Articles | Volume 14, issue 8
Research article
02 May 2017
Research article |  | 02 May 2017

Nitrogen oxides and ozone fluxes from an oilseed-rape management cycle: the influence of cattle slurry application

Raffaella M. Vuolo, Benjamin Loubet, Nicolas Mascher, Jean-Christophe Gueudet, Brigitte Durand, Patricia Laville, Olivier Zurfluh, Raluca Ciuraru, Patrick Stella, and Ivonne Trebs


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Short summary
Atmospheric nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) are a threat for the environment and human health. Agricultural soils are a large but uncertain source, partly due to a lack of direct fluxes measurements. We quantified NO, NO2 and ozone (O3) fluxes above an oilseed rape crop rotation. We found that 0.27 % of nitrogen applied was emitted as NO, whose emissions were favoured by fertilisation under dry and warm conditions. We found significant interactions between NO, NO2 and O3 even above bare soil.
Final-revised paper