Articles | Volume 11, issue 19
© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.Transport of branched tetraether lipids from the Tagus River basin to the coastal ocean of the Portuguese margin: consequences for the interpretation of the MBT'/CBT paleothermometer
- Final revised paper (published on 14 Oct 2014)
- Preprint (discussion started on 07 Mar 2014)
Interactive discussion
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment

RC C1412: 'Review of: Transport of branched tetraether lipids from the Tagus River basin to the coastal ocean of the Portuguese margin: consequences for the interpretation of the MBT’/CBT paleothermometer by Zell et al.', Anonymous Referee #1, 05 May 2014
AC C1844: 'Reply to referee #1', Claudia Zell, 25 May 2014
AC C1844: 'Reply to referee #1', Claudia Zell, 25 May 2014
RC C1452: 'Review of Zell et al.: Transport of branched tetraether lipids from the Tagus River basin to the coastal ocean of the Portuguese margin: consequences for the interpretation of the MBT’/CBT thermometer', Anonymous Referee #2, 06 May 2014
AC C1851: 'Reply to referee #2', Claudia Zell, 25 May 2014
AC C1851: 'Reply to referee #2', Claudia Zell, 25 May 2014