Articles | Volume 11, issue 22
Research article
21 Nov 2014
Research article |  | 21 Nov 2014

Retrieval of the photochemical reflectance index for assessing xanthophyll cycle activity: a comparison of near-surface optical sensors

A. Harris, J. A. Gamon, G. Z. Pastorello, and C. Y. S. Wong


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Latest update: 04 Mar 2025
Short summary
Lower-cost optical sensors, which can be left outdoors, are often used to provide information regarding plant photosynthetic activity. A lower-cost sensor was compared with an expensive instrument to see if the data collected were comparable. Both instruments were able to track changes in photosynthetic activity, but the values recorded by each were different. This can cause difficulties when comparing data across space and time. We provide advice on how best to use these sensors in the field.
Final-revised paper