27 Feb 2018
 | 27 Feb 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal BG but the revision was not accepted.

Comparative analysis of trade-offs and synergies in ecosystem services between Guanzhong Basin and Hanzhong Basin in China

Bo-Yan Li, Wei Wang, and Yun-Chen Wang

Abstract. An important feature of the relationships among ecosystem services (ES) is they have temporal and spatial patterns. The purpose of this research was to study the spatial and temporal characteristics of the synergies and trade-offs in ES in Guanzhong Basin and Hanzhoung Basin, as well as to compare the ES differences between the two basins. The spatio-temporal characteristics of the relationships among ES were analysed and compared from 1995–2014 for Hanzhong Basin, which has a good ecological environment, and the economically developed Guanzhong Basin, using linear relationship between grain output and NDVI (LRGO & NDVI), the Carnegie–Ames–Stanford Approach (CASA), the integrated storage capacity method(ISCM), and the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) model to simulate the four types of ES: food production (FP), net primary production (NPP), water retention (WR) and soil conservation (SC). The results of this study were as follows: (1) The trade-off relationships between FP and NPP in Guanzhong Basin and Hanzhong Basin were the most significant, and the trade-off relationship between FP and NPP in Guanzhong Basin (R = −0.40, P < 0.01) was stronger than that in Hanzhong Basin (R = −0.31, P < 0.01); the synergistic relationships between NPP and WR, as well as between WR and SC in Hanzhong Basin were stronger than those in Guanzhong Basin, but the synergistic relationship between NPP and SC was weaker in Hanzhong Basin than in Guanzhong Basin. (2) The synergistic relationships between WR and NPP, as well as between WR and SC weakened in the two basins over 20 years, and the trade-offs and synergies in the Hanzhong Basin were more significant than those in Guanzhong Basin. (3) The spatial synergies and trade-offs between FP and WR, as well as between WR and SC was widespread in the two basins. This study will help to deepen the understanding of the relationship among ES in different areas because of regional differences in temporal and spatial patterns and will help broaden the depth and breadth of trade-offs and synergies in ES to provide a case for practical ES management under local conditions.

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Bo-Yan Li, Wei Wang, and Yun-Chen Wang
Bo-Yan Li, Wei Wang, and Yun-Chen Wang
Bo-Yan Li, Wei Wang, and Yun-Chen Wang


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Short summary
1.Comparative analysis was used to study the ES interactions in two basins at a fine spatio-temporal scale.
2.The trade-off relationships between FP and NPP were the most significant in both basins.
3.The synergistic relationships between WR and NPP, as well as between WR and SC weakened in the two basins over 20 years.
4.The synergies and trade-offs between the ES were widespread in the two basins, rather than pure trade-offs or synergies.