Articles | Volume 12, issue 11
Research article
05 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 05 Jun 2015

Use of near-infrared spectroscopy to assess phosphorus fractions of different plant availability in forest soils

J. Niederberger, B. Todt, A. Boča, R. Nitschke, M. Kohler, P. Kühn, and J. Bauhus


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Latest update: 19 Sep 2024
Short summary
The analysis of soil phosphorus (P) in fractions of different plant availability is a common approach to characterize the P status of forest soils. However, quantification of organic and inorganic P fractions is very labour intensive and therefore rarely applied for large sample numbers. Prediction of P fractions with NIRS can be a promising approach to replace conventional analysis, if models are developed for sets of soil samples with similar physical and chemical properties.
Final-revised paper