02 Mar 2011
 | 02 Mar 2011
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal BG but the revision was not accepted.

Evidence for microbial dissolution of pyrite from the Lower Cambrian oolitic limestone, South China

W. Liu and X.-L. Zhang

Abstract. The oxidative dissolution of the sulphide mineral pyrite (FeS2) has been of significant interest since it affects global geochemical cycles, generates acid mine drainage, and is used in industrial metal extraction. Several different groups of prokaryotes are known to catalyze the dissolution of pyrite and use the free energy generated from the oxidation, which may result in the dissolution of the mineral and the precipitation of the secondary ferric iron minerals either on the cell surface or is separated from the cells. However, straightforward evidence for such metabolic process in the ancient sediments is rare. Here we report pyrite crystals from the Lower Cambrian oolitic limestones that show indications of microbial erosion in various degrees. Erosion pits and tubular micro-tunnels with characteristic shapes and sizes in our samples are generally similar to those obtained from the laboratory studies on the oxidative dissolution of pyrite by iron-oxidizing bacteria. Diagenetic examination demonstrates that the bioerosion predates the consolidation of the limestone. In addition, bacillus-sized and -shaped microfossils encrusted with iron oxides are present in our samples, which are very likely to be fossilized sheaths produced by iron-oxidizing bacteria. Our findings indicate that the microbial oxidative dissolution of pyrite existed in the Cambrian shallow marine carbonate sediments. Furthermore, we suggest that characteristic pitting patterns on the pyrite crystals from ancient sediments are an important clue to trace the evolution of life, in particular, the evolution of metabolism like microbial iron oxidation in the remote past on our planet, independent of biomarkers, isotopic signals and body fossils as well.

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W. Liu and X.-L. Zhang
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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W. Liu and X.-L. Zhang
W. Liu and X.-L. Zhang


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