Articles | Volume 13, issue 15
Research article
11 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 11 Aug 2016

Fate of rice shoot and root residues, rhizodeposits, and microbe-assimilated carbon in paddy soil – Part 1: Decomposition and priming effect

Zhenke Zhu, Guanjun Zeng, Tida Ge, Yajun Hu, Chengli Tong, Olga Shibistova, Xinhua He, Juan Wang, Georg Guggenberger, and Jinshui Wu


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Short summary
The main contribution of our study is our finding that rhizodeposits and microbe-assimilated carbon contribute significantly to the sequestration of carbon substrates in rice paddy soils. This contribution is theoretically and practically relevant because few studies have investigated the effects of different carbon substrates on the mineralization of native soil organic carbon and our findings have immediate applications for improving the fertility of paddy soils and mitigating global warming.
Final-revised paper