Articles | Volume 12, issue 6
Research article
23 Mar 2015
Research article |  | 23 Mar 2015

Carbon dioxide transport across the hillslope–riparian–stream continuum in a boreal headwater catchment

F. I. Leith, K. J. Dinsmore, M. B. Wallin, M. F. Billett, K. V. Heal, H. Laudon, M. G. Öquist, and K. Bishop

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Cited articles

Aufdenkampe, A. K., Mayorga, E., Raymond, P. A., Melack, J. M., Doney, S. C., Alin, S. R., Aalto, R. E., and Yoo, K.: Riverine coupling of biogeochemical cycles between land, oceans, and atmosphere, Front. Ecol. Environ., 9, 53–60,, 2011.
Billett, M., Garnett, M., Dinsmore, K., Dyson, K., Harvey, F., Thomson, A., Piirainen, S., and Kortelainen, P.: Age and source of different forms of carbon released from boreal peatland streams during spring snowmelt in E. Finland, Biogeochemistry, 111, 273–286,, 2012.
Billett, M. F., Palmer, S. M., Hope, D., Deacon, C., Storeton-West, R., Hargreaves, K. J., Flechard, C., and Fowler, D.: Linking land-atmosphere-stream carbon fluxes in a lowland peatland system, Global Biogeochem. Cy., 18, GB1024,, 2004.
Bishop, K., Seibert, J., Köhler, S., and Laudon, H.: Resolving the Double Paradox of rapidly mobilized old water with highly variable responses in runoff chemistry, Hydrol. Process., 18, 185–189,, 2004.
Short summary
Carbon dioxide transport between the terrestrial and aquatic systems was dominated by export from the near-stream riparian zone. Over the year, riparian export was highest during autumn storms and the spring snowmelt event. This resulted in high downstream export during these periods with vertical evasion from the stream surface accounting for 60% of the total stream water export, highlighting the importance of evasion to carbon export via the aquatic conduit.
Final-revised paper