Articles | Volume 14, issue 20
Research article
20 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 20 Oct 2017

The acceleration of dissolved cobalt's ecological stoichiometry due to biological uptake, remineralization, and scavenging in the Atlantic Ocean

Mak A. Saito, Abigail E. Noble, Nicholas Hawco, Benjamin S. Twining, Daniel C. Ohnemus, Seth G. John, Phoebe Lam, Tim M. Conway, Rod Johnson, Dawn Moran, and Matthew McIlvin


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 10 Dec 2024

The requested paper has a corresponding corrigendum published. Please read the corrigendum first before downloading the article.

Short summary
Cobalt has the smallest oceanic inventory of all known inorganic micronutrients, and hence is particularly vulnerable to influence by internal oceanic processes. The stoichiometry of cobalt was studied in the North Atlantic, and interpreted with regard to the context of Redfield theory with a focus on biological uptake, scavenging, and the coupling between dissolved and particulate phases. The stoichiometry of cobalt accelerated towards the surface due to increased biological activity and use.
Final-revised paper