09 Nov 2015
 | 09 Nov 2015
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Biogeosciences (BG). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Prescribed-burning vs. wildfire: management implications for annual carbon emissions along a latitudinal gradient of Calluna vulgaris-dominated vegetation

V. M. Santana, J. G. Alday, H. Lee, K. A. Allen, and R. H. Marrs

Abstract. A~present challenge in fire ecology is to optimize management techniques so that ecological services are maximized and C emissions minimized. Here, we model the effects of different prescribed-burning rotation intervals and wildfires on carbon emissions (present and future) in British moorlands. Biomass-accumulation curves from four Calluna-dominated ecosystems along a north–south, climatic gradient in Great Britain were calculated and used within a matrix-model based on Markov Chains to calculate above-ground biomass-loads, and annual C losses under different prescribed-burning rotation intervals. Additionally, we assessed the interaction of these parameters with an increasing wildfire return interval. We observed that litter accumulation patterns varied along the latitudinal gradient, with differences between northern (colder and wetter) and southern sites (hotter and drier). The accumulation patterns of the living vegetation dominated by Calluna were determined by site-specific conditions. The optimal prescribed-burning rotation interval for minimizing annual carbon losses also differed between sites: the rotation interval for northern sites was between 30 and 50 years, whereas for southern sites a hump-backed relationship was found with the optimal interval either between 8 to 10 years or between 30 to 50 years. Increasing wildfire frequency interacted with prescribed-burning rotation intervals by both increasing C emissions and modifying the optimum prescribed-burning interval for C minimum emission. This highlights the importance of studying site-specific biomass accumulation patterns with respect to environmental conditions for identifying suitable fire-rotation intervals to minimize C losses.

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V. M. Santana, J. G. Alday, H. Lee, K. A. Allen, and R. H. Marrs
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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V. M. Santana, J. G. Alday, H. Lee, K. A. Allen, and R. H. Marrs
V. M. Santana, J. G. Alday, H. Lee, K. A. Allen, and R. H. Marrs


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Short summary
We modelled carbon emissions after prescribed burning in heathlands and showed they are linked to biomass production patterns determined by climate. Burning rotations that minimize C losses in one specific place can maximize losses in others. It is a challenge to design management plans for reducing carbon losses, especially when we superimposed wildfires on burning rotations. Predicted increases in wildfire frequencies interact and modify these optimum burning rotation intervals for C loss.