Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Research article
22 Jun 2016
Research article |  | 22 Jun 2016

Blooms of cyanobacteria in a temperate Australian lagoon system post and prior to European settlement

Perran L. M. Cook, Miles Jennings, Daryl P. Holland, John Beardall, Christy Briles, Atun Zawadzki, Phuong Doan, Keely Mills, and Peter Gell

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Cited articles

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The Gippsland Lakes, Australia, have suffered from periodic blooms of cyanobacteria (blue green algae) since the mid 1980s. Prior to this, little is known about the history of cyanobacterial blooms in this system. We investigated the history of cyanobacterial blooms using a sediment core taken from the Gippsland Lakes which had each layer dated using lead isotopes. The results showed that surprising blooms of cyanobacteria were also prevalent prior to European settlement
Final-revised paper