Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
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Breakdown of the coral-algae symbiosis: towards formalising a linkage between warm-water bleaching thresholds and the growth rate of the intracellular zooxanthellae
S. A. Wooldridge
Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMB#3 Townsville MC, 4810 Australia
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103 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Night-Time Temperature Reprieves Enhance the Thermal Tolerance of a Symbiotic Cnidarian S. Klein et al. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00453
- Metaorganisms in extreme environments: do microbes play a role in organismal adaptation? C. Bang et al. 10.1016/j.zool.2018.02.004
- Trophic dynamics of scleractinian corals: A stable isotope evidence P. Tremblay et al. 10.1242/jeb.115303
- Effects of ultraviolet radiation and nutrient level on the physiological response and organic matter release of the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis following thermal stress L. Courtial et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0205261
- Limited phosphorus availability is the Achilles heel of tropical reef corals in a warming ocean L. Ezzat et al. 10.1038/srep31768
- Investigating the causes and consequences of symbiont shuffling in a multi-partner reef coral symbiosis under environmental change R. Cunning et al. 10.1098/rspb.2014.1725
- Nitrogen source type modulates heat stress response in coral symbiont ( Cladocopium goreaui ) Y. Huang et al. 10.1128/aem.00591-24
- Shifts in sponge-microbe mutualisms across an experimental irradiance gradient C. Freeman et al. 10.3354/meps11249
- What we really know about the composition and function of microalgae cell coverings? - an overview C. Gonçalves & C. Figueredo 10.1590/0102-33062020abb0309
- A dynamic bioenergetic model for coral- Symbiodinium symbioses and coral bleaching as an alternate stable state R. Cunning et al. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2017.08.003
- Coral microbiome dynamics, functions and design in a changing world M. van Oppen & L. Blackall 10.1038/s41579-019-0223-4
- Comparative growth rates of cultured marine dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium and the effects of temperature and light A. Klueter et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0187707
- Comparative transcriptomics of two coral holobionts collected during the 2017 El Niño heat wave reveal differential stress response mechanisms J. Ip et al. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114017
- Contribution of individual rivers to Great Barrier Reef nitrogen exposure with implications for management prioritization N. Wolff et al. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.04.069
- Spatial variations in the trophic status of Favia palauensis corals in the South China Sea: Insights into their different adaptabilities under contrasting environmental conditions S. Xu et al. 10.1007/s11430-020-9774-0
- Fluorescence signatures of persistent photosystem damage in the staghorn coral Acropora cf. pulchra (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) during bleaching and recovery J. Berg et al. 10.1080/17451000.2021.1875245
- Triggers, cascades, and endpoints: connecting the dots of coral bleaching mechanisms J. Helgoe et al. 10.1111/brv.13042
- The relationship between heterotrophic feeding and inorganic nutrient availability in the scleractinian coralT. reniformisunder a short-term temperature increase L. Ezzat et al. 10.1002/lno.10200
- Vulnerability of the Great Barrier Reef to climate change and local pressures N. Wolff et al. 10.1111/gcb.14043
- Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat D. Becker et al. 10.1007/s00338-021-02138-2
- Sugar enrichment provides evidence for a role of nitrogen fixation in coral bleaching C. Pogoreutz et al. 10.1111/gcb.13695
- Involvement of the ammonium assimilation mediated by glutamate dehydrogenase in response to heat stress in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis J. Tang et al. 10.1007/s00343-021-1266-8
- Short Term Exposure to Heat and Sediment Triggers Changes in Coral Gene Expression and Photo-Physiological Performance R. Poquita-Du et al. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00121
- Differential localization of ion transporters suggests distinct cellular mechanisms for calcification and photosynthesis between two coral species K. Barott et al. 10.1152/ajpregu.00052.2015
- Recovery patterns of the coral microbiome after relief of algal contact F. van Duyl et al. 10.1016/j.seares.2022.102309
- Genomes of coral dinoflagellate symbionts highlight evolutionary adaptations conducive to a symbiotic lifestyle M. Aranda et al. 10.1038/srep39734
- Can Palythoa cf. variabilis biochemical patterns be used to predict coral reef conservation state in Todos Os Santos Bay? P. Campos et al. 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109504
- Combined responses of primary coral polyps and their algal endosymbionts to decreasing seawater pH F. Scucchia et al. 10.1098/rspb.2021.0328
- Nutrient Availability and Metabolism Affect the Stability of Coral–Symbiodiniaceae Symbioses L. Morris et al. 10.1016/j.tim.2019.03.004
- Functional significance of dinitrogen fixation in sustaining coral productivity under oligotrophic conditions U. Cardini et al. 10.1098/rspb.2015.2257
- Cell Biology of Coral Symbiosis: Foundational Study Can Inform Solutions to the Coral Reef Crisis V. Weis 10.1093/icb/icz067
- Increased Ammonium Assimilation Activity in the Scleractinian Coral Pocillopora damicornis but Not Its Symbiont After Acute Heat Stress J. Tang et al. 10.3389/fmars.2020.565068
- Impacts of nitrogen pollution on corals in the context of global climate change and potential strategies to conserve coral reefs H. Zhao et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145017
- Meta-organism gene expression reveals that the impact of nitrate enrichment on coral larvae is mediated by their associated Symbiodiniaceae and prokaryotic assemblages H. Tong et al. 10.1186/s40168-023-01495-0
- Low-level nutrient enrichment during thermal stress delays bleaching and ameliorates calcification in three Hawaiian reef coral species J. Han et al. 10.7717/peerj.13707
- Symbiont dynamics during thermal acclimation using cnidarian-dinoflagellate model holobionts L. Núñez-Pons et al. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.08.005
- Why Do Bio-Carbonates Exist? L. Pomar et al. 10.3390/jmse10111648
- Implications of bleaching on cnidarian venom ecology K. Kaposi et al. 10.1016/j.toxcx.2022.100094
- Phosphate enrichment increases the resilience of the pulsating soft coral Xenia umbellata to warming A. Klinke et al. 10.3389/fmars.2022.1026321
- Symbiodiniaceae conduct under natural bleaching stress during advanced gametogenesis stages of a mesophotic coral G. Eyal et al. 10.1007/s00338-021-02082-1
- Excess seawater nutrients, enlarged algal symbiont densities and bleaching sensitive reef locations: 1. Identifying thresholds of concern for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia S. Wooldridge 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.04.054
- Bacteria undergo significant shifts while archaea maintain stability in Pocillopora damicornis under sustained heat stress H. Ju et al. 10.1016/j.envres.2024.118469
- Microhabitat acclimatization alters sea anemone–algal symbiosis and thermal tolerance across the intertidal zone M. Ruggeri et al. 10.1002/ecy.4388
- Symbiodiniaceae Density Pattern in Relation To Colony Morphology of Scleractinian Corals in Pulau Tioman and Pulau Bidong, Malaysia M. Samshuri et al. 10.55230/mabjournal.v52i2.2510
- Nitrogen cycling in corals: the key to understanding holobiont functioning? N. Rädecker et al. 10.1016/j.tim.2015.03.008
- Comparing the Role of ROS and RNS in the Thermal Stress Response of Two Cnidarian Models, Exaiptasia diaphana and Galaxea fascicularis T. Doering et al. 10.3390/antiox12051057
- Exploring microbiome engineering as a strategy for improved thermal tolerance inExaiptasia diaphana A. Dungan et al. 10.1111/jam.15465
- Comparing hard coral cover between Panggang and Kelapa Island Administrative Village, Seribu Islands National Park, Indonesia K. Fahlevy et al. 10.1088/1755-1315/241/1/012036
- The coral microbiome: towards an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of coral–microbiota interactions A. Mohamed et al. 10.1093/femsre/fuad005
- Among-genotype responses of the coral Pocillopora acuta to emersion: implications for the ecological engineering of artificial coastal defences H. Pang et al. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105312
- Genetic and physiological traits conferring tolerance to ocean acidification in mesophotic corals F. Scucchia et al. 10.1111/gcb.15812
- Metal accumulation induces oxidative stress and alters carbonic anhydrase activity in corals and symbionts from the largest reef complex in the South Atlantic ocean J. Dal Pizzol et al. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133216
- Why Do Corals Bleach? Conflict and Conflict Mediation in a Host/Symbiont Community N. Blackstone & J. Golladay 10.1002/bies.201800021
- Biotic interactions as drivers of algal origin and evolution J. Brodie et al. 10.1111/nph.14760
- Differential thermal bleaching susceptibilities amongst coral taxa: re-posing the role of the host S. Wooldridge 10.1007/s00338-013-1111-4
- Symbiont genus determines the trophic strategy of corals: Implications for intraspecific competition for energy sources in coral reefs Q. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111477
- Community structure of coral microbiomes is dependent on host morphology K. Morrow et al. 10.1186/s40168-022-01308-w
- Heat challenge elicits stronger physiological and gene expression responses than starvation in symbiotic Oculina arbuscula H. Rivera et al. 10.1093/jhered/esac068
- Thermal and menthol stress induce different cellular events during sea anemone bleaching V. Dani et al. 10.1007/s13199-016-0406-y
- Zooxanthellae Diversity and Coral-Symbiont Associations in the Philippine Archipelago: Specificity and Adaptability Across Thermal Gradients A. Torres et al. 10.3389/fmars.2021.731023
- Corals as canaries in the coalmine: Towards the incorporation of marine ecosystems into the ‘One Health’ concept M. Sweet et al. 10.1016/j.jip.2021.107538
- Symbiotic dinoflagellates divert energy away from mutualism during coral bleaching recovery L. Allen-Waller & K. Barott 10.1007/s13199-023-00901-3
- Genomic exploration of coral-associated bacteria: identifying probiotic candidates to increase coral bleaching resilience in Galaxea fascicularis T. Doering et al. 10.1186/s40168-023-01622-x
- How do algae endosymbionts mediate for their coral host fitness under heat stress? A comprehensive mechanistic overview M. Al-Hammady et al. 10.1016/j.algal.2022.102850
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- Coral carbon isotope sensitivity to growth rate and water depth with paleo-sea level implications B. Linsley et al. 10.1038/s41467-019-10054-x
- The pulsating soft coral Xenia umbellata shows high resistance to warming when nitrate concentrations are low B. Thobor et al. 10.1038/s41598-022-21110-w
- Symbiodiniaceae in and ex hospite have differential physiological responses under different heat stress scenarios H. Jacob et al. 10.1080/17451000.2023.2198240
- Benzoyl Chloride Derivatization Advances the Quantification of Dissolved Polar Metabolites on Coral Reefs B. Garcia et al. 10.1021/acs.jproteome.4c00049
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- Lipid stores reveal the state of the coral-algae symbiosis at the single-cell level D. Nielsen & K. Petrou 10.1038/s43705-023-00234-8
- Experimental exposure to microplastics does not affect the physiology of healthy or moderately bleached Anomastraea irregularis and Pocillopora verrucosa corals P. Boodraj & D. Glassom 10.1007/s00227-022-04038-7
- Not just who, but how many: the importance of partner abundance in reef coral symbioses R. Cunning & A. Baker 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00400
- Reactive Oxygen Species Signaling Pathways: Arbiters of Evolutionary Conflict? N. Blackstone 10.3390/oxygen2030019
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- Heterotrophy Confers Corals with Resistance but Limits Their Range Expansion: A Case of Marginal Coral Communities Q. Wang et al. 10.34133/ehs.0246
- Insights into the genomic repertoire of Aquimarina litoralis CCMR20, a symbiont of coral Mussismilia braziliensis T. Varasteh et al. 10.1007/s00203-021-02194-w
- Analysis of a mechanistic model of corals in association with multiple symbionts: within-host competition and recovery from bleaching A. Brown et al. 10.1093/conphys/coac066
- Impacts of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs: new perspectives and implications for coastal management and reef survival C. D’Angelo & J. Wiedenmann 10.1016/j.cosust.2013.11.029
- Microbiome signatures in Acropora cervicornis are associated with genotypic resistance to elevated nutrients and heat stress A. Palacio-Castro et al. 10.1007/s00338-022-02289-w
- Insights on the biochemical and cellular changes induced by heat stress in the Cladocopium isolated from coral Mussismilia braziliensis M. Lima et al. 10.3389/fmicb.2022.973980
- Megaviridae-like particles associated with Symbiodinium spp. from the endemic coral Mussismilia braziliensis L. Benites et al. 10.1007/s13199-018-0567-y
- Development of a free radical scavenging bacterial consortium to mitigate oxidative stress in cnidarians A. Dungan et al. 10.1111/1751-7915.13877
- Forecasted coral reef decline in marine biodiversity hotspots under climate change P. Descombes et al. 10.1111/gcb.12868
- Using Aiptasia as a Model to Study Metabolic Interactions in Cnidarian-Symbiodinium Symbioses N. Rädecker et al. 10.3389/fphys.2018.00214
- Photosymbiosis reduces the environmental stress response under a heat challenge in a facultatively symbiotic coral D. Wuitchik et al. 10.1038/s41598-024-66057-2
- Instability and breakdown of the coral–algae symbiosis upon exceedence of the interglacial pCO2 threshold (>260 ppmv): the “missing” Earth-System feedback mechanism S. Wooldridge 10.1007/s00338-017-1594-5
- Nitrogen cycling in a tropical coral reef ecosystem under severe anthropogenic disturbance in summer: Insights from isotopic compositions K. Pan et al. 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117824
- Nutrient starvation impairs the trophic plasticity of reef‐building corals under ocean warming L. Ezzat et al. 10.1111/1365-2435.13285
- Organic eutrophication increases resistance of the pulsating soft coralXenia umbellatato warming S. Vollstedt et al. 10.7717/peerj.9182
- Lack of evidence for the oxidative stress theory of bleaching in the sea anemone, Exaiptasia diaphana, under elevated temperature A. Dungan et al. 10.1007/s00338-022-02251-w
- A new perspective of nutrient management of subtropical coastal stress-tolerant scleractinian coral communities X. Zheng et al. 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104405
- Excess seawater nutrients, enlarged algal symbiont densities and bleaching sensitive reef locations: 2. A regional-scale predictive model for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia S. Wooldridge et al. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.09.045
- Advancing coral microbiome manipulation to build long-term climate resilience T. Doering et al. 10.1071/MA23009
- Whole transcriptome analysis reveals changes in expression of immune-related genes during and after bleaching in a reef-building coral J. Pinzón et al. 10.1098/rsos.140214
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- A nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry study of dinoflagellate functional diversity in reef‐building corals M. Pernice et al. 10.1111/1462-2920.12518
- Change in algal symbiont communities after bleaching, not prior heat exposure, increases heat tolerance of reef corals R. Silverstein et al. 10.1111/gcb.12706
- Coral Productivity Is Co-Limited by Bicarbonate and Ammonium Availability S. Roberty et al. 10.3390/microorganisms8050640
98 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Night-Time Temperature Reprieves Enhance the Thermal Tolerance of a Symbiotic Cnidarian S. Klein et al. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00453
- Metaorganisms in extreme environments: do microbes play a role in organismal adaptation? C. Bang et al. 10.1016/j.zool.2018.02.004
- Trophic dynamics of scleractinian corals: A stable isotope evidence P. Tremblay et al. 10.1242/jeb.115303
- Effects of ultraviolet radiation and nutrient level on the physiological response and organic matter release of the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis following thermal stress L. Courtial et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0205261
- Limited phosphorus availability is the Achilles heel of tropical reef corals in a warming ocean L. Ezzat et al. 10.1038/srep31768
- Investigating the causes and consequences of symbiont shuffling in a multi-partner reef coral symbiosis under environmental change R. Cunning et al. 10.1098/rspb.2014.1725
- Nitrogen source type modulates heat stress response in coral symbiont ( Cladocopium goreaui ) Y. Huang et al. 10.1128/aem.00591-24
- Shifts in sponge-microbe mutualisms across an experimental irradiance gradient C. Freeman et al. 10.3354/meps11249
- What we really know about the composition and function of microalgae cell coverings? - an overview C. Gonçalves & C. Figueredo 10.1590/0102-33062020abb0309
- A dynamic bioenergetic model for coral- Symbiodinium symbioses and coral bleaching as an alternate stable state R. Cunning et al. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2017.08.003
- Coral microbiome dynamics, functions and design in a changing world M. van Oppen & L. Blackall 10.1038/s41579-019-0223-4
- Comparative growth rates of cultured marine dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium and the effects of temperature and light A. Klueter et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0187707
- Comparative transcriptomics of two coral holobionts collected during the 2017 El Niño heat wave reveal differential stress response mechanisms J. Ip et al. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114017
- Contribution of individual rivers to Great Barrier Reef nitrogen exposure with implications for management prioritization N. Wolff et al. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.04.069
- Spatial variations in the trophic status of Favia palauensis corals in the South China Sea: Insights into their different adaptabilities under contrasting environmental conditions S. Xu et al. 10.1007/s11430-020-9774-0
- Fluorescence signatures of persistent photosystem damage in the staghorn coral Acropora cf. pulchra (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) during bleaching and recovery J. Berg et al. 10.1080/17451000.2021.1875245
- Triggers, cascades, and endpoints: connecting the dots of coral bleaching mechanisms J. Helgoe et al. 10.1111/brv.13042
- The relationship between heterotrophic feeding and inorganic nutrient availability in the scleractinian coralT. reniformisunder a short-term temperature increase L. Ezzat et al. 10.1002/lno.10200
- Vulnerability of the Great Barrier Reef to climate change and local pressures N. Wolff et al. 10.1111/gcb.14043
- Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat D. Becker et al. 10.1007/s00338-021-02138-2
- Sugar enrichment provides evidence for a role of nitrogen fixation in coral bleaching C. Pogoreutz et al. 10.1111/gcb.13695
- Involvement of the ammonium assimilation mediated by glutamate dehydrogenase in response to heat stress in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis J. Tang et al. 10.1007/s00343-021-1266-8
- Short Term Exposure to Heat and Sediment Triggers Changes in Coral Gene Expression and Photo-Physiological Performance R. Poquita-Du et al. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00121
- Differential localization of ion transporters suggests distinct cellular mechanisms for calcification and photosynthesis between two coral species K. Barott et al. 10.1152/ajpregu.00052.2015
- Recovery patterns of the coral microbiome after relief of algal contact F. van Duyl et al. 10.1016/j.seares.2022.102309
- Genomes of coral dinoflagellate symbionts highlight evolutionary adaptations conducive to a symbiotic lifestyle M. Aranda et al. 10.1038/srep39734
- Can Palythoa cf. variabilis biochemical patterns be used to predict coral reef conservation state in Todos Os Santos Bay? P. Campos et al. 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109504
- Combined responses of primary coral polyps and their algal endosymbionts to decreasing seawater pH F. Scucchia et al. 10.1098/rspb.2021.0328
- Nutrient Availability and Metabolism Affect the Stability of Coral–Symbiodiniaceae Symbioses L. Morris et al. 10.1016/j.tim.2019.03.004
- Functional significance of dinitrogen fixation in sustaining coral productivity under oligotrophic conditions U. Cardini et al. 10.1098/rspb.2015.2257
- Cell Biology of Coral Symbiosis: Foundational Study Can Inform Solutions to the Coral Reef Crisis V. Weis 10.1093/icb/icz067
- Increased Ammonium Assimilation Activity in the Scleractinian Coral Pocillopora damicornis but Not Its Symbiont After Acute Heat Stress J. Tang et al. 10.3389/fmars.2020.565068
- Impacts of nitrogen pollution on corals in the context of global climate change and potential strategies to conserve coral reefs H. Zhao et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145017
- Meta-organism gene expression reveals that the impact of nitrate enrichment on coral larvae is mediated by their associated Symbiodiniaceae and prokaryotic assemblages H. Tong et al. 10.1186/s40168-023-01495-0
- Low-level nutrient enrichment during thermal stress delays bleaching and ameliorates calcification in three Hawaiian reef coral species J. Han et al. 10.7717/peerj.13707
- Symbiont dynamics during thermal acclimation using cnidarian-dinoflagellate model holobionts L. Núñez-Pons et al. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.08.005
- Why Do Bio-Carbonates Exist? L. Pomar et al. 10.3390/jmse10111648
- Implications of bleaching on cnidarian venom ecology K. Kaposi et al. 10.1016/j.toxcx.2022.100094
- Phosphate enrichment increases the resilience of the pulsating soft coral Xenia umbellata to warming A. Klinke et al. 10.3389/fmars.2022.1026321
- Symbiodiniaceae conduct under natural bleaching stress during advanced gametogenesis stages of a mesophotic coral G. Eyal et al. 10.1007/s00338-021-02082-1
- Excess seawater nutrients, enlarged algal symbiont densities and bleaching sensitive reef locations: 1. Identifying thresholds of concern for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia S. Wooldridge 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.04.054
- Bacteria undergo significant shifts while archaea maintain stability in Pocillopora damicornis under sustained heat stress H. Ju et al. 10.1016/j.envres.2024.118469
- Microhabitat acclimatization alters sea anemone–algal symbiosis and thermal tolerance across the intertidal zone M. Ruggeri et al. 10.1002/ecy.4388
- Symbiodiniaceae Density Pattern in Relation To Colony Morphology of Scleractinian Corals in Pulau Tioman and Pulau Bidong, Malaysia M. Samshuri et al. 10.55230/mabjournal.v52i2.2510
- Nitrogen cycling in corals: the key to understanding holobiont functioning? N. Rädecker et al. 10.1016/j.tim.2015.03.008
- Comparing the Role of ROS and RNS in the Thermal Stress Response of Two Cnidarian Models, Exaiptasia diaphana and Galaxea fascicularis T. Doering et al. 10.3390/antiox12051057
- Exploring microbiome engineering as a strategy for improved thermal tolerance inExaiptasia diaphana A. Dungan et al. 10.1111/jam.15465
- Comparing hard coral cover between Panggang and Kelapa Island Administrative Village, Seribu Islands National Park, Indonesia K. Fahlevy et al. 10.1088/1755-1315/241/1/012036
- The coral microbiome: towards an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of coral–microbiota interactions A. Mohamed et al. 10.1093/femsre/fuad005
- Among-genotype responses of the coral Pocillopora acuta to emersion: implications for the ecological engineering of artificial coastal defences H. Pang et al. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105312
- Genetic and physiological traits conferring tolerance to ocean acidification in mesophotic corals F. Scucchia et al. 10.1111/gcb.15812
- Metal accumulation induces oxidative stress and alters carbonic anhydrase activity in corals and symbionts from the largest reef complex in the South Atlantic ocean J. Dal Pizzol et al. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133216
- Why Do Corals Bleach? Conflict and Conflict Mediation in a Host/Symbiont Community N. Blackstone & J. Golladay 10.1002/bies.201800021
- Biotic interactions as drivers of algal origin and evolution J. Brodie et al. 10.1111/nph.14760
- Differential thermal bleaching susceptibilities amongst coral taxa: re-posing the role of the host S. Wooldridge 10.1007/s00338-013-1111-4
- Symbiont genus determines the trophic strategy of corals: Implications for intraspecific competition for energy sources in coral reefs Q. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111477
- Community structure of coral microbiomes is dependent on host morphology K. Morrow et al. 10.1186/s40168-022-01308-w
- Heat challenge elicits stronger physiological and gene expression responses than starvation in symbiotic Oculina arbuscula H. Rivera et al. 10.1093/jhered/esac068
- Thermal and menthol stress induce different cellular events during sea anemone bleaching V. Dani et al. 10.1007/s13199-016-0406-y
- Zooxanthellae Diversity and Coral-Symbiont Associations in the Philippine Archipelago: Specificity and Adaptability Across Thermal Gradients A. Torres et al. 10.3389/fmars.2021.731023
- Corals as canaries in the coalmine: Towards the incorporation of marine ecosystems into the ‘One Health’ concept M. Sweet et al. 10.1016/j.jip.2021.107538
- Symbiotic dinoflagellates divert energy away from mutualism during coral bleaching recovery L. Allen-Waller & K. Barott 10.1007/s13199-023-00901-3
- Genomic exploration of coral-associated bacteria: identifying probiotic candidates to increase coral bleaching resilience in Galaxea fascicularis T. Doering et al. 10.1186/s40168-023-01622-x
- How do algae endosymbionts mediate for their coral host fitness under heat stress? A comprehensive mechanistic overview M. Al-Hammady et al. 10.1016/j.algal.2022.102850
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