16 Nov 2012
 | 16 Nov 2012
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal BG but the revision was not accepted.

Thermal and haline effects on the calculation of air-sea CO2 fluxes revisited

D. K. Woolf, P. E. Land, J. D. Shutler, and L. M. Goddijn-Murphy

Abstract. The presence of vertical temperature and salinity gradients in the upper ocean and the occurrence of variations in temperature and salinity on time scales from hours to many years complicate the calculation of the flux of carbon dioxide (CO2) across the sea surface. Temperature and salinity affect the interfacial concentration of aqueous CO2 primarily through their effect on solubility with lesser effects related to saturated vapour pressure and the relationship between fugacity and partial pressure. The effects of temperature and salinity profiles and changes in the aqueous concentration act primarily through the partitioning of the carbonate system. Contrary to some recent analysis, it is shown that the effect on CO2 fluxes of a cool skin on the sea surface is large and ubiquitous. An opposing effect on calculated fluxes is related to the occurrence of warm layers near the surface; this effect can be locally large but will usually coincide with periods of low exchange. A salty skin and salinity anomalies in the upper ocean also affect CO2 flux calculations, though the haline effects are generally weaker than the thermal effects.

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D. K. Woolf, P. E. Land, J. D. Shutler, and L. M. Goddijn-Murphy
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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D. K. Woolf, P. E. Land, J. D. Shutler, and L. M. Goddijn-Murphy
D. K. Woolf, P. E. Land, J. D. Shutler, and L. M. Goddijn-Murphy


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