21 Nov 2020
 | 21 Nov 2020
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal BG but the revision was not accepted.

Cambial-age related correlations of stable isotopes and tree-ring widths in wood samples of tree-line conifers

Tito Arosio, Malin M. Ziehmer-Wenz, Kurt Nicolussi, Christian Schlüchter, and Markus Leuenberger

Abstract. A recent analysis of stable isotopes of the Alpine Holocene Tree-Ring Dataset, consisting of samples from 192 larch and cembran pine trees, revealed that δD and δ18O exhibit no trends in adult trees, but evidence trends in the juvenile period of the first 100 years of cambial age. In this work we applied the Spearman statistical analysis on different cambial age classes to verify if these changes were correlated with tree-ring width values, that are known to show age trends. The results prove a significant correlation between tree-ring-width (TRW) and both hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes before 100 year of cambial age, but not afterwards, in both larch and cembran pine. A trend in the correlation values was also found between the two water isotopes, while no trend was found in correlations involving δ13C. We hypothesized the δD and δ18O values reflect the higher xylogenesis activity of the juvenile period, that is associated with reduced atom exchanges of photosynthates with xylem water. The result indicates that the climate response of δD and δ18O may differ in the juvenile and mature period of tree life at treeline.

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Tito Arosio, Malin M. Ziehmer-Wenz, Kurt Nicolussi, Christian Schlüchter, and Markus Leuenberger
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Tito Arosio, Malin M. Ziehmer-Wenz, Kurt Nicolussi, Christian Schlüchter, and Markus Leuenberger
Tito Arosio, Malin M. Ziehmer-Wenz, Kurt Nicolussi, Christian Schlüchter, and Markus Leuenberger


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Short summary
A recent analysis of stable isotopes of samples from larch and cembran trees, revealed that δD and δ18O exhibit no trends in adult trees, but trends in the juvenile period. In this work we applied a correlation analysis on different cambial age to verify if these changes were correlated with tree-ring width values. The results prove a significant correlation between tree-ring-width and both hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes before 100 year of cambial age, but not afterwards, in both species.