Articles | Volume 12, issue 21
Research article
13 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 13 Nov 2015

Optimizing the impact of temperature on bio-hydrogen production from food waste and its derivatives under no pH control using statistical modelling

C. Arslan, A. Sattar, C. Ji, S. Sattar, K. Yousaf, and S. Hashim


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Latest update: 10 Mar 2025
Short summary
The study focuses on co-digestion of food waste and its derivatives i.e. noodle waste and rice waste with sludge in order to produce bio-hydrogen. The pH was set at 7 initially and was not controlled throughout the incubation in order to make the process simple. Noodle waste produced maxim bio-hydrogen production as compared to food waste and rice waste. The increase in temperature increased the bio-hydrogen production for food waste but caused negative impact on noodle and rice wastes.
Final-revised paper