Articles | Volume 12, issue 19
Research article
15 Oct 2015
Research article |  | 15 Oct 2015

Links between surface productivity and deep ocean particle flux at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain sustained observatory

H. Frigstad, S. A. Henson, S. E. Hartman, A. M. Omar, E. Jeansson, H. Cole, C. Pebody, and R. S. Lampitt


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Short summary
This study uses observations from both a mooring at the surface and a sediment trap at around 3000m in the Northeast Atlantic. Observations of nitrogen and carbon are used to calculate the seasonal net community production (NCP) and new production, and we find that there is a larger uptake of carbon than would traditionally be expected. Only a small fraction of the surface production reaches the sediment trap, and using a particle-tracking approach we find that the source regions vary widely.
Final-revised paper