different depths
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
09 Dec 2019
Reviews and syntheses: Anthropogenically breaking macro-ecospatial chains? – case review of HU Line
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
25 Nov 2019
A hydroclimatic model for the distribution of fire on Earth
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Nov 2019
On surface fluxes at night – the virtual chamber approach
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
11 Nov 2019
Changes in Particulate and Mineral Associated Organic Carbon with Land Use in Contrasting Soils
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
05 Nov 2019
Measuring frequently during peak soil N2O emissions is more important than choosing the time of day to sample
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Nov 2019
Validation of a coupled δ2Hn-alkane-δ18Osugar paleohygrometer approach based on a climate chamber experiment
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
28 Oct 2019
Relationships between leaf δ15N and leaf metallic nutrients
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
18 Oct 2019
Phosphorus attenuation in streams by water-column geochemistry and benthic sediment reactive iron
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
15 Oct 2019
Reshaped acclimation traits of dominant tree species under manipulated rainfall would alter their coexisting relation in a low-subtropical secondary evergreen forest
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Oct 2019
Simulating oceanic radiocarbon with the FAMOUS GCM: implications for its use as a proxy for ventilation and carbon uptake
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Oct 2019
Low CO2 evasion rate from the mangrove surrounding waters of Sundarban
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
30 Sep 2019
Trace elements in mussel shells from the Brazos River, Texas: environmental and biological control
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 11 comments)
25 Sep 2019
Anoxic monimolimnia: Nutrients devious feeders
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
23 Sep 2019
A New Characterization of the Upper Waters of the central Gulf of México based on Water Mass Hydrographic and Biogeochemical Characteristics
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Sep 2019
Formation and origin of Fe-Si oxyhydroxide deposits at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
29 Aug 2019
High-throughput screening of sediment bacterial communities from Oxygen Minimum Zones of the northern Indian Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
27 Aug 2019
Insights on nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation in global croplands from theoretical and modelling fertilization experiments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
12 Aug 2019
A new approach for assessing climate change impacts in ecotron experiments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Aug 2019
Ideas and perspectives: Emerging contours of a dynamic exogenous kerogen cycle
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
31 Jul 2019
On modeling the Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Functional Types
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
10 Jul 2019
Nitrogen cycling in the Elbe estuary from a joint 3D-modelling and observational perspective
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
05 Jul 2019
A social-ecological approach to identify and quantify biodiversity
tipping points in South America's seasonal dry ecosystems
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
04 Jul 2019
Cryptic role of tetrathionate in the sulfur cycle: A study from Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone sediments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 13 comments)
01 Jul 2019
C3 plants converge on a universal relationship between leaf maximum carboxylation rate and chlorophyll content
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
01 Jul 2019
Global database and model on dissolved carbon in soil solution
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
18 Jun 2019
Behaviour of Dissolved Phosphorus with the associated nutrients in relation to phytoplankton biomass of the Rajang River-South China Sea continuum
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Jun 2019
Abiotic CO2 sources confound interpretation of temperature responses of in situ respiration in geothermally warmed forest soils of Iceland
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Jun 2019
Improving non-representative-sample prediction of forest
aboveground biomass maps: A combined machine
learning and spatial statistical approach
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 Jun 2019
The influence of tropical Indian Ocean warming and Indian Ocean Dipole on the surface chlorophyll concentration in the eastern Arabian Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
20 May 2019
Using Remote Sensing to Monitor the Spring Phenology of Acadia National Park across Elevational Gradients
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
20 May 2019
The Holocene Evolution of a Sedimentary Carbon Store in a Mid Latitude Fjord
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
14 May 2019
CO2 and CH4 fluxes are decoupled from organic carbon loss in drying reservoir sediments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
07 May 2019
Ventilation dynamics of the Oxygen Minimum Zone in the Arabian Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 May 2019
ENSO-driven fluctuations in oxygen supply and vertical extent of oxygen-poor waters in the oxygen minimum zone of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript accepted for BG (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
29 Apr 2019
Tree size and age induced stem carbon content variations cause an uncertainty in forest carbon stock estimation
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
29 Apr 2019
Impact of metabolic pathways and salinity on the hydrogen isotope ratios of haptophyte lipids
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
12 Apr 2019
Effect of crustose lichen (Ochrolecia frigida) on soil CO2 efflux in a sphagnum moss community over western Alaska tundra
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
01 Apr 2019
Methane oxidation potential of the arctic wetland soils of a taiga-tundra ecotone in northeastern Siberia
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
29 Mar 2019
Prioritization of the vector factors controlling Emiliania huxleyi blooms in subarctic and arctic seas: A multidimensional statistical approach
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
15 Mar 2019
Technical Note: Low Cost Mesocosms Design for Studies of Tropical Marine Environments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Mar 2019
Quantifying climatic influences on tree-ring width
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Mar 2019
Transparent exopolymer particle binding of organic and inorganic particles in the Red Sea: Implications for downward transport of biogenic materials
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
12 Mar 2019
Constraining the soil carbon source to cave-air CO2: evidence from the high-time resolution monitoring soil CO2, cave-air CO2 and its δ13C in Xueyudong, Southwest China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
11 Mar 2019
Seasonal Sinking rates of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) concentrations with associated Carbon flux in adjacent Bohai Seaand Yellow Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
21 Feb 2019
Water limitation may restrict the positive effect of higher temperatures on weathering rates in forest soils
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
19 Feb 2019
Effects of nitrogen deposition on growing-season soil methane sink
across global forest biomes
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
18 Feb 2019
Reviews and syntheses: Weathering of silicate minerals in soils and watersheds: Parameterization of the weathering kinetics module in the PROFILE and ForSAFE models
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
18 Feb 2019
Is the content and potential preservation of soil organic carbon reflected by cation exchange capacity? A case study in Swiss forest soils
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 11 comments)
15 Feb 2019
Hyposalinity tolerance inthecoccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi under the influence of ocean acidification involves enhanced photosynthetic performance
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
15 Feb 2019
Role of Microbial Communities in the Weathering and Stalactite Formation in Karst Topography
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Feb 2019
Environment Gradient related Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium in Huangmao Sea Estuary: Rates and Community Diversity
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
14 Feb 2019
Mapping trends in woody cover throughout Namibian savanna with MODIS seasonal phenological metrics and field inventory data
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
14 Feb 2019
Global variability of carbon use efficiency in terrestrial ecosystems
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Feb 2019
Diversity, distribution and nitrogen use strategies of bacteria in the South China Sea basin
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
23 Jan 2019
Drivers of 21st Century carbon cycle variability in the North
Atlantic Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Jan 2019
Response of soil respiration and soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen to grazing management in the Loess Plateau, China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2019Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
10 Dec 2018
The role of hydrodynamic and biogeochemistry on CO2 flux and
pCO2 at the Amazon River mouth
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
05 Dec 2018
Effects of dry and wet Saharan dust deposition in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Nov 2018
Silicon cycled by tropical forest trees: effects of species, elevation and bedrock on Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Nov 2018
Variation of key elements in soils and plant tissues in subalpine forests of the northern Rocky Mountains, USA
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
09 Nov 2018
Different sensitivities of litter decomposition and nutrient release to ultraviolet radiation
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
08 Nov 2018
The Mediterranean subsurface phytoplankton dynamics and their impact on Mediterranean bioregions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
06 Nov 2018
Alkalinity and nitrate concentrations in calcareous watersheds: Are they linked,
and is there an upper limit to alkalinity?
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
02 Nov 2018
Evaluation of atmospheric nitrogen inputs into marine ecosystems of the North Sea and Baltic Sea – part B: contribution by shipping and agricultural emissions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Publication in BG not foreseen (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
29 Oct 2018
Microbial Community Function in Electroactive Biofilm-based Constructed Wetlands
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Oct 2018
The role of light as vital effect on coral skeleton oxygen isotopic ratio
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
16 Oct 2018
Surface transport of DOC acts as a trophic link among Mediterranean sub-basins
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
15 Oct 2018
Assessment of paleo-ocean pH records from boron isotope ratio in the Pacific
and Atlantic ocean corals: Role of anthropogenic CO2 forcing and oceanographic factors to pH variability
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
12 Oct 2018
Seasonal Net Ecosystem Metabolism of the Near-Shore Reef System in La Parguera, Puerto Rico
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Oct 2018
Evaluation of atmospheric nitrogen inputs into marine ecosystems of the North Sea and Baltic Sea – part A: validation and time scales of nutrient accumulation
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
21 Sep 2018
Phosphorus and carbon in soil particle size fractions – A global synthesis
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
13 Sep 2018
Methane emissions from a sediment-deposited island in a Lancang-Mekong reservoir
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
04 Sep 2018
The Coupling of Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur Transformational Processes in River Sediments Based on Correlationship among the Functional Genes
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
27 Aug 2018
Spatial pattern of Kd(PAR) and its relationship with light absorption of optically active components in inland waters across China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
24 Aug 2018
Investigation of scale interaction between rainfall and ecosystem carbon exchange ofWestern Himalayan Pine dominated vegetation
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
21 Aug 2018
Characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in lakes on the Tibet Plateau, China, using spectroscopic analysis
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Aug 2018
High Riverine CO2 Outgassing affected by Land Cover Types in the Yellow River Source Region
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
02 Aug 2018
Unveiling the Perth Canyon and its deep-water faunas
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Aug 2018
Potential effects of deep seawater discharge by an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plant on the marine microorganisms in oligotrophic waters
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
23 Jul 2018
Spatiotemporal variability of light attenuation and net ecosystem metabolism in a back-barrier estuary
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
18 Jul 2018
The importance of tree demography and root water uptake for modelling the carbon and water cycles of Amazonia
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
12 Jul 2018
Influence of concurrence of extreme drought and heat events on carbon and energy fluxes in dominant ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest region
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 1 comment)
06 Jul 2018
Spring phenology and phenology-climate links inferred from two remotely sensed vegetation indices across regions and biomes
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
05 Jul 2018
A mechanistic model for electrical conduction in soil–root continuum: a virtual rhizotron study
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
21 Jun 2018
Estimating global gross primary productivity using chlorophyll
fluorescence and a data assimilation system with the
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
18 Jun 2018
Impact of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake on a deep-sea
benthic ecosystem: evidence from living and dead benthic foraminifera on the landward slope of the Japan Trench
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Jun 2018
Reviews and syntheses:
Processes and functional genes involved in
nitrogen cycling in marine environments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Jun 2018
Changes in carbon stocks of Fagus forest ecosystems along an altitudinal gradient on Mt. Fanjingshan in Southwest China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
28 May 2018
Dynamic interactions between iron and sulfur cycles from Arctic methane seeps
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 May 2018
Ammonia impacts methane oxidation and methanotrophic community in freshwater sediment
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
03 May 2018
Seasonal and spatial variability of methane emissions from a subtropical reservoir in Eastern China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
27 Apr 2018
Ecosystem respiration in coastal tidal flats can be modelled from air temperature, plant biomass and inundation regime
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
27 Apr 2018
The response of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow metabolism to CO2 levels and hydrodynamic exchange determined with aquatic eddy covariance
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
26 Apr 2018
Carbon Stocks and Accumulation Rates in Salt Marshes of
the Pacific Coast of Canada
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
26 Apr 2018
Phylogeny of the Stipa and implications for grassland evolution in China: based on biogeographic evidence
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
20 Apr 2018
Calibrating a process-based forest model with a rich observational dataset at 22 European forest sites
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
06 Apr 2018
Minimum temperature and precipitation determine fish richness pattern in China's nature reserves
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
03 Apr 2018
Higher response of terrestrial plant growth to ammonium than nitrate addition
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
28 Mar 2018
Impacts of Nitrogen Addition on Nitrous Oxide Emission: Model-Data Comparison
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
19 Mar 2018
Lability of natural organic matter in freshwater: a simple
method for detection using hydrogen peroxide as an indicator
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Mar 2018
Global patterns of leaf nutrient resorption in herbaceous plants
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
13 Mar 2018
Inferring particle dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea from in-situ
pump POC and chloropigment data using Bayesian statistics
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
27 Feb 2018
Comparative analysis of trade-offs and synergies in ecosystem services
between Guanzhong Basin and Hanzhong Basin in China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
15 Feb 2018
Quantification of the fine-scale distribution of Mn-nodules: insights from AUV multi-beam and optical imagery data fusion
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Feb 2018
Microbial Community Structure and Activity Changes in Response
to the Development of Hypoxia in a Shallow Estuary
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
05 Feb 2018
Regulation of N2O emissions from acid organic soil drained for agriculture: Effects of land use and season
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
05 Feb 2018
Alaskan Stream flow in the eastern subarctic Pacific and the eastern
Bering Sea and its impact on biological productivity
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
01 Feb 2018
Boreal forest soil is a significant and diverse source of volatile organic
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
30 Jan 2018
Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) exchange between soils and the atmosphere affected by soil moisture and compensation points
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
23 Jan 2018
Excess nitrogen as a marker of intense dinitrogen fixation in the Western Tropical South Pacific Ocean: impact on the thermocline waters of the South Pacific
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
23 Jan 2018
Modeling transient soil moisture limitations on microbial
carbon respiration
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
22 Jan 2018
Functional spatial contextualisation of the effects of multiple stressors in marine bivalves
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
22 Jan 2018
Role of Calanus sinicus (Copepoda, Calanoida) on dimethylsulfide production in Jiaozhou Bay
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
16 Jan 2018
Interactive effects of seawater carbonate chemistry, light intensity and nutrient availability on physiology and calcification of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
16 Jan 2018
Spatial estimation of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in complex terrains: a case study of Schrenk's spruce forest in the Tianshan Mountains
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Jan 2018
Winter mixing, mesoscale eddies and eastern boundary current: Engines for biogeochemical variability of the central Red Sea during winter/early spring period
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Jan 2018
Plants in movement – Floristic and climatic characterization of the
New Jersey hinterland during the Palaeogene–Neogene transition in
relation to major glaciation events
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Jan 2018
Seasonal dynamics and disturbance of phytoplankton biomass in the wake of Tahiti as observed by Biogeochemical-Argo floats
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Jan 2018
Deriving Photosynthetically Active Radiation at ground level in cloud-free conditions from Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) products
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2018Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
18 Dec 2017
Physical and chemical evolution of dissolved organic matter across the ablation season on a glacier in the central Tibetan Plateau
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
14 Dec 2017
A new procedure for processing eddy-covariance data to better quantify atmosphere-aquatic ecosystem CO2 exchanges
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
30 Nov 2017
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to terrestrial ecosystems across Germany
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
30 Nov 2017
CO2 and CH4 budgets and global warming potential modifications in Sphagnum-dominated peat mesocosms invaded by Molinia caerulea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
27 Nov 2017
The importance of nitrogen fixation to a temperate, intertidal embayment determined using a stable isotope mass balance approach
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Nov 2017
Aerobiology and passive restoration of biological soil crusts
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Nov 2017
Lifestyle dependent occurrence of airborne fungi
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
08 Nov 2017
Controls on spatial and temporal patterns of soil nitrogen availability in a High Arctic wetland
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Nov 2017
Biogeochemical contrast between different latitudes and the effect of human activity on spatio-temporal carbon cycle change in Asian river systems
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Nov 2017
Effects of the interaction of ocean acidification, solar radiation, and warming on biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds cycling in the Changjiang River Estuary
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
01 Nov 2017
Historical record of the effects of anthropogenic pollution on benthic foraminifera over the last 110 years in Gamak Bay, South Korea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
26 Oct 2017
CO2 Flux and its Relationship with Water Parameters and Biological Activity in the Ji-Paraná River (Rondônia State – Western Amazon)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
23 Oct 2017
Variations in soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and stoichiometry along forest succession in southern China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
23 Oct 2017
Dissolved organic matter release by phytoplankton in the context of the Dynamic Energy Budget theory
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
12 Oct 2017
Causes of uncertainty in observed and projected heterotrophic respiration from Earth System Models
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
29 Sep 2017
Diurnal, seasonal and long-term behaviour of high arctic tundra-heath ecosystem dynamics inferred from model ensembles constrained by time-integrated CO2 fluxes
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 Sep 2017
Disturbances of Biological Soil Crust by fossorial birds increase plant diversity in a Peruvian desert
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
22 Sep 2017
Ideas and perspectives: Can we use the soil carbon saturation deficit to quantitatively assess the soil carbon storage potential, or should we explore other strategies?
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Sep 2017
On the potential causes of the recent Pelagic Sargassum blooms events in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Sep 2017
Influence of Tidal Inundation on CO2 Exchange between Salt Marshes and the Atmosphere
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
14 Sep 2017
A mathematical representation of microalgae distribution in aridisol and water scarcity
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Sep 2017
Intense pCO2 and [O2] Oscillations in a Mussel-Seagrass Habitat: Implications for Calcification
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
28 Aug 2017
Organic and inorganic carbon and their stable isotopes in surface sediments of the Yellow River Estuary
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
25 Aug 2017
The Ballast Effect in the Indian Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
25 Aug 2017
Comment on Growth responses of trees and understory plants to nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical forest in Chinaby Tian et al. (2017)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
21 Aug 2017
A temperature threshold to identify the driving climate forces of the respiratory process in terrestrial ecosystems
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
08 Aug 2017
Impact of land use and soil properties on soil methane flux response to biochar addition
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
20 Jul 2017
Ideas and perspectives: New research examples of autumnal climate change ecology
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
17 Jul 2017
226Ra and 228Ra in the stratified estuary of the Krka River (Adriatic Sea, Croatia): implications for submarine groundwater discharge and its derived nutrients
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Jul 2017
Field-obtained carbon and nitrogen uptake rates of phytoplankton in the Laptev and East Siberian seas
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Jul 2017
Potential Impact of Carbonate Chemistry Change (pCO2) on Krill and
Krill-based Food chain in the Southern Ocean with emphasis on
Embryogenesis of Antarctic krill
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Jul 2017
The contribution of land-use change versus climate variability to the
1940s CO2 plateau: Former Soviet Union as a test case
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 13 comments)
04 Jul 2017
13C labelling study of constitutive and stress-induced terpenoide
missions from Norway spruce and Scots pine
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Jul 2017
Winter phytoplankton blooms in the offshore south Adriatic waters (1995–2012) regulated by hydroclimatic events: Special emphasis on the exceptional bloom of 1995
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
12 Jun 2017
Evidence for microbial mediated nitrate cycling within floodplain sediments during groundwater fluctuations
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
09 Jun 2017
An Orphan Problem Looking for Adoption: Responding to Ocean Acidification Utilising Existing International Institutions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
01 Jun 2017
Estimating total alkalinity for coastal ocean acidification monitoring at regional to continental scales in Australian coastal waters
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
19 May 2017
Organic exudates promote Fe(II) oxidation in Fe limited cultures of Trichodesmium erythraeum
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 May 2017
Living coccolithophores from the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean during the spring intermonsoon: Indicators of hydrography
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
12 May 2017
Accounting for multiple forcing factors and product substitution enforces the cooling effect of boreal forests
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
08 May 2017
Seasonal effects of photophysiology and chlorophyll a abundance on phytoplankton group-specific primary production in the Kuroshio region as revealed by SeaStar/SeaWiFS
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 May 2017
Vulnerability of soil organic matter of anthropogenically disturbed organic soils
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 May 2017
Ocean acidification dampens warming and contamination effects on the physiological stress response of a commercially important fish
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
21 Apr 2017
Biogeochemical diversity and hot moments of GHG emissions from shallow alkaline lakes in the Pantanal of Nhecolândia, Brazil
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
10 Apr 2017
Atmospheric dry and wet nitrogen deposition in agro-pastoral catchments of the China and Mongolia Altay
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
05 Apr 2017
The dynamics and export of dissolved organic carbon from subtropical
small mountainous rivers during typhoon and non-typhoon periods
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Apr 2017
Carbon cycling on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf – a change in air-sea
CO2 flux induced by mineralization of terrestrial organic carbon
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
22 Mar 2017
Optical and molecular-level characterization of fluvial organic matter biodegradation in a highly urbanized river system
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
21 Mar 2017
Changing mineralogical properties of shells may help minimize the impact of hypoxia-induced metabolic depression on calcification
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 12 comments)
13 Mar 2017
Nitrous oxide variability at sub-kilometre resolution in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
13 Mar 2017
Rainfall pattern greatly affects water use by Mongolian Scots pine on a sandy soil, in a semi-arid climate
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
10 Feb 2017
Seasonal and inter-annual variations in carbon fluxes in a tropical
river system (Tana River, Kenya)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 Feb 2017
The Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Activity, Nutrient Loading, and Algal Blooms over the Great Barrier Reef
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
30 Jan 2017
Changes in the Si / P weathering ratio and their effect on the selection of coccolithophores and diatoms
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
26 Jan 2017
Holistic monitoring of increased pollutant loading and its impact on the environmental condition of a coastal lagoon with Ammonia as a proxy for impact on biodiversity
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Jan 2017
R-Package BIOdry: DendroClimatic Modeling from Multilevel
Ecological Data Series
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Jan 2017
Improvement of Soil Respiration Parameterization in a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model and Its Impact on the Simulation of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
09 Jan 2017
High growth potential and activity of 0.2 µm filterable bacteria habitually present in coastal seawater
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Jan 2017
No significant changes in topsoil carbon in the grasslands of northern China between the 1980s and 2000s
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2017Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Dec 2016
Uncertainties in global crop model frameworks: effects of cultivar distribution, crop management and soil handling on crop yield estimates
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
19 Dec 2016
Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether variations in the northern Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean, during the Holocene
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Dec 2016
Intercomparison of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes and Carbon Use Efficiency Simulated by CMIP5 Earth System Models
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Dec 2016
Phytoplankton communities determine the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of alkaline phosphatase activity: evidence from a tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
07 Dec 2016
Carbon budget assessment of an irrigated wheat and maize rotation cropland with high groundwater table in the North China Plain
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
29 Nov 2016
Influence of climate variability, fire and phosphorus limitation on the vegetation structure and dynamics in the Amazon-Cerrado border
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Nov 2016
Shell dissolution observed in Limacina helicina antarctica from the
Ross Sea, Antarctica: paired shell characteristics and in situ seawater
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
22 Nov 2016
Passive adsorption of neighbouring plant volatiles linked to associational susceptibility in a subarctic ecosystem
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Nov 2016
Impact of annual and seasonal precipitation and air temperature on gross primary production in Mediterranean ecosystems in Europe
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Nov 2016
Quantification of basal ice microbial cell delivery to the glacier margin
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
24 Oct 2016
Acidification counteracts negative effects of warming on diatom silicification
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
13 Oct 2016
Functional classification of bioturbating macrofauna in marine
sediments using time-resolved imaging of particle displacement
and multivariate analysis
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Oct 2016
Climate-driven change in a Baltic Sea summer microplanktonic community – desalination play a more important role than ocean acidification
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
29 Sep 2016
Combined effects of elevated pCO2 and temperature on biomass and carbon fixation of phytoplankton assemblages in the northern South China Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Sep 2016
Relating historical vegetation cover to aridity index patterns in the
greater desert region of northern China: Implications to planned and
existing restoration projects
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
06 Sep 2016
Responses of the diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis to increasing sea water CO2 concentrations and the effect of turbulence
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
31 Aug 2016
Hydrothermal activity lowers trophic diversity in Antarctic sedimented hydrothermal vents
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
24 Aug 2016
Rooting and plant density strongly determine greenhouse gas budget
of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) mats
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 12 comments)
21 Jul 2016
Anaerobic methane oxidation in an East African great lake (Lake Kivu)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
30 Jun 2016
Seasonal variability of dissolved organic matter in the Columbia
River: In situ sensors elucidate biogeochemical and molecular
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
30 Jun 2016
Continuous measurements of nitrous oxide isotopomers during
incubation experiments
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Jun 2016
Feasibility for detection of ecosystem response to disturbance by atmospheric carbon dioxide
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
16 Jun 2016
Agricultural uses reshape soil C, N, and P stoichiometry in subtropical ecosystems
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
14 Jun 2016
Using coupled hydrodynamic biogeochemical models to predict the effects of tidal turbine arrays on phytoplankton dynamics
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
06 Jun 2016
Large uncertainty in ecosystem carbon dynamics resulting from ambiguous numerical coupling of carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry: A demonstration with the ACME land model
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
01 Jun 2016
Under a new light: validation of eddy covariance flux with light response functions of assimilation and estimates of heterotrophic soil respiration
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
30 May 2016
Microtopography matters for CH4 formation in a peat soil: a combined inhibitor and 13C study
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 May 2016
Monodeuterated methane: an isotopic probe to measure biological methane metabolism rates and track catabolic exchange reactions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
17 May 2016
Seasonal and vertical variations in soil CO2 production in a beech forest: an isotopic flux-gradient approach
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
17 May 2016
Response of soil respiration to nitrogen addition along a degradation gradient in a temperate steppe of northern China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 May 2016
Sediment characteristics as an important factor for revealing carbon storage in Zostera marina meadows: a comparison of four European areas
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
03 May 2016
Distinctly different bacterial communities in surface and oxygen minimum layers in the Arabian Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
29 Apr 2016
Improving vegetation phenological parameterization of a land surface model
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 Apr 2016
Evaluation of modeled global carbon dynamics: analysis based on global carbon flux and above-ground biomass data
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Apr 2016
Integrating aquatic and terrestrial biogeochemical model to predict effects of reservoir creation on CO2 emissions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
06 Apr 2016
Ecosystem feedbacks from subarctic wetlands: vegetative and atmospheric CO2 controls on greenhouse gas emissions
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Apr 2016
Spatial Patterns of Phosphorus Fractions in Soils of Temperate Forest Ecosystems with Silicate Parent Material
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Apr 2016
Permafrost thaw and release of inorganic nitrogen from polygonal tundra soils in eastern Siberia
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Apr 2016
Wildfire effects on ecosystem nitrogen cycling in a Chinese boreal larch forest, revealed by 15N natural abundance
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Apr 2016
Icelandic grasslands as long-term C sinks under elevated N inputs
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
23 Mar 2016
Tracking the direct impact of rainfall on groundwater at Mt. Fuji by multiple analyses including microbial DNA
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
21 Mar 2016
Mechanisms of methane transport through Populus trichocarpa
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
17 Mar 2016
Lagrangian characterization of nitrate supply and episodes of extreme phytoplankton blooms in the Great Australian Bight
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
15 Mar 2016
Dryland vegetation functional response to altered rainfall amounts and variability derived from satellite time series data
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
25 Feb 2016
Reviews and syntheses: Methane biogeochemistry in Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem, NE coast of India; a box modeling approach
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
22 Feb 2016
Rates and pathways of CH4 oxidation in ferruginous Lake Matano, Indonesia
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
19 Feb 2016
The pelagic microbial food web structure in Sanggou Bay, Yellow Sea: Spatial variation over four successive seasons
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
12 Feb 2016
The silica-carbon biogeochemical cycle in the Bohai Sea and its responses to the changing terrestrial loadings
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Feb 2016
The asynchronous response of carbon gain and water loss generate spatio-temporal pattern of WUE along elevation gradient in southwest China
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Feb 2016
Which are important soil parameters influencing the spatial heterogeneity of 14C in soil organic matter?
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Feb 2016
Soil greenhouse gases emissions reduce the benefit of mangrove plant to mitigating atmospheric warming effect
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
02 Feb 2016
Are fire mediated feedbacks burning out of control?
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
29 Jan 2016
Deep-sea ecosystem: a world of positive biodiversity – ecosystem functioning relationships?
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Jan 2016
CO2 emissions from German drinking water reservoirs estimated from routine monitoring data
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
18 Jan 2016
Technical Note: Rapid Normal-phase Separation of Phytoplankton Lipids by Ultra-High Performance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (UHPSFC)
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
18 Jan 2016
Controls of longitudinal variation in δ13C-DIC in rivers: A global meta-analysis
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Jan 2016
Community change of microorganisms in the Muztagata and Dunde glacier and climatic and environmental implications
Biogeosciences Discuss.,
2016Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
15 Dec 2015
Differences in spatial and temporal root lifespan of temperate steppes across Inner Mongolia grasslands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 19999–20023,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
09 Dec 2015
High-resolution ocean pH dynamics in four subtropical Atlantic benthic habitats
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 19481–19498,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 Nov 2015
The interaction between nitrogen and phosphorous is a strong predictor of intra-plant variation in nitrogen isotope composition in a desert species
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 18769–18794,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Nov 2015
Concentrations and ratios of Sr, Ba and Ca along an estuarine river to the Gulf of Mexico – implication for sea level rise effects on trace metal distribution
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 18425–18461,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Nov 2015
Estimation of nutrient contributions from the ocean across a river basin using stable isotope analysis
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 18185–18211,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
09 Nov 2015
Prescribed-burning vs. wildfire: management implications for annual carbon emissions along a latitudinal gradient of Calluna vulgaris-dominated vegetation
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 17817–17849,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
16 Oct 2015
Interactive effects of and light on growth rates and RUBISCO content of small and large centric diatoms
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 16645–16672,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
28 Sep 2015
Comparing solubility algorithms of greenhouse gases in Earth-System modelling
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 15925–15945,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
28 Sep 2015
Improving estimations of greenhouse gas transfer velocities by atmosphere–ocean couplers in Earth-System and regional models
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 15901–15924,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
24 Sep 2015
Ocean acidification modulates expression of genes and physiological performance of a marine diatom
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 15809–15833,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
23 Sep 2015
Carbon dynamics and changing winter conditions: a review of current understanding and future research directions
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 15763–15808,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
14 Sep 2015
Environmental controls on leaf wax δD ratios in surface peats across the monsoonal region of China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 15157–15184,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
01 Sep 2015
Influence of measurement uncertainties on soluble aerosol iron over the oceans
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 14377–14400,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Aug 2015
Protist communities in a marine oxygen minimum zone off Costa Rica by 454 pyrosequencing
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 13483–13509,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
19 Aug 2015
Seasonal, sub-seasonal and spatial fluctuations in oxygen-depleted bottom waters in an embayment of an eastern boundary upwelling system: St Helena Bay
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 13283–13309,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Aug 2015
Technical Note: A simple calculation algorithm to separate high-resolution CH4 flux measurements into ebullition and diffusion-derived components
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 12923–12945,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Aug 2015
Contribution of Marine Group II Euryarchaeota to cyclopentyl tetraethers in the Pearl River estuary and coastal South China Sea: impact on the TEX86 paleothermometer
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 12455–12484,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
06 Aug 2015
Projected climate change impacts on North Sea and Baltic Sea: CMIP3 and CMIP5 model based scenarios
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 12229–12279,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
23 Jul 2015
Technical Note: An improved guideline for rapid and precise sample preparation of tree-ring stable isotope analysis
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 11587–11623,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
21 Jul 2015
Seagrass beds as ocean acidification refuges for mussels? High resolution measurements of pCO2 and O2 in a Zostera marina and Mytilus edulis mosaic habitat
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 11423–11461,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Jul 2015
The abiotic contribution to total CO2 flux for soils in arid zone
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 11217–11244,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
09 Jul 2015
Application of clustering techniques to study environmental characteristics of microbialite-bearing aquatic systems
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 10511–10544,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
09 Jul 2015
Water use strategies of a young Eucalyptus urophylla forest in response to seasonal change of climatic factors in South China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 10469–10510,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Jul 2015
Net ecosystem production in a Little Ice Age moraine: the role of plant functional traits
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 10271–10310,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Jun 2015
Reviews and synthesis: Carbon capture and storage monitoring – an integrated biological, biophysical and chemical approach
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 8909–8937,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Jun 2015
Ideas and perspectives: use of tree-ring width as an indicator of tree growth
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 8341–8352,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
02 Jun 2015
Biologically labile photoproducts from riverine non-labile dissolved organic carbon in the coastal waters
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 8199–8234,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
12 May 2015
Methane distribution, flux, and budget in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 7017–7053,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
30 Apr 2015
Coupling the chemical dynamics of carbonate and dissolved inorganic nitrogen systems in the eutrophic and turbid inner Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 6405–6443,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Apr 2015
Optimising methodology for determining the effect of ocean acidification on bacterial extracellular enzymes
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 5841–5870,
2015Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Apr 2015
Linking dissolved organic matter composition to metal bioavailability in agricultural soils: effect of anionic surfactants
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 5697–5723,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
14 Apr 2015
Effects of flooding on organic carbon consumption in the East China Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 5609–5639,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Apr 2015
Estimation of nutrient contributions from the ocean across a river basin using stable isotope analysis
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 5535–5557,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Apr 2015
Is average chain length of plant lipids a potential proxy for vegetation, environment and climate changes?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 5477–5501,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
23 Mar 2015
A model analysis of climate and CO2 controls on tree growth in a semi-arid woodland
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 4769–4800,
2015Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
16 Mar 2015
Major constrains of the pelagic food web efficiency in the Mediterranean Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 4365–4403,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
10 Feb 2015
Growth and production of the copepod community in the southern area of the Humboldt Current System
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 3057–3099,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Feb 2015
Relationship between N : P : Si ratio and phytoplankton community composition in a tropical estuarine mangrove ecosystem
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 2307–2355,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
30 Jan 2015
Microbial communities responsible for fixation of CO2 revealed by using mcrA, cbbM, cbbL, fthfs, fefe-hydrogenase genes as molecular biomarkers in petroleum reservoirs of different temperatures
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 1875–1906,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
23 Jan 2015
Seasonality of sea ice controls interannual variability of summertime ΩA at the ice shelf in the Eastern Weddell Sea – an ocean acidification sensitivity study
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 1653–1687,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
16 Jan 2015
Primary productivity and its correlation with rainfall on Aldabra Atoll
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 981–1013,
2015Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Jan 2015
How can effect the synergy of climate change, soil units and vegetation groups the potential global distribution of plants up to 2300: a modelling study for prediction of potential global distribution and migration of the N2 fixing species Alnus spp.
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 815–864,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Jan 2015
Inter- and intra-specific responses of coccolithophores to CO2-induced ocean acidification
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 675–706,
2015Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
08 Jan 2015
Ba, B, and U element partitioning in magnesian calcite skeletons of Octocorallia corals
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 413–444,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
08 Jan 2015
Mechanism of O and C isotope fractionation in magnesian calcite skeletons of Octocorallia corals and an implication on their calcification response to ocean acidification
Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 389–412,
2015Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
19 Dec 2014
A study of the role of wetlands in defining spatial patterns of near-surface (top 1 m) soil carbon in the Northern Latitudes
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 17967–18002,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
17 Dec 2014
Rapid establishment of the CO2 sink associated with Kerguelen's bloom observed during the KEOPS2/OISO20 cruise
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 17543–17578,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Dec 2014
Nitrogen fixation in the Southern Ocean: a case of study of the Fe-fertilized Kerguelen region (KEOPS II cruise)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 17151–17185,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
28 Nov 2014
Recycling and fluxes of carbon gases in a stratified boreal lake following experimental carbon addition
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 16447–16495,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Nov 2014
Environmental factors controlling lake diatom communities: a meta-analysis of published data
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 15889–15909,
2014Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
07 Nov 2014
Technical Note: Artificial coral reef mesocosms for ocean acidification investigations
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 15463–15505,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
31 Oct 2014
Experimental drought induces short-term changes in soil functionality and microbial community structure after fire in a Mediterranean shrubland
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 15251–15287,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
22 Oct 2014
Analysis of water use strategies of the desert riparian forest plant community in inland rivers of two arid regions in northwestern China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 14819–14856,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
13 Oct 2014
Influence of aeolian activities on the distribution of microbial abundance in glacier ice
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 14531–14549,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Oct 2014
Nematode diversity, abundance and community structure 50 years after the formation of the volcanic island of Surtsey
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 14239–14267,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
29 Sep 2014
Dynamics of global atmospheric CO2 concentration from 1850 to 2010: a linear approximation
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 13957–13983,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
22 Sep 2014
Effect of ammonium input over the distribution of iron in the seawater and the phytoplankton in a mesocosm experiment in a North Patagonian fjord
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 13739–13774,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Sep 2014
Testing functional trait-based mechanisms underpinning plant responses to grazing and linkages to ecosystem functioning in grasslands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 13157–13186,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
15 Aug 2014
Are C-loss rates from drained peatlands constant over time? The additive value of soil profile based and flux budget approach
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 12341–12373,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Aug 2014
Volatile Organic Compound emissions from soil: using Proton-Transfer-Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (PTR-TOF-MS) for the real time observation of microbial processes
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 12009–12038,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
01 Aug 2014
Modelling the effect of soil moisture and organic matter degradation on biogenic NO emissions from soils in Sahel rangeland (Mali)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 11785–11824,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
31 Jul 2014
Emissions from potential Patagonian dust sources and associated biological response in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 11671–11699,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
29 Jul 2014
A 1-D examination of decadal air–sea re-equilibration induced ocean surface anthropogenic CO2 accumulation: present status, changes from 1960s to 2000s, and future scenarios
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 11509–11532,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 Jul 2014
Riding on the fast lane: how sea turtles behave in post-nesting migration
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 11481–11508,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Jul 2014
Evaluation of carbon stocks in above- and below-ground biomass in Central Africa: case study of Lesio-louna tropical rainforest of Congo
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 10703–10735,
2014Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
27 Jun 2014
Structural analysis of three global land models on carbon cycle simulations using a traceability framework
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 9979–10014,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Jun 2014
Performance evaluation of ocean color satellite models for deriving accurate chlorophyll estimates in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 9299–9340,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
16 Jun 2014
Biomass yield development of early, medium and late Maize varieties under a future climate in Lower Saxony, Germany
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 9103–9134,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
06 Jun 2014
The Habitable Zone of Inhabited Planets
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 8443–8483,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
03 Jun 2014
Revisiting Mt. Kilimanjaro: Do n-alkane biomarkers in soils reflect the δ2H isotopic composition of precipitation?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 7823–7852,
2014Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 May 2014
Direct and indirect effects of vertical mixing, nutrients and ultraviolet radiation on the bacterioplankton metabolism in high-mountain lakes from southern Europe
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 7291–7325,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
20 May 2014
Role of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from Pseudomonas putida strain MnB1 in dissolution of natural rhodochrosite
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 7273–7290,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
19 May 2014
Dissolved organic carbon concentrations vary with season and land use – investigations from two fens in Northeastern Germany over two years
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 7079–7111,
2014Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
19 May 2014
Phylogenetic support for the Tropical Niche Conservatism Hypothesis despite the absence of a clear latitudinal species richness gradient in Yunnan's woody flora
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 7055–7077,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 14 comments)
16 May 2014
Progressive eutrophication behind the world-largest super floating macroalgal blooms in the Yellow Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 7029–7054,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 May 2014
Surface currents and upwelling in Kerguelen Plateau regions
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 6845–6876,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
07 May 2014
Response of plant community composition and productivity to warming and nitrogen deposition in a temperate meadow ecosystem
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 6647–6672,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Apr 2014
Impacts of physical data assimilation on the Global Ocean Carbonate System
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 5399–5441,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Apr 2014
Trace elements in shells of common gastropods in the near vicinity of a natural CO2 vent: no evidence of pH-dependent contamination
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 5215–5237,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
01 Apr 2014
Distribution of ammonia oxidizers in relation to vegetation characteristics in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 5123–5146,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
18 Mar 2014
The sensitivity of primary productivity to intra-seasonal mixed layer variability in the sub-Antarctic Zone of the Atlantic Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 4335–4358,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Mar 2014
Recolonization of the intertidal and shallow subtidal community following the 2008 eruption of Alaska's Kasatochi Volcano
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 3799–3836,
2014Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
20 Feb 2014
C, N and P stoichiometric mismatch between resources and consumers influence the dynamics of a marine microbial food web model and its response to atmospheric N and P inputs
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 2933–2971,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
20 Feb 2014
Stable isotope ratio (13C/12C) mass spectrometry to evaluate carbon sources and sinks: changes and trends during the decomposition of vegetal debris from eucalyptus clone plantations (NW Spain)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 2823–2845,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Feb 2014
On the apparent CO2 absorption by alkaline soils
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 2665–2683,
2014Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
04 Feb 2014
Challenges and opportunities to reduce uncertainty in projections of future atmospheric CO2: a combined marine and terrestrial biosphere perspective
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 2083–2153,
2014Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Feb 2014
Impact of nitrogen fertilization on carbon and water fluxes in a chronosequence of three Douglas-fir stands in the Pacific Northwest
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 2001–2043,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
04 Feb 2014
How well can we predict soil respiration with climate indicators, now and in the future?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 1977–1999,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
03 Feb 2014
Physical processes mediating climate change impacts on regional sea ecosystems
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 1909–1975,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
29 Jan 2014
A model–data intercomparison of simulated runoff in the contiguous United States: results from the North America Carbon Regional and Continental Interim-Synthesis
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 1801–1826,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
29 Jan 2014
Mechanisms for the suppression of methane production in peatland soils by a humic substance analog
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 1739–1771,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
23 Jan 2014
Future climate variability impacts on potential erosion and soil organic carbon in European croplands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 1561–1585,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
16 Jan 2014
The effect of land-use change on the net exchange rates of greenhouse gases: a meta-analytical approach
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 1053–1095,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
15 Jan 2014
Controls on pH in surface waters of northwestern European shelf seas
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 943–974,
2014Preprint retracted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
13 Jan 2014
Magnetic quantification of Fe and S bound as magnetosomal greigite in laminated sapropels in deeper basins of the Baltic Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 729–752,
2014Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
17 Dec 2013
Impacts of a weather event on shelf circulation and CO2 and O2 dynamics on the Louisiana shelf during summer 2009
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 19867–19893,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
17 Dec 2013
Global land-atmosphere exchange of methane and nitrous oxide: magnitude and spatiotemporal patterns
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 19811–19865,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
13 Dec 2013
The role of iron species on the competition of two coastal diatoms, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassosira weissflogii
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 19603–19631,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
09 Dec 2013
Effects of mowing on N2O emission from a temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia, Northern China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 19219–19243,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
25 Nov 2013
Methane production correlates positively with methanogens, sulfate-reducing bacteria and pore water acetate at an estuarine brackish-marsh landscape scale
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 18241–18275,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Nov 2013
Technical Note: Constraining stable carbon isotope values of microphytobenthos (C3 photosynthesis) in the Arctic for application to food web studies
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 18151–18174,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
21 Nov 2013
Stable soil organic carbon is positively linked to microbial-derived compounds in four plantations of subtropical China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 18093–18119,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
12 Nov 2013
Late holocene trends of phytoplankton productivity and anoxia as inferred from diatom and geochemical proxies in Lake Victoria, Eastern Africa
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 17663–17682,
2013Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
04 Nov 2013
Plankton community response to Saharan dust fertilization in subtropical waters off the Canary Islands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 17275–17307,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Nov 2013
The distribution, dominance patterns and ecological niches of plankton functional types in Dynamic Green Ocean Models and satellite estimates
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 17193–17247,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
24 Oct 2013
Exploring the response of West Siberian wetland methane emissions to future changes in climate, vegetation, and soil microbial communities
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 16329–16369,
2013Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Oct 2013
Characteristics and assessment of biogenic phosphorus in sediments from the multi-polluted Haihe River, China, using phosphorus fractionation and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (31P-NMR)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 16269–16294,
2013Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
22 Oct 2013
Evolution of cyclonic eddies and biogenic fluxes in the northern Bay of Bengal
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 16213–16236,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Oct 2013
Extreme dissolved organic nitrogen fluxes in the human impacted Pamba River, Kerala, India
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 16137–16171,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Oct 2013
Recovery dynamics and invasibility of herbaceous plant communities after exposure to fifty-year climate extremes in different seasons
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 15851–15877,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
13 Sep 2013
The coccolithophores Emiliania huxleyi and Coccolithus pelagicus: extant populations from the Norwegian-Iceland Sea and Fram Strait
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 15077–15106,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
05 Sep 2013
Mechanism for initiation of the offshore phytoplankton bloom in the Taiwan Strait during winter: a physical–biological coupled modeling study
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 14685–14714,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
07 Aug 2013
A~simple model for predicting the global distribution of the N2 fixing host genus Alnus Mill.: impact of climate change on the global distribution in 2100
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 13049–13095,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Aug 2013
Response of ecosystem respiration to experimental warming and clipping in Tibetan alpine meadow at three elevations
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 13015–13047,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Aug 2013
Assessing the relationship between the δ18O signatures of siliceous sponge spicules and water in a~tropical lacustrine environment (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 12887–12918,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
26 Jul 2013
Physical-biological interactions to the west of Hawaiian Islands: impact of submesoscale dynamics on biological productivity
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 12529–12549,
2013Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
22 Jul 2013
Modelling the population dynamics of Temora longicornis in the Basin Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 12347–12384,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Jul 2013
Absorption features of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and tracing implication for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Changjiang Estuary, China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 12217–12250,
2013Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
19 Jul 2013
Photophysiological state of natural phytoplankton communities in the South China Sea and Sulu Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 12115–12153,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Jul 2013
Nutrient dynamics along a precipitation gradient in European beech forests
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 11899–11933,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
15 Jul 2013
Diagenesis and benthic fluxes of nutrients and metals during experimentally induced anoxia in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 11729–11755,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
09 Jul 2013
Sensitivity of pelagic CaCO3 dissolution to ocean acidification in an ocean biogeochemical model
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 11343–11373,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Jul 2013
Temperature and phytoplankton cell size regulate carbon uptake and carbon overconsumption in the ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 11255–11282,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
27 Jun 2013
Eddy- and wind-sustained moderate primary productivity in the temperate East Sea (Sea of Japan)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 10429–10458,
2013Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
26 Jun 2013
Contribution of dinitrogen fixation to bacterial and primary productivity in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 10327–10361,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
20 Jun 2013
Partial pressure of CO2 and CO2 emission in a monsoon-driven hydroelectric reservoir (Danjiangkou Reservoir), China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 10055–10094,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Jun 2013
Forward modeling analysis of regional scale tree-ring patterns around the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Northwest China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 9969–9988,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
14 May 2013
Fertilization success of an arctic sea urchin species, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O. F. Müller, 1776) under CO2-induced ocean acidification
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 8027–8064,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
29 Apr 2013
Effects of ocean acidification on the larval growth of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 7413–7431,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Apr 2013
Repercussions of differential settling on sediment assemblages and multi-proxy palaeo-reconstructions
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 6763–6781,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Apr 2013
Responses of lower trophic-level organisms to typhoon passage on the outer shelf of the East China Sea: an incubation experiment
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 6605–6635,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
03 Apr 2013
Altered phenology and temperature sensitivity of invasive annual grasses and forbs changes autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration rates in a semi-arid shrub community
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 6335–6375,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
12 Mar 2013
Decoupling of above and belowground C and N pools within predominant plant species Stipa grandis along a precipitation gradient in Chinese steppe zone
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 4995–5013,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
05 Mar 2013
Carbon dioxide fluxes at an intensively cultivated temperate lowland peatland in the East Anglian Fens, UK
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 4193–4223,
2013Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
21 Feb 2013
Food quality regulates the metabolism and reproduction of Temora longicornis
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 3203–3239,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
05 Feb 2013
The submarine groundwater discharge as a carbon source to the Baltic Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 2069–2091,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
05 Feb 2013
Differential gene expression in the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from the Menez Gwen and Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 2013–2038,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
31 Jan 2013
Multiyear precipitation reduction strongly decrease carbon uptake over North China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 1605–1634,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
31 Jan 2013
Impact of physical processes on the phytoplankton blooms in the South China Sea: an eddy-resolving physical-biological model study
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 1577–1604,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
30 Jan 2013
Detailed regional predictions of N2O and NO emissions from a tropical highland rainforest
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 1483–1516,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
24 Jan 2013
Satellite views of global phytoplankton community distributions using an empirical algorithm and a numerical model
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 1083–1109,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
24 Jan 2013
Contributions of riverborne inorganic and organic matters to the benthic food web in the East China Sea as inferred from stable isotope ratios
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 1051–1081,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Jan 2013
Biological soil crusts on initial soils: organic carbon dynamics and chemistry under temperate climatic conditions
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 851–894,
2013Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
15 Jan 2013
Incorporating genomic information and predicting gene expression patterns in a simplified biogeochemical model
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 815–850,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Jan 2013
Coupling of the spatial dynamic of picoplankton and nanoflagellate grazing pressure and carbon flow of the microbial food web in the subtropical pelagic continental shelf ecosystem
Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 233–263,
2013Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Dec 2012
Abiotic ammonification and gross ammonium photoproduction in the upwelling system off central Chile (36° S)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 18479–18518,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
17 Dec 2012
Influence of increasing dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations and decreasing pH on chemolithoautrophic bacteria from oxic-sulfidic interfaces
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 18371–18395,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Dec 2012
Chemosynthesis in the deep-sea: life without the sun
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 17037–17052,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
03 Dec 2012
Comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction of relationships in Octocorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from the Atlantic ocean using mtMutS and nad2 genes tree reconstructions
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 16977–16998,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
22 Nov 2012
Lingulodinium machaerophorum expansion over the last centuries in the Caspian Sea reflects global warming
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 16663–16704,
2012Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
16 Nov 2012
Thermal and haline effects on the calculation of air-sea CO2 fluxes revisited
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 16381–16417,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
05 Nov 2012
Marine carbonate system evolution during the EPOCA Arctic pelagic ecosystem experiment in the context of simulated Arctic ocean acidification
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 15541–15565,
2012Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Oct 2012
Spatial scale dependency of the modelled climatic response to deforestation
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 14639–14687,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
17 Oct 2012
Methane emission measurements in a cattle grazed pasture: a comparison of four methods
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 14407–14436,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
05 Oct 2012
Nitrogen cycling in the Central Arabian Sea: a model study
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 13581–13625,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Sep 2012
Primary production and respiration of hypersaline microbial mats as a response for high and low CO2 availability
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 12735–12755,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Sep 2012
Microstructure and hydraulic properties of biological soil crusts on sand dunes: a comparison between arid and temperate climates
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 12711–12734,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
06 Aug 2012
CO2 exchange in a temperate marginal sea of the Mediterranean Sea: processes and carbon budget
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 10331–10370,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
31 Jul 2012
Technical Note: n-Alkane lipid biomarkers in loess: post-sedimentary or syn-sedimentary?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 9875–9896,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
31 Jul 2012
Tracing biogeochemical processes and pollution sources with stable isotopes in river systems: Kamniška Bistrica, North Slovenia
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 9711–9757,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
27 Jul 2012
Isotope data improve the predictive capabilities of a marine biogeochemical model
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 9453–9486,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
23 Jul 2012
Two thresholds determine climatic control of forest-fire size in Europe
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 9065–9089,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
17 Jul 2012
Mediterranean basin-wide correlations between Saharan dust deposition and ocean chlorophyll concentration
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 8611–8639,
2012Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
17 Jul 2012
UV-induced carbon monoxide emission from sand and living vegetation
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 8449–8473,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Jul 2012
Can whales mix the ocean?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 8387–8403,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
10 Jul 2012
Measuring gross and net calcification of a reef coral under ocean acidification conditions: methodological considerations
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 8241–8272,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Jul 2012
Feedbacks of CO2 dependent dissolved organic carbon production on atmospheric CO2 in an ocean biogeochemical model
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 7983–8011,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Jun 2012
Modeling the seasonal cycle of the oxygen minimum zone over the continental shelf off Concepción, Chile (36.5° S)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 7227–7256,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Jun 2012
Are small mountainous tropical watersheds of oceanic islands important for carbon export?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 7117–7163,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
04 Jun 2012
Sensitivity of North Patagonian temperate rainforests to changes in rainfall regimes: a process-based, dynamic forest model
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 6293–6333,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
01 Jun 2012
Historical records of eutrophication in Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary and its adjacent East China Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 6261–6291,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
30 May 2012
Effect of carbonate chemistry manipulations on calcification, respiration, and excretion of a Mediterranean pteropod
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 6169–6189,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
25 May 2012
Primary Productivity and heterotrophic activity in an enclosed marine area of central Patagonia (Puyuhuapi channel; 44° S, 73° W)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 5929–5968,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 May 2012
Impact of mire reclamation on export potential and characteristics of dissolved carbons in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 5347–5371,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 Apr 2012
Annual hypoxia dynamics in an enclosed gulf
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 5049–5071,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
20 Apr 2012
Biological productivity in the Mauritanian upwelling estimated with a triple gas approach
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 4853–4875,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
23 Mar 2012
Effect of Ocean acidification on growth, calcification and recruitment of calcifying and non-calcifying epibionts of brown algae
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 3739–3766,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Mar 2012
Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved organic carbon and inorganic carbon concentrations and δ13C in a peatland-stream continuum: implications of peatland invasion by vascular plants
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 3515–3544,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Mar 2012
Improved determination of daytime net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide at croplands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 2883–2919,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
12 Mar 2012
Distributions of the carbonate system properties, anthropogenic CO2, and acidification during the 2008 BOUM cruise (Mediterranean Sea)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 2709–2753,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
03 Feb 2012
Dissolved organic carbon release by marine macrophytes
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 1529–1555,
2012Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
03 Feb 2012
Progress on quantitative assessment methods of biological aerosols in the atmosphere
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 1511–1528,
2012Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
26 Jan 2012
Environmental factors regulating winter CO2 flux in snow-covered boreal forest soil, interior Alaska
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 1129–1159,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Jan 2012
Pyrite Oxidation under initially neutral pH conditions and in the presence of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and micromolar hydrogen peroxide
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 557–579,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 10 comments)
16 Jan 2012
Seasonal and latitudinal patterns of pelagic community metabolism in surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 507–525,
2012Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Jan 2012
Nitrous oxide emission reduction in temperate biochar-amended soils
Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 151–189,
2012Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Dec 2011
Spatio-temporal variability of the CO2 system on the Scotian Shelf
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 12013–12050,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Dec 2011
Changes in carbon fluxes and pools induced by cropland expansion in South and Southeast Asia in the 20th century
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 11979–12012,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
18 Nov 2011
Soil carbon dynamics during secondary succession in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 11107–11138,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Nov 2011
Landscape patterns of soil oxygen and atmospheric greenhouse gases in a northern hardwood forest landscape
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 10859–10893,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
08 Nov 2011
A model study on the sensitivity of surface ocean CO2 pressure with respect to the CO2 gas exchange rate
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 10797–10821,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
28 Oct 2011
Daily CO2 partial pressure and CO2 outgassing in the upper Yangtze River basin: a case study of Longchuanjiang, China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 10645–10676,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
29 Sep 2011
New products for a better characterisation of smoke plume and gas/aerosol dispersion from boreal eurasian forest fires: the ALANIS Smoke Plume project
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 9747–9761,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
20 Sep 2011
Transformation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) into particulate organic carbon (POC) in the lower Xijiang River, SE China: an isotopic approach
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 9471–9501,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
12 Sep 2011
An approach to the investigation of CO2 uptake by soil microorganisms
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 9235–9281,
2011Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
09 Sep 2011
Non-lethal effects of ocean acidification on two symbiont-bearing benthic foraminiferal species
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 9165–9200,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
26 Aug 2011
Seasonality of ecosystem respiration in a double-cropping paddy field in Bangladesh
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 8693–8721,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
23 Aug 2011
On the use of satellites to obtain information on the occurrence of natural and anthropogenic aerosols over the boreal eurasian forest
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 8451–8483,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
23 Aug 2011
Effect of salinity induced pH changes on benthic foraminifera: a laboratory culture experiment
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 8423–8450,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
11 Aug 2011
Controls on benthic biomass size spectra in shelf and deep-sea sediments – a modelling study
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 8189–8240,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
22 Jul 2011
Mineral dust aerosol from Saharan desert by means of atmospheric, emission, dispersion modelling
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 7313–7338,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
21 Jul 2011
Modeling the vertical soil organic matter profile using 210Pbex measurements and Bayesian inversion
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 7257–7312,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
19 Jul 2011
Above- and below-ground response to soil moisture change on an alpine wetland ecosystem in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 7141–7164,
2011Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
13 Jul 2011
Phytoplankton distribution in the Western Arctic Ocean during a summer of exceptional ice retreat
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 6919–6970,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
08 Jul 2011
Volatile diterpene emission from dominant conifers in Japan
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 6681–6700,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
08 Jul 2011
A Holocene record of mercury accumulation in a pristine lake in Southernmost South America (53° S) – climatic and environmental drivers
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 6555–6588,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
08 Jul 2011
Can Mg isotopes be used to trace cyanobacteria-mediated magnesium carbonate precipitation in alkaline lakes?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 6473–6517,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
07 Jul 2011
Soil warming in a cool-temperate mixed forest with peat soil enhanced heterotrophic and basal respiration rates but Q10 remained unchanged
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 6415–6445,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
30 Jun 2011
The combined impact of CO2-dependent parameterisations of Redfield and Rain ratios on ocean carbonate saturation
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 6265–6280,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
29 Jun 2011
Ecological research and large scale land-atmosphere feedbacks: lesson from the Bouchet's complementary relationship
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 6077–6094,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
29 Jun 2011
Effects of flooding cycles in the Pantanal on the turnover of soil nitrogen pools and emission of N2O
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 5991–6030,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
09 Jun 2011
Contributions of agricultural plants and soils to N2O emission in a farmland
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 5505–5535,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
27 May 2011
Coexisting methane and oxygen excesses in nitrate-limited polar water (Fram Strait) during ongoing sea ice melting
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 5179–5195,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
06 May 2011
Response of δ13C in plant and soil respiration to a water pulse
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 4493–4527,
2011Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 May 2011
Paleofires and the dynamics of carbon cycling in Chinese Loess Plateau over the last two glacial cycles
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 4459–4492,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Apr 2011
Recovery of GPP monthly pattern in a eucalypt site in Portugal after felling
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 3999–4014,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
12 Apr 2011
Environmental factors associated with long-term changes in chlorophyll-a concentration in the Amazon floodplain
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 3739–3770,
2011Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 1 comment)
02 Mar 2011
Impact of extreme precipitation and water table change on N2O fluxes in a bio-energy poplar plantation
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 2057–2092,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
02 Mar 2011
Evidence for microbial dissolution of pyrite from the Lower Cambrian oolitic limestone, South China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 2035–2056,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
01 Mar 2011
Role of net radiation on energy balance closure in heterogeneous grasslands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 2001–2033,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
23 Feb 2011
Effects of cloudiness on carbon dioxide exchange over an irrigated maize cropland in northwestern China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 1669–1691,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
21 Feb 2011
Soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation in rice paddies under long-term agro-ecosystem experiments in southern China – VI. Changes in microbial community structure and respiratory activity
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 1529–1554,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Feb 2011
Examining moisture and temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in a temperate coniferous forest soil
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 1369–1409,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Feb 2011
Biogeochemistry of sediments from restricted exchange environments of Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea, Russian Arctic
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 1309–1333,
2011Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
31 Jan 2011
Stable carbon isotope as a proxy for the change of phytoplankton community structure in cascade reservoirs from Wujiang River, China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 831–856,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
18 Jan 2011
Phytoplankton diversity and productivity in a highly turbid, tropical coastal system (Bach Dang Estuary, Vietnam)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 487–525,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Jan 2011
Manganese redox cycling in Lake Imandra: impact on nitrogen and the trace metal sediment record
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 273–321,
2011Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
04 Jan 2011
Carbon isotope discrimination during litter decomposition can be explained by selective use of substrate with differing δ13C
Biogeosciences Discuss., 8, 51–82,
2011Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
15 Dec 2010
Spatial and seasonal variability of heterotrophic and autotrophic soil respiration in a winter wheat stand
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 9137–9173,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Dec 2010
The influence of pulsed redox conditions on soil phosphorus
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 9009–9037,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
27 Oct 2010
Production and consumption mechanisms of N2O in the Southern Ocean revealed from its isotopomer ratios
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 7821–7848,
2010Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
20 Oct 2010
Anthropogenic stressors and eutrophication processes as recorded by stable isotopes compositions in coral skeletons
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 7657–7672,
2010Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
29 Sep 2010
Methane production, consumption and its carbon isotope ratios in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 7207–7225,
2010Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
24 Sep 2010
The influence of leaf photosynthetic efficiency and stomatal closure on canopy carbon uptake and evapotranspiration – a model study in wheat and sugar beet
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 7131–7172,
2010Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
09 Sep 2010
Temporal and spatial variations of soil carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes in a Southeast Asian tropical rainforest
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 6847–6887,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
03 Sep 2010
Transport and characterization of ambient biological aerosol near Laurel, MD
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 6725–6747,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
02 Sep 2010
High production of nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) in a massive marine phytoplankton culture
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 6705–6723,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Aug 2010
Assessing the ecological status of plankton in Anjos Bay: a flow cytometry approach
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 6243–6264,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
13 Aug 2010
Impact of seasonal oxygen deficiency on the phosphorous geochemistry of surface sediments along the Western Continental Shelf of India
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 6089–6119,
2010Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 8 comments)
13 Aug 2010
Seasonal variations in nitrate isotope composition of three rivers draining into the North Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 6051–6088,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Aug 2010
The greenhouse gas balance of European grasslands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 5997–6050,
2010Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
13 Aug 2010
Impact of nutrient starvation on the biochemical composition of the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii: from the whole cell to the frustule fraction
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 5953–5995,
2010Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
03 Aug 2010
Impacts of increasing water and nitrogen availability on ecosystem CO2 fluxes in a temperate steppe of Northern China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 5829–5858,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Jul 2010
Impact of climate and land use/cover changes on the carbon cycle in China (1981–2000): a system-based assessment
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 5517–5555,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Jun 2010
Crustal uplifting rate associated with late-Holocene glacial-isostatic rebound at Skallen and Skarvsnes, Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica: evidence of a synchrony in sedimentary and biological facies on geological setting
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 4341–4384,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
31 May 2010
Organic nutrients as sources of N and P to the upper layers of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre along 24.5° N
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 4001–4044,
2010Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 May 2010
Spatial and temporal variations in the sea surface pCO2 and air-sea CO2 flux in the equatorial Pacific: model sensitivity to gas exchange and biological formulations
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 3879–3910,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
21 May 2010
Comprehensive description of the carbon cycle of an ancient temperate broadleaved woodland
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 3735–3763,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
19 May 2010
Altered response to nitrogen supply of mixed grassland communities in a future climate: a controlled environment microcosm study
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 3579–3604,
2010Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
04 May 2010
Quantification of DOC concentrations in relation with soil properties of soils in tundra and taiga of Northern European Russia
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 3189–3226,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
08 Apr 2010
Factors controlling the temporal variability of mass and trace metal downward flux at 1000 m depth at the DYFAMED site (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 2549–2567,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
29 Mar 2010
No change in topsoil carbon levels of Great Britain, 1978–2007
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 2267–2311,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
26 Mar 2010
Climate driven decadal variations of biological production and plankton biomass in the equatorial Pacific Ocean: is this a regime shift?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 2169–2193,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
15 Mar 2010
Formation of anoxia and denitrification in the bottom waters of a tropical estuary, southwest coast of India
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 1751–1782,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
08 Mar 2010
On CO2 pertubation experiments: over-determination of carbonate chemistry reveals inconsistencies
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 1707–1726,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
03 Mar 2010
Technical Note: A combined soil/canopy chamber system for tracing δ13C in soil respiration after a 13CO2 canopy pulse labelling
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 1603–1631,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
03 Mar 2010
Carbon input control over soil organic matter dynamics in a temperate grassland exposed to elevated CO2 and warming
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 1575–1602,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 9 comments)
17 Feb 2010
Estimation of nighttime ecosystem respiration over a paddy field in China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 1201–1232,
2010Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Feb 2010
Satellites reveal an increase in gross primary production in a greenlandic high arctic fen 1992–2008
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 1101–1129,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
02 Feb 2010
Nitrogen storage and variability in paddy soils of China
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 855–877,
2010Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
02 Feb 2010
VOC emissions from dry leaf litter and their dependence on temperature
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 823–854,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
21 Jan 2010
Alkenone-based temperature patterns along the eastern South Pacific Coastal Ocean: the effect of upwelling and advection on the sedimentary alkenone unsaturation-index (U37K')
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 545–564,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
05 Jan 2010
Vertical patterns of soil carbon, nitrogen and carbon: nitrogen stoichiometry in Tibetan grasslands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 1–24,
2010Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Nov 2009
Fast and accurate irradiance calculations for ecosystem models
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 10625–10662,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Nov 2009
Reducing impacts of systematic errors in the observation data on inversing ecosystem model parameters using different normalization methods
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 10447–10477,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
28 Oct 2009
Local ecosystem feedbacks and critical transitions in the climate
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 10121–10136,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
27 Oct 2009
Seasonal and interannual study of volatile reduced sulfur compounds (VRSC) in coastal environment: the Bay of Quiberon (Brittany, France)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 10057–10088,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
22 Oct 2009
Small scale spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration in an old growth temperate deciduous forest
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 9977–10005,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
29 Sep 2009
Forest floor CO2 flux measurements with a dark-light chamber
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 9301–9329,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
24 Sep 2009
Effects of thinning and fertilization on soil respiration in a cottonwood plantation in Iceland
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 9257–9278,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
21 Sep 2009
Surface energy exchanges above two grassland ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 9161–9192,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
10 Aug 2009
Enhanced biological carbon consumption in a high CO2 ocean: a revised estimate of the atmospheric uptake efficiency
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 8101–8128,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
23 Jul 2009
Modeling the variability in annual carbon fluxes related to biological soil crusts in a Mediterranean shrubland
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 7295–7324,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
14 Jul 2009
Regionalization of turbulent fluxes by combining aircraft measurements with footprint analysis
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 7017–7051,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
14 Jul 2009
Microbiotic crusts on soil, rock and plants: neglected major players in the global cycles of carbon and nitrogen?
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 6983–7015,
2009Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
06 Jul 2009
Linking the lithogenic, atmospheric, and biogenic cycles of silicate, carbonate, and organic carbon in the ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 6579–6599,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
24 Jun 2009
Contribution of root and rhizosphere respiration to the annual variation of carbon balance of a boreal Scots pine forest
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 6179–6203,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
24 Jun 2009
Measurements of soil respiration and simple models dependent on moisture and temperature for an Amazonian southwest tropical forest
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 6147–6177,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
04 Jun 2009
Mapping landscape scale variations of forest structure, biomass, and productivity in Amazonia
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 5461–5505,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
28 May 2009
Carbon fixation prediction during a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi is highly sensitive to the assumed regulation mechanism
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 5339–5372,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
12 May 2009
Response of Halimeda to ocean acidification: field and laboratory evidence
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 4895–4918,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 May 2009
Influence of hydrological fluxes on bio-geochemical processes in a peatland
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 4829–4863,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 May 2009
Seasonal pH and aragonite saturation horizons in the Gulf of Alaska during the North Pacific Survey, 1956–1957
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 4587–4602,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
29 Apr 2009
An upgraded carbon-based method to estimate the anthropogenic fraction of dissolved CO2 in the Atlantic Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 4527–4571,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
15 Apr 2009
Impacts of elevated CO2 on phytoplankton community composition and organic carbon dynamics in nutrient-depleted Okhotsk Sea surface waters
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 4143–4163,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
01 Apr 2009
Conditional CO2 flux analysis of a managed grassland with the aid of stable isotopes
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 3481–3510,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
30 Mar 2009
Turbulence in a coastal Mediterranean area: surface fluxes and related parameters at Castel Porziano, Italy
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 3355–3372,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
18 Mar 2009
Impact of CO2-driven ocean acidification on invertebrates early life-history – What we know, what we need to know and what we can do
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 3109–3131,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Mar 2009
Carbon dioxide and methane annual emissions from two boreal reservoirs and nearby lakes in Quebec, Canada
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 2939–2963,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
11 Mar 2009
A comparison of CO2 fluxes via eddy covariance measurements with model predictions in a dominant subtropical forest ecosystem
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 2913–2937,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
11 Mar 2009
Seasonal variation in ecosystem parameters derived from FLUXNET data
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 2863–2912,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
03 Mar 2009
Effect of land use on carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy exchange over terrestrial ecosystems in Southwestern France during the CERES campaign
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 2755–2784,
2009Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
24 Feb 2009
Calcification, a physiological process to be considered in the context of the whole organism
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 2267–2284,
2009Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 Feb 2009
A process-based model to estimate gas exchange and monoterpene emission rates in the mediterranean maquis – comparisons between modelled and measured fluxes at different scales
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 1747–1776,
2009Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
30 Jan 2009
The effects of management on ammonia fluxes over a cut grassland as measured by use of dynamic chambers
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 1599–1623,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
30 Jan 2009
Simulating the optical properties of phytoplankton cells using a two-layered spherical geometry
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 1497–1563,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
23 Jan 2009
Short scale (6 h) temporal variation of sinking fluxes of planktonic and terrigeneous lipids at 200 m in the NW Mediterranean Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 1229–1265,
2009Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
21 Jan 2009
Contribution of riverine nutrients to the silicon biogeochemistry of the global ocean – a model study
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 1091–1119,
2009Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
16 Jan 2009
A one-month study of the zooplankton community at a fixed station in the Ligurian Sea: the potential impact of the species composition on the mineralization of organic matter
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 995–1019,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
16 Jan 2009
Carbon cycling in the Arctic Archipelago: the export of Pacific carbon to the North Atlantic
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 971–994,
2009Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
13 Jan 2009
Soil carbon stocks in ecoregions of Africa
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 797–823,
2009Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
13 Jan 2009
Nitrate and dissolved nitrous oxide in groundwater within cropped fields and riparian buffers
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 651–685,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
13 Jan 2009
Nitrous oxide emissions from riparian forest buffers, warm-season and cool-season grass filters, and crop fields
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 607–650,
2009Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
09 Jan 2009
Effects of pH on aquatic biodegradation processes
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 491–514,
2009Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 Jan 2009
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 143–161,
2009Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
06 Jan 2009
Significant non-linearity in nitrous oxide chamber data and its effect on calculated annual emissions
Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 115–141,
2009Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
23 Dec 2008
Biogeochemical plant site conditions in stream valleys after winter flooding: a phytometer approach
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 5203–5232,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
18 Dec 2008
Distributions of surface water CO2 and air-sea flux of CO2 in coastal regions of the Canadian Beaufort Sea in late summer
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 5093–5132,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
03 Dec 2008
Use of laboratory and remote sensing techniques to estimate vegetation patch scale emissions of nitric oxide from an arid Kalahari savanna
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 4621–4680,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
02 Dec 2008
Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in anticyclonic eddies of the northern South China Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 4591–4619,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
26 Nov 2008
Characterisation of ecosystem water-use efficiency of european forests from eddy covariance measurements
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 4481–4519,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
26 Nov 2008
Interannual variability of pteropod shell weights in the high-CO2 Southern Ocean
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 4453–4480,
2008Manuscript not accepted for further review (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
06 Nov 2008
Methanol and other VOC fluxes from a Danish beech forest during springtime
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 4315–4352,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 11 comments)
28 Oct 2008
Soil carbon and plant diversity distribution at the farm level in the savannah region of Northern Togo (West Africa)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 4107–4127,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
02 Oct 2008
CO2 radiative forcing during the Holocene Thermal Maximum revealed by stomatal frequency of Iberian oak leaves
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 3945–3964,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
26 Sep 2008
Phytoplankton blooms induced/sustained by cyclonic eddies during the Indian Ocean Dipole event of 1997 along the southern coasts of Java and Sumatra
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 3905–3918,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Sep 2008
C allocation among fine roots, above-, and belowground wood in a deciduous forest and its implication to ecosystem C cycling: a modelling analysis
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 3781–3823,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Sep 2008
Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4 and N2O) from perialpine and alpine hydropower reservoirs
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 3699–3736,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
28 Aug 2008
Carbonate precipitation by the thermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus: a model of carbon flow for an ancient microorganism
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 3409–3432,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
09 Jul 2008
Seaglider observations of variability in daytime fluorescence quenching of chlorophyll-a in Northeastern Pacific coastal waters
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 2839–2865,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
09 Jun 2008
Mass extinctions past and present: a unifying hypothesis
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 2401–2423,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 11 comments)
08 Apr 2008
Incorporating changes in albedo in estimating the climate mitigation benefits of land use change projects
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 1511–1543,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Apr 2008
Methylated arsenic and antimony species in suspended matter of the river Ruhr, Germany
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 1361–1378,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
27 Mar 2008
Spatial and temporal variation of methane emissions in drained eutrophic peat agro-ecosystems: drainage ditches as emission hotspots
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 1237–1261,
2008Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
05 Mar 2008
Reflectance properties of selected arctic-boreal land cover types: field measurements and their application in remote sensing
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 1069–1095,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
15 Feb 2008
A mathematical modelling of bloom of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in a mesocosm experiment
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 787–840,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 16 comments)
31 Jan 2008
Diel variability of heterotrophic bacterial production and UV doses in the South East Pacific
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 435–462,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
04 Jan 2008
Iodine speciation and cycling in limnic systems: observations from a humic rich headwater lake (Mummelsee)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 25–64,
2008Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
02 Jan 2008
Dissolution of coccolithophorid calcite by microzooplankton and copepod grazing
Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 1–23,
2008Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
27 Nov 2007
Influences of initial plankton biomass and mixed layer depths on the outcome of iron-fertilization experiments
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 4411–4441,
2007Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 Oct 2007
Copepod feeding and reproduction in relation to phytoplankton development during the PeECE III mesocosm experiment
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 3913–3936,
2007Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Oct 2007
Mechanisms of soil carbon storage in experimental grasslands
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 3829–3862,
2007Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
10 Sep 2007
Precambrian palaeontology in the light of molecular phylogeny – an example: the radiation of the green algae
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 3123–3142,
2007Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 Aug 2007
Nitrogen retention patterns and their controlling factors in an alpine meadow: implications for carbon sequestration
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 2641–2665,
2007Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Jun 2007
Composition of microbial communities in aerosol, snow and ice samples from remote glaciated areas (Antarctica, Alps, Andes)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 1779–1813,
2007Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
21 May 2007
Variation of phytoplankton absorption coefficients in the northern South China Sea during spring and autumn
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 1555–1584,
2007Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
25 Apr 2007
Observations of dissolved iron concentrations in the World Ocean: implications and constraints for ocean biogeochemical models
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 1241–1277,
2007Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
04 Apr 2007
Predicting the global warming potential of agro-ecosystems
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 1059–1092,
2007Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
27 Mar 2007
Chlorophyll signatures and nutrient cycles in the Mediterranean Sea: a model sensitivity study to nitrogen and phosphorus atmospheric inputs
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 909–959,
2007Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
31 Jan 2007
Co-limitation by iron, silicate, and light of three Southern Ocean diatom species
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 209–247,
2007Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
17 Jul 2006
Co-evolution of phytoplankton C:N:P stoichiometry and the deep ocean N:P ratio
Biogeosciences Discuss., 3, 1023–1047,
2006Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
26 Apr 2006
A system in balance? – Implications of deep vertical mixing for the nitrogen budget in the northern Red Sea, including the Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat)
Biogeosciences Discuss., 3, 383–408,
2006Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
10 Apr 2006
Identification of the accretion rate for annually resolved archives
Biogeosciences Discuss., 3, 321–344,
2006Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
07 Mar 2006
Microbial colonization and alteration of basaltic glass
Biogeosciences Discuss., 3, 273–307,
2006Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
27 Jan 2006
Comets, carbonaceous meteorites, and the origin of the biosphere
Biogeosciences Discuss., 3, 23–70,
2006Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 15 comments)
16 Dec 2005
Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and its isotopic composition in southern Poland: comparison of high-altitude mountain site and a near-by urban environment
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 1849–1865,
2005Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
16 Nov 2005
Mini-ribozymes and freezing environment: a new scenario for the early RNA world
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 1719–1737,
2005Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
06 Sep 2005
Effect of incubation time and substrate concentration on N-uptake rates by phytoplankton in the Bay of Bengal
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 1331–1352,
2005Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
30 Aug 2005
A simple parameterization of nitrogen limitation on primary productivity for global vegetation models
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 1243–1282,
2005Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
30 Aug 2005
Sources and transfers of particulate organic matter in a tropical reservoir (Petit Saut, French Guiana): a multi-tracers analysis using δ13C, C/N ratio and pigments
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 1159–1196,
2005Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
25 Aug 2005
Profiles of C- and N-trace gas production in N-saturated forest soils
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 1127–1157,
2005Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
17 Aug 2005
A simple model to estimate exchange rates of nitrogen dioxide between the atmosphere and forests
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 1033–1065,
2005Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
03 Aug 2005
Impact of 40 years poplar cultivation on soil carbon stocks and greenhouse gas fluxes
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 897–931,
2005Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
21 Jul 2005
Pollen transport to southern Greenland: new evidences of a late spring long distance transport
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 829–847,
2005Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 6 comments)
01 Jul 2005
On the available evidence for the temperature dependence of soil organic carbon
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 749–755,
2005Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
24 Jun 2005
Nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emission from Hungarian forest soils; link with atmospheric N-deposition
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 703–723,
2005Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
26 May 2005
The role of N2-fixation to simulate the pCO2 observations from the Baltic Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 609–636,
2005Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
06 Apr 2005
Pure stands of temperate forest tree species modify soil respiration and N turnover
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 303–331,
2005Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
15 Mar 2005
Inhibition of nitrogenase by oxygen in marine cyanobacteria controls the global nitrogen and oxygen cycles
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 261–273,
2005Preprint withdrawn (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
27 Jan 2005
Emission of monoterpenes from European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) as a function of light and temperature
Biogeosciences Discuss., 2, 137–182,
2005Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 7 comments)
29 Oct 2004
Biogeochemical processes in sediments of the Manfredonia Gulf (Southern Adriatic Sea): early diagenesis of carbon and nutrient and benthic exchange
Biogeosciences Discuss., 1, 803–823,
2004Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 3 comments)
20 Oct 2004
Investigation on the trophic state of the North Sea for three years (1994–1996) simulated with the ecosystem model ERSEM – the role of a sharp NAOI decline
Biogeosciences Discuss., 1, 725–754,
2004Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 4 comments)
19 Oct 2004
Hydroxylamine (NH2OH) in the Baltic Sea
Biogeosciences Discuss., 1, 709–724,
2004Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)
26 Aug 2004
CO2 air-sea exchange due to calcium carbonate and organic matter storage: pre-industrial and Last Glacial Maximum estimates
Biogeosciences Discuss., 1, 429–495,
2004Revised manuscript not accepted (discussion: closed, 5 comments)
22 Jul 2004
Environmental proteomics – what proteins from soil and surface water can tell us: a perspective
Biogeosciences Discuss., 1, 195–218,
2004Revised manuscript has not been submitted (discussion: closed, 2 comments)