22 Jan 2018
 | 22 Jan 2018
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Role of Calanus sinicus (Copepoda, Calanoida) on dimethylsulfide production in Jiaozhou Bay

Juan Yu, Jiyuan Tian, Zhengyu Zhang, Guipeng Yang, and Hongju Chen

Abstract. The role of copepod Calanus sinicus on the production of dimethylsulfide (DMS)/dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in Jiaozhou Bay was evaluated in field and laboratory experiments. Samples at 10 sites in the bay were collected monthly from June 2010 to May 2011 (except for March 2011), and zooplankton species composition was analyzed. The relationship between copepod abundance and DMS or DMSP concentration was investigated. Effects of C. sinicus grazing on DMS/DMSP production at different conditions (i.e., algal diets, food concentrations, and salinities) were assessed in the laboratory. Data from the field experiment showed that C. sinicus was the predominant copepod in Jiaozhou Bay (up to 123 individuals m−3 in May 2011) and has no apparent effect on DMS/DMSP production. In the laboratory experiment, compared with Gymnodinium sp. or Emiliania huxleyi, C. sinicus feeding on Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros curvisetus exhibited increased DMS concentration, whereas high salinity inhibited DMS production. This study indicated that DMSP was transferred from phytoplankton to copepod body, fecal pellet, and seawater through copepod grazing. Our results provided important information to understand the biogeochemical cycle of DMSP in Jiaozhou Bay.

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Juan Yu, Jiyuan Tian, Zhengyu Zhang, Guipeng Yang, and Hongju Chen

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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Juan Yu, Jiyuan Tian, Zhengyu Zhang, Guipeng Yang, and Hongju Chen
Juan Yu, Jiyuan Tian, Zhengyu Zhang, Guipeng Yang, and Hongju Chen


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Short summary
Data from the field experiment showed that Calanus sinicus was the predominant copepod in Jiaozhou Bay and has no apparent effect on DMS/DMSP production. The results in the laboratory experiment showed that the effects of C. sinicus grazing on DMS/DMSP production differed depending on the food type, food concentration and salinity. The data presented in this study are helpful to evaluate the copepod role on the biogeochemical cycle of DMSP in Jiaozhou Bay.