Articles | Volume 12, issue 23
Research article
14 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 14 Dec 2015

Modern to millennium-old greenhouse gases emitted from ponds and lakes of the Eastern Canadian Arctic (Bylot Island, Nunavut)

F. Bouchard, I. Laurion, V. Prėskienis, D. Fortier, X. Xu, and M. J. Whiticar


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Short summary
We report on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in permafrost aquatic systems of the Eastern Canadian Arctic. We found strikingly different ages, sources and emission rates depending on aquatic system types. Small and shallow ponds generally emitted young (modern to a few centuries old) GHG, whereas larger and deeper lakes released much older GHG, in particular millennium-old CH4 from lake central areas. To our knowledge, this work is the first to report on GHG age from Canadian Arctic lakes.
Final-revised paper