13 Dec 2013
 | 13 Dec 2013
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal BG but the revision was not accepted.

The role of iron species on the competition of two coastal diatoms, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassosira weissflogii

S.-X. Li, F.-J. Liu, F.-Y. Zheng, Y.-G. Zuo, and X.-G. Huang

Abstract. Coastal diatoms are often exposed to macronutrient (N and P) and Fe enrichment. However, how these exposures influence on Fe biogeochemical cycle and then on diatom interspecific competition is unknown. In this study, two non-toxic coastal diatoms, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassosira weissflogii were exposed to N, P, and Fe enrichment for four-day. The growth of algae was co-controlled by macronutrient and Fe species (Fe (III)-EDTA, Fe(OH)3, dissolved, colloidal, and particulate Fe from culture medium). The influence of Fe species on algal cell density was more significant than macronutrient. When S. costatum coexisted with T. weissflogii, their cell density ratios were ranged between 5.57–7.03 times, indicating that S. costatum was more competitive than T. weissflogii. There were not significant correlation between cell density ratio and iron requirement, including iron adsorption and absorption per cell, iron adsorption and absorption by all algal cells. As Fe complexing ligands, algal exudates can promote diatom growth itself and such promotion on S. costatum was more obvious than that on T. weissflogii. Iron species was a key determinant on interspecific competition of coastal diatom, and the degree of bioavailability was described as follows: dissolved iron from own exudates > colloidal iron from own exudates > particulate iron from own exudates > particulate iron from another algal exudates > colloidal iron from another algal exudates > dissolved iron from another algal exudates > Fe (III)-EDTA> Fe (OH)3.

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S.-X. Li, F.-J. Liu, F.-Y. Zheng, Y.-G. Zuo, and X.-G. Huang
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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S.-X. Li, F.-J. Liu, F.-Y. Zheng, Y.-G. Zuo, and X.-G. Huang
S.-X. Li, F.-J. Liu, F.-Y. Zheng, Y.-G. Zuo, and X.-G. Huang


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