Articles | Volume 12, issue 18
Research article
17 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 17 Sep 2015

Latitudinal and temporal distributions of diatom populations in the pelagic waters of the Subantarctic and Polar Frontal zones of the Southern Ocean and their role in the biological pump

A. S. Rigual-Hernández, T. W. Trull, S. G. Bray, A. Cortina, and L. K. Armand


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Short summary
Diatom and major components of the flux collected by two sediment traps in subantarctic and polar frontal zones were studied. Despite significant differences in the composition and magnitude of the flux, POC flux was similar between sites. The development of a group of bloom-forming diatoms during summer led to the formation of aggregates and enhanced POC export. Our results suggest that high biogenic silica accumulation rates should be interpreted as a proxy for iron-limited diatom assemblages.
Final-revised paper