Articles | Volume 13, issue 18
Research article
28 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 28 Sep 2016

Shift in the chemical composition of dissolved organic matter in the Congo River network

Thibault Lambert, Steven Bouillon, François Darchambeau, Philippe Massicotte, and Alberto V. Borges

Data sets

New global hydrography derived from space borne elevation data B. Lehner, K. Verdin, and A. Jarvis

Development and validation of a global database of lakes, reservoirs and wetlands B. Lehner and P. Döll

Short summary
This paper aims to investigate the spatial variability in dissolved organic matter (DOM) in terms of both concentration and composition in the Congo River network. Stable carbon isotopes and absorption and fluorescent properties of DOM were used as proxies for DOM composition. This study shows that DOM degradation within the Congo Basin results in the transition from aromatic to aliphatic DOM as well as the role of landscape and water residence time on this transition.
Final-revised paper