13 Dec 2010
 | 13 Dec 2010
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal BG but the revision was not accepted.

The influence of pulsed redox conditions on soil phosphorus

R. Scalenghe, A. C. Edwards, E. Barberis, and F. Ajmone Marsan

Abstract. The effects of eleven pulsed reduction-oxidation cycles (20 and 2 days, respectively) on soil phosphorus (P) dynamics are compared for 12 soils having contrasting properties and overfertilised with respect to P. Incubation conditions simulated transient waterlogging of the soil profile and involved repeated sampling and analysis of both the solution and solid phase P forms. An initial increase in P concentration occurred upto and including the fourth full cycle was followed by a sharp decline in concentration for all but one soil. Accompanying changes in the main extractable forms of P, which appeared to be cumulative, could be summarised as a general decline in the organic P fraction and an overall increase in amorphous associated inorganic forms of P. The fact that up to 60% of the total soil P was demonstrated to change its sensitivity for a particular extractant suggests that these operationally defined P forms can experience substantial transformations. There was also a suggestion that certain changes in P forms may not be reversible. While the laboratory conditions represent an extreme situation changes in timing and frequency of intense precipitation events, as predicted in many climate change scenarios, may increase the risk of episodic soil waterlogging. The potential onset of reducing conditions even for periods of less than twenty days will influence soil P dynamics and short-term bioavailable P. Various mechanisms are involved but the robustness of sequential extraction procedures and general soil test methods (e.g. Olsen) for quantifying and reliably distinguishing specific soil P forms/associations are questioned.

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R. Scalenghe, A. C. Edwards, E. Barberis, and F. Ajmone Marsan
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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R. Scalenghe, A. C. Edwards, E. Barberis, and F. Ajmone Marsan
R. Scalenghe, A. C. Edwards, E. Barberis, and F. Ajmone Marsan


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