13 Aug 2015
 | 13 Aug 2015
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Biogeosciences (BG). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Technical Note: A simple calculation algorithm to separate high-resolution CH4 flux measurements into ebullition and diffusion-derived components

M. Hoffmann, M. Schulz-Hanke, J. Garcia Alba, N. Jurisch, U. Hagemann, T. Sachs, M. Sommer, and J. Augustin

Abstract. Processes driving the production, transformation and transport of methane (CH4) in wetland ecosystems are highly complex. Thus, serious challenges are constitutes in terms of the mechanistic process understanding, the identification of potential environmental drivers and the calculation of reliable CH4 emission estimates. We present a simple calculation algorithm to separate open-water CH4 fluxes measured with automatic chambers into diffusion- and ebullition-derived components, which helps facilitating the identification of underlying dynamics and potential environmental drivers. Flux separation is based on ebullition related sudden concentration changes during single measurements. A variable ebullition filter is applied, using the lower and upper quartile and the interquartile range (IQR). Automation of data processing is achieved by using an established R-script, adjusted for the purpose of CH4 flux calculation. The algorithm was tested using flux measurement data (July to September 2013) from a former fen grassland site, converted into a shallow lake as a result of rewetting ebullition and diffusion contributed 46 and 55 %, respectively, to total CH4 emissions, which is comparable to those previously reported by literature. Moreover, the separation algorithm revealed a concealed shift in the diurnal trend of diffusive fluxes throughout the measurement period.

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M. Hoffmann, M. Schulz-Hanke, J. Garcia Alba, N. Jurisch, U. Hagemann, T. Sachs, M. Sommer, and J. Augustin
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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M. Hoffmann, M. Schulz-Hanke, J. Garcia Alba, N. Jurisch, U. Hagemann, T. Sachs, M. Sommer, and J. Augustin
M. Hoffmann, M. Schulz-Hanke, J. Garcia Alba, N. Jurisch, U. Hagemann, T. Sachs, M. Sommer, and J. Augustin


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Short summary
Processes driving the production, transformation and transport of CH4 in wetlands are highly complex. Thus, serious challenges are constitutes in terms of process understanding, potential drivers and the calculation of reliable CH4 emission estimates. We present a simple calculation algorithm to separate CH4 fluxes measured with closed chambers into diffusion- and ebullition-derived components, which helps facilitating the identification of underlying dynamics and potential drivers.