Articles | Volume 12, issue 21
Research article
06 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 06 Nov 2015

Characterization of active and total fungal communities in the atmosphere over the Amazon rainforest

A. M. Womack, P. E. Artaxo, F. Y. Ishida, R. C. Mueller, S. R. Saleska, K. T. Wiedemann, B. J. M. Bohannan, and J. L. Green


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Short summary
Fungi in the atmosphere can affect precipitation by nucleating the formation of clouds and ice. This process is important over the Amazon rainforest where precipitation is limited by the types and amount of airborne particles. We found that the total and metabolically active fungi communities were dominated by different taxonomic groups, and the active community unexpectedly contained many lichen fungi, which are effective at nucleating ice.
Final-revised paper