03 Apr 2020
 | 03 Apr 2020
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Biogeosciences (BG). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Alternation of heterotrophic bacterial and archaeal production along nitrogen and salinity gradients in coastal wetlands

Gema L. Batanero, Andy J. Green, Juan A. Amat, Marion Vittecoq, Curtis A. Suttle, and Isabel Reche

Abstract. Coastal wetlands are valuable ecosystems with high biological productivity and diversity, which provide ecosystem services such as a reduction in the inputs of nitrogen into coastal waters, and storage of organic carbon, thus, acting as net carbon sinks. The rise of sea level as a consequence of climatic warming will salinize many coastal wetlands, but there is considerable uncertainty about how salinization will affect microbial communities and biogeochemical processes. We analyzed prokaryotic abundance and heterotrophic bacterial and archaeal production in 112 ponds within nine coastal wetlands from the western Mediterranean coast. We determined the main drivers of prokaryotic abundance and production in these wetlands using generalized linear models (GLMs). The best GLM, including all the coastal wetlands, indicated that the concentration of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) positively affected the abundance of heterotrophic prokaryotes and heterotrophic archaeal production. In contrast, heterotrophic bacterial production was negatively related to TDN. This negative relationship appeared to be mediated by salinity and virus abundance. Heterotrophic bacterial production declined as salinity, and virus abundance, increased. We observed a switch from heterotrophic bacterial production towards heterotrophic archaeal production as salinity and virus abundance increased. Our results imply that microbial activity will change from bacterial-dominated processes to archaeal-dominated processes along with increases of nitrogen inputs and salinity. However, more studies are required to link the mineralization rates of dissolved nitrogen and organic carbon with specific archaeal taxa, to enable more accurate predictions on future scenarios of wetlands salinization and anthropogenic nitrogen inputs.

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Gema L. Batanero, Andy J. Green, Juan A. Amat, Marion Vittecoq, Curtis A. Suttle, and Isabel Reche
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Gema L. Batanero, Andy J. Green, Juan A. Amat, Marion Vittecoq, Curtis A. Suttle, and Isabel Reche
Gema L. Batanero, Andy J. Green, Juan A. Amat, Marion Vittecoq, Curtis A. Suttle, and Isabel Reche


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Short summary
Coastal wetlands provide ecosystem services such as a reduction in nitrogen inputs into coastal waters and storage organic carbon. The rise of sea level will salinize many coastal wetlands. Here, we analyzed the abundance of prokaryotes and the heterotrophic production of bacteria and archaea in wetlands from the Mediterranean coast. We observed a switch from bacterial-dominated production to archaeal-dominated production with increases of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs and salinity.