Articles | Volume 14, issue 18
Research article
21 Sep 2017
Research article |  | 21 Sep 2017

Soil water content drives spatiotemporal patterns of CO2 and N2O emissions from a Mediterranean riparian forest soil

Sílvia Poblador, Anna Lupon, Santiago Sabaté, and Francesc Sabater


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Short summary
This study quantified, for the first time, simultaneous rates of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from a Mediterranean riparian forest. Our results showed a strong linkage between riparian hydrology, soil microbial processes, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. High CO2 effluxes occurred all year long, while N2O emissions were generally low and confined to saturated soils. Overall, this study shows that riparian soils can be hotspots of GHG emissions within Mediterranean catchment.
Final-revised paper