29 Apr 2019
 | 29 Apr 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Tree size and age induced stem carbon content variations cause an uncertainty in forest carbon stock estimation

Suhui Ma, Anwar Eziz, Di Tian, Zhengbing Yan, Qiong Cai, Mingwei Jiang, Chengjun Ji, and Jingyun Fang

Abstract. Stem carbon (C) content is widely used to present tree C content to estimate forest C stocks. However, size- and age-dependent changes in tree stem C content are still unclear. Based on 576 tree size (expressed by diameter at breast height (DBH) and biomass), age and C content data, our results showed that C content varied significantly among organs, and the mean value of C content for bark, branch, leaf, reproductive organ, root and stem was 48.4 %, 49.2 %, 49.6 %, 50.1 %, 48.8 %, 49.7 %, respectively. C content of stem was significantly correlated with that of leaf, branch and root, while showed no relationship with that of bark and reproductive organ. With the increasing tree size and age, stem C content showed increasing trends. Using stem C content as tree C content could produce an error of -2.49%−5.87% in the estimations of forest C stock. Thus, it is necessary to consider tree organ C content of stand in estimating forest C stock.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Suhui Ma, Anwar Eziz, Di Tian, Zhengbing Yan, Qiong Cai, Mingwei Jiang, Chengjun Ji, and Jingyun Fang

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Interactive discussion

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Suhui Ma, Anwar Eziz, Di Tian, Zhengbing Yan, Qiong Cai, Mingwei Jiang, Chengjun Ji, and Jingyun Fang
Suhui Ma, Anwar Eziz, Di Tian, Zhengbing Yan, Qiong Cai, Mingwei Jiang, Chengjun Ji, and Jingyun Fang


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Latest update: 06 Mar 2025

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Short summary
Stem carbon (C) content is one of the important tree traits and widely used to present tree C content to estimate forest C stocks. Based on a 576 age-specific tree organ C content dataset, our results showed that C content of tree varied significantly among organs. Stem C content increased with the increasing tree size and age. Using stem C content as tree C content could produce an error of −2.49 %–5.87 %. This suggests considering tree organ C content of stand in estimating forest C stock.