Articles | Volume 13, issue 7
Research article
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08 Apr 2016
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 08 Apr 2016

A multiproxy approach to understanding the "enhanced" flux of organic matter through the oxygen-deficient waters of the Arabian Sea

Richard G. Keil, Jacquelyn A. Neibauer, Christina Biladeau, Kelsey van der Elst, and Allan H. Devol


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Short summary
Drifting sediment traps were deployed in the oxygen-deficient waters of the Arabian Sea, where the sinking flux is less attenuated than in more oxic waters. Six mechanisms that might explain this "enhanced flux" were evaluated using literature and data. In the upper 500 m, evidence was found supporting an oxygen effect and/or changes in the efficiency of the microbial loop, including the addition of chemoautotrophic carbon to the sinking flux.
Final-revised paper