Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Research article
07 Apr 2017
Research article |  | 07 Apr 2017

The effects of different environmental factors on the biochemical composition of particulate organic matter in Gwangyang Bay, South Korea

Jang Han Lee, Dabin Lee, Jae Joong Kang, Hui Tae Joo, Jae Hyung Lee, Ho Won Lee, So Hyun Ahn, Chang Keun Kang, and Sang Heon Lee


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Latest update: 23 Nov 2024
Short summary
Based on the seasonal biochemical compositions in this study, the calorific contents of the food material were 1.0–6.1 Kcal m−3. We found that a major governing factor in the biochemical composition of POM was dissolved inorganic nitrogen loading from river input. The relatively larger amount of food material and the higher calorific content of the POM found in this study reflected good nutritive conditions for sustaining productive shellfish and fish populations in Gwangyang Bay, South Korea.
Final-revised paper