25 Mar 2020
 | 25 Mar 2020
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Biogeosciences (BG). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Contrasting juxtaposition of two paradigms for diazotrophy in an Earth System Model of intermediate complexity

Ulrike Löptien and Heiner Dietze

Abstract. Nitrogen fixers, or diazotrophs, play a key role in the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the world oceans, but the controlling mechanisms are not comprehensively understood yet. The present study compares two paradigms on the ecological niche of diazotrophs in an Earth System Model (ESM). In our standard model configuration, which is representative for most of the state-of-the-art pelagic ecosystem models, diazotrophs take advantage of zooplankton featuring a lower food preference for diazotrophs than for ordinary phytoplankton. We compare this paradigm with the idea that diazotrophs are more competitive under oligotrophic conditions, characterized by low (dissolved, particulate, organic and inorganic) phosphorous availability. Both paradigms are supported by observational evidence and lead to a similar good agreement to the most recent and advanced observation-based nitrogen fixation estimate in our ESM framework. Further, we illustrate that the similarity between the two paradigms breaks in a RCP 8.5 anthropogenic emission scenario. We conclude that a more advanced understanding of the ecological niche of diazotrophs is mandatory for assessing the cycling of essential nutrients, especially under changing environmental conditions. Our results call for more in-situ measurements of cyanobacteria biomass if major controls of nitrogen fixation in the oceans are to be dissected.

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Ulrike Löptien and Heiner Dietze
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Ulrike Löptien and Heiner Dietze
Ulrike Löptien and Heiner Dietze


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Short summary
Nitrogen fixation, conducted by specific microorganisms, makes molecular nitrogen available for marine biota. By this means this process exerts major control on the growth of algae in the ocean. This study compares two contemporary paradigms, anticipating the ecological niche of N-fixing organisms in an Earth System Model. We illustrate respective uncertainties in climate projections and suggest specific observations to advance the reliable representation of nitrogen fixation in numerical models.