Articles | Volume 11, issue 22
Research article
21 Nov 2014
Research article |  | 21 Nov 2014

Temporal changes in surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide and carbonate saturation state in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean during the 1962–2012 period

L. Xue, W. Yu, H. Wang, L.-Q. Jiang, L. Feng, L. Gao, K. Li, Z. Li, Q. Wei, and C. Ning


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Short summary
A mean rate of increase in sea surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide and decrease in carbonate saturation state in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, a CO2 source to the atmosphere, during the 1962–2012 period was determined. These changes were most likely associated with the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, and the transport of accumulated anthropogenic CO2 from a CO2 sink region via basin-scale ocean circulations.
Final-revised paper