22 Jan 2018
 | 22 Jan 2018
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Functional spatial contextualisation of the effects of multiple stressors in marine bivalves

Antonio Giacoletti and Gianluca Sarà

Abstract. Many recent studies have revealed that the majority of environmental stressors experienced by marine organisms (ocean acidification, global warming, hypoxia etc.) occur at the same time and place, and that their interaction may complexly affect a number of ecological processes. Here, we experimentally investigated the effects of pH and hypoxia on the functional and behavioural traits of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, we then simulated the potential effects on growth and reproduction dynamics trough a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model under a multiple stressor scenario. Our simulations showed that hypercapnia had a remarkable effect by reducing the maximal habitat size and reproductive output differentially as a function of the trophic conditions, where modelling was spatially contextualized. This study showed the major threat represented by the hypercapnia and hypoxia phenomena for the growth, reproduction and fitness of mussels under the current climate change context, and that a mechanistic approach based on DEB modelling can illustrate complex and site-specific effects of environmental change, producing that kind of information useful for management purposes, at larger temporal and spatial scales.

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Antonio Giacoletti and Gianluca Sarà

Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Antonio Giacoletti and Gianluca Sarà
Antonio Giacoletti and Gianluca Sarà


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Short summary
The manuscript integrates experimental investigation of multiple stressors effects' on bivalves with model simulations aimed to predict future potential effects on Life-History traits. Our model species has been projected into a future climate change scenario, crossed with a lower pH and hypoxia events. This study mechanistically quantify the major threat represented by hypercapnia and hypoxia phenomena for the growth, reproduction and fitness of mussels under current climate change context.