Articles | Volume 13, issue 8
Research article
28 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 28 Apr 2016

What is the P value of Siberian soils? Soil phosphorus status in south-western Siberia and comparison with a global data set

Félix Brédoire, Mark R. Bakker, Laurent Augusto, Pavel A. Barsukov, Delphine Derrien, Polina Nikitich, Olga Rusalimova, Bernd Zeller, and David L. Achat


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Short summary
We assessed soil phosphorus (P) status in aspen forests and grasslands in SW Siberia. Results show rather limited variation across sites. Relative to a global database, total, organic and inorganic P levels in SW Siberia were relatively high. Plant-available P levels had intermediate levels in topsoils, but large amounts of plant-available P are stored in subsurface layers down to 1 m. Overall, P resources do not seem to constrain current and future vegetation production.
Final-revised paper